What about Rick Barry as coach.

Let me preface this by saying at this point I have no idea who the Kings should bring in as coach. They are the only team looking right now, and after the playoffs there may only be one or two other teams searching for a coach.

(The funny thing is Rick Adelman is the best available as far as I can see)

Anyway, there have been a lot of names thrown around, one that I have not seen yet is Rick Barry. Now I know he feels like he has been black balled by the NBA and has never had the chance to be a head coach.

I am not for or against him as a coach, I more want to see what others think.
A Rick Barry anecdote:

Jayson Williams, former Nets power forward now better known for his casual attitude towards firearm safety, was incensed by Rick Barry's insult of his game during a television broadcast. Williams was playing against (I think) Jon Barry some time later. Williams was playing well and was jawing to Jon about how much of a jerk his father was. Eventually Jon just looked at Jayson and said, "Hey, I hate him, too."

Such an anecdote makes me dubious about Barry's potential as a coach, especially with this team.
I can hear it now, a conversation with Rick and Ron Ron...probably going something like:

'Ron...what the HELL were you thinking on that last shot??'

'Well Rick, I dunno....so hows the family??'

I love Rick Barry ..... I can remember when I was a kid playing b-ball at the school playgrounds ..... that's who I was ... this was even before the Warriors won the championship in '75.

Listen to Rick and Rod every weekday coming home from work, too !!!

Anyhow, back to the TOPIC OF THIS THREAD:

As much as I am an RB fan, and I'd love to see him get a chance at coaching in the NBA ... I'm not up for an EXPERIMENTAL SEASON.

Yes, people can change and yes, to forgive is divine.

But, this is basketball we're talkin' about, ya know - basketball

Personally, I love Rick for his passion of the game. He truly loves the game of basketball.

One thing I'd probably go for - Assistant Coach


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I agree he deserves a chance to coach somewhere.

Please don't let it be in Sacramento (or Boston or any Pac-10 school, thanks).
CruzDude said:
No way. Has never coached and has no relationship with modern players. Best he stay on radio.
This is would tend to disagree with ... ;)

He does have a relationship with today's NBA PLayer .... at one time he had 3 sons playing in the NBA.

Granted, it's not a coaching relationship - it's a father/son(s).
who was his 3rd son? i know brent and jon.....also, i heard he did horrible in the cba as a coach.....thats one of the main reasons he hasnt been hired in the nba
GoSACtown said:
who was his 3rd son? i know brent and jon.....also, i heard he did horrible in the cba as a coach.....thats one of the main reasons he hasnt been hired in the nba
I think there's a Drew Barry and a Scooter Barry. One of them (probably Drew) had a cup of coffee with a team or two. I think Scooter played overseas.
KevinMartin'sShotDoctor said:
I think there's a Drew Barry and a Scooter Barry. One of them (probably Drew) had a cup of coffee with a team or two. I think Scooter played overseas.
Scooter played on the 1988 Kansas Jayhawks team with Danny Manning that won the national title, he was a damn good player, but ended up having alot of knee problems, but he still played overseas for awhile and made decent money.
I like Rick Barry as a radio guy... not sure about him as a head coach. He doesn't seem to generate much intrest from around the league though, as a coach, does he?
CruzDude said:
No way. Has never coached and has no relationship with modern players. Best he stay on radio.
Rick actually has a LITTLE bit of a coaching history...his last job as a coach was in the CBA back in 1993-94 with the Fort Wayne Fury, they finished with a 19-37 record...and I'm sure its something he really doesnt want to hang his hat on for very long, not that it gets brought up that much in conversation, I'm sure.
KevinMartin'sShotDoctor said:
I think there's a Drew Barry and a Scooter Barry. One of them (probably Drew) had a cup of coffee with a team or two. I think Scooter played overseas.

Scooter played and coached (for a few years)for Geissen1846 in Geissen, Germany for 15 years. I believe he lives there still.


Why would anybody want to give the job to Rick Barry? I don't understand why his name is even being brought up, has he shown the slightest inkling of interest of even wanting to be an NBA coach?