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Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Just finished "Deep Storm" by Lincoln Child.

I have become a fan of Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child as collaborators (Relic, Cabinet of Curiousities, Still Life with Crows, etc) and individually.


Pretty good book, looks like it could make a good movie as well. I do find that the more I read, some plot elements become predictable, but even so these guys (collaborating or individually) keep the pages turning.

If you decide to read their books, start with Relic. Not only is it a darn good book, but a lot of the characters in there carry along into later novels (see the following):



Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
My previous book read was:

Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How It Changed America

by John Barry. It's a fascinating book delving into an event (or more accurately a series of events) that shaped America in more ways than anyone can imagine.

A very practical book inspired by the simple yet powerful words of Dalai Lama. Looking forward to seeing him live early next month as he tours around the country. :)
Sadly I have little time for books right now, but I have started Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs.

It is not an easy read :)
currently re-reading:

book 5 in the wheel of time series. after finishing book 11 of an 800 page/book series, you tend to forget what happened...:p