Bajaden I respect your opinion. With that said, that second paragraph tells a lot about your mindset. I don't care if this team is playing on a back to back, 3 games in four nights, whatever the schedule may be, you stated that you didn't expect a win and that way of thinking is what losers do. Losers don't expect win. Losers find excuses, even if statistically the Kings were up against the odds, winners find a way to get it done, winners expect to be victorious. If you're going into a game with the belief that a win would be surprising, you've already lost.
I understand, you're a fan just like all of us and you try to remain optimistic, but you've really got to reconsider your logic. Maybe our brains work different. I want a winning team, no excuses.
I literally despise the use of the word excuse. There are facts, and there's fiction. What I related were facts. If I'm late for a meeting because I was in an accident, is that an excuse, or a fact. If Cousins played with a broken leg, would that be a fact, or would that be an excuse? When I played ball, I expected to win every game, and I tried to win every game. But at the end of the season, when we didn't win every game, I wasn't shocked. Because to think we should have wouldn't have been realistic. Is that having a loser mentality? I look at the fact and then I try and make a realistic judgement. That's what I did before this last game. Don't get me wrong, I still rooted for them to win, and hoped that they would. But whether you want to believe it or not, sometimes the mind is willing, but the body isn't.
Doesn't mean the players aren't giving effort, its just that your a half step slow. The lift is gone on your jumper. So I wasn't shocked by the result, and I certainly wasn't going to make a ridiculous statement about a coach not mattering. Your entire post was a Debbie Downer, and you tell me that I'm the one with the losing mentality. At least I have great expectations, and believe those expectations will be met. I don't have knee jerk reactions like yours after a bad game, just like I didn't have a knee jerk reaction after the Knicks game. As a matter of fact after the Knicks game, I posted that it was just one game against a bad team, and basically we did what we were supposed to do against a bad team.
Now, that said, if you were to ask anyone that knows me, they would tell you that I'm one of the most positive and optimistic people they know. I never quit on anything I start. The word commitment means a great deal to me. Back in my day on the field, anyone that called me loser, or implied I had a losing mentality, would need a dentist the next day. There's no greater insult you could have thrown at me, than to imply that I had a loser mentality. Not knowing me, you had no way to know that. So let me be clear. I hate and despise losing. I find it painful. Just because I'm not surprised by a loss, doesn't mean I endorse it, it just means that on some occasions, I understand it. In your post, you sounded as though all was lost, and that no matter what we did, the result would always be the same. That sir, is a losing mentality. My creed is a quote by Vince Lombardi who said, "Show me a good loser, and I'll show you a loser".