what about Glen Davis

The "Big Baby" just announced that he will join the NBA next year. He definitely has the size 6'9", 290 but I am afraid that he will become Oliver Miller II.
Nimble feet for his size, but ZERO jumping ability. Bad defender. Only gets rebounds because he is fat, which won't work at the next level. He is going to get his shot blocked ALOT in the NBA. Needs to lose at least 50 pounds to be at ideal playing weight.
The "Big Baby" just announced that he will join the NBA next year. He definitely has the size 6'9", 290 but I am afraid that he will become Oliver Miller II.
Oliver Miller II would be the best case scenario. I'm thinking a chubbier version of Kenny Thomas with less rebounding ability.
Hell No!!!!

This guy is the definition of a CHUMP! Last year after they won an away game I remember seeing him scream that the crowd saying something like... "Im a Soldier, I'm a Soldier, Salute Me! Salute Me, M-F'ers"... I couldn't believe it. Not the thing to say when REAL soldiers are out their dying in Iraq. No thanks on this idiot.
Glen Davis is for an NBA team as intresting as to ablate a kidney :gg:

edit: i don´t know if this makes any sense for you... same phrase in german would be very funny....
The "Big Baby" just announced that he will join the NBA next year. He definitely has the size 6'9", 290 but I am afraid that he will become Oliver Miller II.
Shame on you for even starting a thread about this bum........lol.......

You just can't still be playing the game and look worse than Chuck Barkley does post retirement.......
Maybe worth getting a 2nd rounder to get?
No. Second rounders should be spent on hustle players or guys with potential who entered the draft too early. Davis is neither. For example, McRoberts should be a second round pick, because he entered the draft at least a year too early, although the counter-argument could be made that he is a year too late. Either way, McRoberts is not getting good advice from whomever he is asking. I can't imagine he seriously consulted Coach K on this.
No. Second rounders should be spent on hustle players or guys with potential who entered the draft too early. Davis is neither. For example, McRoberts should be a second round pick, because he entered the draft at least a year too early, although the counter-argument could be made that he is a year too late. Either way, McRoberts is not getting good advice from whomever he is asking. I can't imagine he seriously consulted Coach K on this.
you're delusional if you honestly believe mcroberts will get anywhere close to the second round. regardless of how disappointing he's been in college, he's still got lottery talent and size and he'll be picked by the 20th.
you're delusional if you honestly believe mcroberts will get anywhere close to the second round. regardless of how disappointing he's been in college, he's still got lottery talent and size and he'll be picked by the 20th.
On the other hand, I see that Glen Davis has dropped to pick #50 on nbadraft.net. At the rate he's been dropping the last few months, he may not get drafted at all. I don't think I'd want him as a second rounder, there are too many other guys (Dominic James, Stephane Lasme, Sun Yue, etc.) that seem to have as much upside without such a risk of being total flops.

Nick Fazekas seems like he may drop to the second round, too, and I know he has a few admirers here (although I get nervous at the idea of acquiring anyone from Nevada, the Maloofs might think that crowds in Vegas would love having a Fazekas or Amundson on the court, yuck, don't wanna go there).
you're delusional if you honestly believe mcroberts will get anywhere close to the second round. regardless of how disappointing he's been in college, he's still got lottery talent and size and he'll be picked by the 20th.

No, he won't get out of the lottery, because he'll have nice individual workouts and NBA GMs will wet themselves at how nice he looks shooting jumpers in an empty gym.