Voisin: Brown Interested in Kings Job (merged)

Do you want the Kings to give Larry Brown a shot at the coaching position?

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Hall of Famer
Ok back on the subject.

Inlight of AV's article. Will she now interview the maloofs or gp asking them about Brown. Or will they comment on this in any way? I am sure some reporter somewhere will ask them about about it right?


Super Moderator Emeritus
LOL figures. Where is Sams article?
Here's the quote:

team co-owner Gavin Maloof said he did not yet know if Brown would be interviewed.

"We haven't had a chance to speak to (Kings basketball president) Geoff (Petrie) about it," Maloof said Friday evening.
It's titled "Kings reaching for the stars." I forgot to capture the link, but it's within one or two threads of this one so it shouldn't be too hard to find.

I noticed that last night. It's actually worse than "Ask Geoff." It's more like, "Ooh, that's not a bad idea, we should talk to Geoff and see if he would be cool with it."

Well, at least that's what it sounded like in my head. ;)


Super Moderator Emeritus
And I may be grasping at straws.

I think the one thing all Kings fans should know deep in their hearts by now is we have no way to predict ahead of time what Petrie and/or the Maloofs will do in any given situation.

We're just the passengers on this ride. It's best to just climb in, hold on and shut up... and enjoy it while we can.

Sorry, LB has his faults for sure(I've pointed them out many times rather harshly myself in the past) but he is about a million times better than the pathetic jokes of candidates I've been hearing about lately... so yes, pretty please with sugar on top, give Larry Brown a chance, seriously is there anyone out there who is even remotely as qualified at this point?
I think the best way to ensure that Brown does not cripple the franchise would simply be to not give him control of personal moves. It's really that easy. That's why he screwed NY he started making personal moves that were terrible. If he wants to coach the Kings he needs to agree to leave all personal matters to Petrie. He would have to understand that he is being brought in as a coach, not as a GM. As long as he can't make terrible trades there is no way he make this Kings team worse then it is now, not in a million years. We need to re-build and that means getting draft picks so even if our win/loss record is worse then the team is still in a better position since we would have a shot at an actual franchise type player in the draft not yet another role-player.

The money issue is fairly moot too, as long as the Maloofs are ok with paying him what he wants then it really doesn't matter. His contract won't affect the cap. They would know the risks of giving him big time money for more then a year or 2 and if they sign off on it then what's the problem? Do you really think the Kings are going to be lowering ticket prices anytime soon no matter who the coach is? Of course not. Prices will continue to go up no matter who is hired or how the team performs that's just the way it is.

I just really don't see the downside of a Larry Brown hire. Absolute worse case scenario would be him getting paid like 6 million to coach this year and flaming out and leading us to worse record and then either quiting or getting fired halfway through the season. If that happens then so what? We aren't going to be contending any time soon and if people think we aren't going to be back in the lottery again next year no matter who the coach is (baring another Webber-Richmond type trade or 2). All that will happen is we will get a good draft and be in a better re-building position. On the other hand best case scenario is he can coach for 2-3 years teach our young players to play the game the right way, instill some defense into this team and then turn the reigns over to a young assistant right when all our terrible contracts expire and we can then start to build seriously contending.


Hall of Famer
with the recent trades and aquisitions that GP has made maybe LB being in charge of personell isn't a bad idea either...i.e. our frontcourt.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Sorry, LB has his faults for sure(I've pointed them out many times rather harshly myself in the past) but he is about a million times better than the pathetic jokes of candidates I've been hearing about lately... so yes, pretty please with sugar on top, give Larry Brown a chance, seriously is there anyone out there who is even remotely as qualified at this point?
So you really don't see any downsides?

I can't help but think about worst case scenarios. Brown has a track record that should cause any fan to give serious pause before thinking about bringing him to their beloved team.

Larry Brown is the "bright lights/shiny objects" kind of candidate that can lure you in because he is high visibility. If he becomes coach, it won't be about team any more. It'll all be about Larry Brown. The good, the bad and, eventually, the ugly.
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Hall of Famer
So are you guys saying that he did a good job in New York?????????????
Also if you want proof of how he is liked why not ask the fans of those teams he coached. I am sure they will have plenty to say.
I think a Detroit fan with any objectivity would give him mega kudos for bringing an NBA championship to their city. As a UCLA fan, I thought he did an outstanding coaching job when he was there. Larry Brown, Pat Riley, Phil Jackson and the Pope couldn't manage that bunch in NY. And in Philly, he had Iverson to coach. They should have paid Brown $20 mill for coaching that guy. Rather than look at NY and Philly, I'd look at his entire career. When he doesn't have misfits on his team, he's not just good, he's outstanding. If we get him, we'd better not have Artest on this team though. That ain't gonna work. But Artest isn't going to work with anyone for any length of time in my opinion.


Hall of Famer
Apples and sea slugs. "Maintenance" isn't something you can merge like boxes of rotten fruit.

Larry Brown is another heart-break waiting to happen and, if history is any indication, it will cost the Kings a ton of change to get out any contract they sign with him.

Have Brown sign a 2- or 3-year contract? Yeah, fine. But for how many bazillions of dollars? The dude has left financial tragedy behind him.

And I'm sorry but we'll simply have to agree to disagree about the difference in "risk/reward" for Brown and Artest. Although I am somewhat curious to know how you would define "risk/reward" in these instances.
You're worrying over nothing. What's to get your heart broken over? We knowingly hire him for a short term. That's it. We're rebuilding. He's not going to be taking us to an NBA championship and we have no expectation of such. It's not like he's going to be taking us to the brink of an NBA championship and he's going to leave us hanging...If we go young, he may not even take us to the playoffs. I wouldn't even have that expectation. He WILL improve our young players. He WILL have them play defense. He WILL teach them to play the right way. This team WILL play cohesive, team-oriented ball. INTELLIGENT basketball. And you have your future-future coach sitting on the bench learning from one of the best basketball coaches I've ever seen. His substitute is sitting there one chair away - the substitute that you would have hired if Brown wouldn't have been available.

What's the worst that could happen? A DUI? A wife beating? I don't think so. The worst is that Brown just can't handle losing with a bunch of youngins and vents about it. Big freaking deal. The worst is that the Maloofs think he's not the PR guy they want for their team so they unload him after one year. They're on the hook for then for 1 to 2 years. If Brown is that interested he's not going to be asking for a zillion dollars, so don't jump to that assumption. And what do you care - that's coming out of the Maloofs bank account and has no cap implications. That's THE WORST. And I think that is an excellent risk/reward reward ratio.
I think a Detroit fan with any objectivity would give him mega kudos for bringing an NBA championship to their city. As a UCLA fan, I thought he did an outstanding coaching job when he was there. Larry Brown, Pat Riley, Phil Jackson and the Pope couldn't manage that bunch in NY. And in Philly, he had Iverson to coach. They should have paid Brown $20 mill for coaching that guy. Rather than look at NY and Philly, I'd look at his entire career. When he doesn't have misfits on his team, he's not just good, he's outstanding. If we get him, we'd better not have Artest on this team though. That ain't gonna work. But Artest isn't going to work with anyone for any length of time in my opinion.
Nice post.

I just don't agree with your last sentance and the idea that Artest isn't going to work with anyone. If anything, I feel like Ron would work better with someone like Larry, just out of respect. As you stated, Iverson worked well under Brown, and had his best chance at a title too if I remember correctly. Isn't Rasheed Wallace quite a misfit? We all know what happened in Detroit. So maybe your statement should be revised to: When he doesn't have misfits that don't listen to him on his team, he is outstanding.

Do I realize there is potential for disaster? Sure. But someone tell me how the second coming of Eric Musselman is going to be much better.

Look, even if you don't like Larry Brown and you feel like he might repeat his performance in New York, couldn't that be a good thing? If Musselman had gotten us to 22 wins we would have Greg Oden. A lot of the people want to tear the team apart and rebuild but

1. we still have giant contracts holding us back
2. we have to get extremely lucky in the draft to get a franchise player that we will rebuild around THIS YEAR

With that said, our rebuild isn't going to be a 1 year bounce off of rock bottom and headed right back up type of deal.

As much as I thought I'd never say it, maybe we need to draft a PG. There won't be the best pickings of big men by the 10th pick. So maybe it makes more sense for us to nab a PG in this year's draft, continue to develop our youth and stink it up again next season, then grab a big man in next year's draft.

Larry Brown is the type of coach that can take our overpaid, underperforming veterans and rehabilitate their image so that maybe we can actually trade one of them for young talent and get this rebuild going. Once we get rid of our crusty vets, stockpile young talent, and have a franchise stud obtained via draft, then we can get rid of Larry and grab an up-and-coming coach.
I think Brown could be the perfect fit here in Sacramento. We have enough talented vets to where we can win and we have enough youth and potential where he can teach and make a difference. We're 2-3 years away from a full fledge rebuild. I say keep the team together, draft the BPA at #10, let Brown teach and overachieve and win with what we have and then in the 1-2 maybe 3 years look to have Brown's successor (Brooks/Theus/Porter - whoever) take over the reigns and mvoe forward with the franchise.

Having Brown coach and accentuate our player's strengths would allow us more easily move Ron/Mike/Brad/Kenny etc. Also I think Brown would do WONDERS for Justin Williams, Francisco Garcia, Kevin Martin and even Douby and Price.

I think he's the right guy for the job at this point.
what brown's done over his career is less important to me than what he's done recently (i.e. the knicks debacle). he could be a great coach, but i look at NY's roster from the season and i see a lot of similarities with ours: grumpy vets, mismatched pieces, raw youngsters, tweeners, etc.

i'm wary of this guy. how he left detroit and NY left a bitter taste in my mouth, and i'm not even a fan of those franchises.


Hall of Famer
For one thing it will show the players that we care about winning. What kind of message are you sending the players when you hire these no name coaches. lets send them the message saying "hey we went out and got the 4 winningest coach in history. now shut up and play." Then GP makes a couple moves and viola we have a team worth the attention it will be getting again. because right now we are not worth it. With any other candidate we are not worth it.


Super Moderator Emeritus
For one thing it will show the players that we care about winning. What kind of message are you sending the players when you hire these no name coaches. lets send them the message saying "hey we went out and got the 4 winningest coach in history. now shut up and play." Then GP makes a couple moves and viola we have a team worth the attention it will be getting again. because right now we are not worth it. With any other candidate we are not worth it.
Oh please.

No name coaches? Why is it you refuse to acknowledge that EVERY winning coach started somewhere?

If we don't hire Larry Brown we're not worth getting attention? Sorry, but if we get the usual kind of attention most recently associated with Larry Brown, we'd have been better off keeping Musselman. At least he was cheap...

Hiring Brown doesn't show the players one blasted thing. Not one. Ask the players from New York how they felt.

IF Geoff Petrie and the Maloofs all decide that Larry Brown is the best fit for the Kings, then I'll accept it but until that day, I for one am not going to worship at his feet. He's overhyped, overpaid and simply not the messiah.


Super Moderator Emeritus
And that doesn't guarantee a blasted thing. The coach doesn't win a title without a team. Have you looked at our roster lately?


Hall of Famer
I didn't say they can't start somewhere. I just said they were no names. and they are. Ah well. Anyway who do you want Brooks?

Then so be it bring on Brooks. And watch this exact conversation come up next offseason.
I for one am not going to worship at his feet. He's overhyped, overpaid and simply not the messiah.
Come now. I do not think anyone is really worshiping at his feet here. How may posts have implied that people feel it is the best choice "at this point" or he is the best "available". I do not see why you guys are so resistant when he stated he would be willing to mentor and step down. At best, it can be the best thing since loosing RA for the Kings. What is the worst case scenario that you are so afraid of?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Come now. I do not think anyone is really worshiping at his feet here. How may posts have implied that people feel it is the best choice "at this point" or he is the best "available". I do not see why you guys are so resistant when he stated he would be willing to mentor and step down. At best, it can be the best thing since loosing RA for the Kings. What is the worst case scenario that you are so afraid of?

Good lord, did you just take last year off?

Worst case scenario is New York.

Let's be very clear here: New York was a complete debacle. And it was all him. He severely damaged that franchise, and greedily stole the whole damn cookie jar on the way out of town. NOBODY wanted to play for him, and the players were split into two camps, the ones who's confidence he completely obliterated, and the ones who were so self assured and arrogant that they just said "**** you old windbag" and tuned him out. (ooh, I forgot Quentic Richardson who figured out that kissing Larry's butt would only get him shuffled in and out of the rotation 20 times rather than the 40 everybody else had to endure).

This is what he does: he divides, fights, whines, complains to the media. He's an egotistical backstabbing slime. There's your downside. The team hates the coach. The coach is just in it for himself. And in freeing yourself from his slimy claws he rips out large chunks of your flesh. And all this for an old guy who hopped and skipped and abandoned franchise after franchise back when he was still in his prime. Now at 66 you expect him to tough it out?

And yes, he was once a very good coach. Never as good as he was given credit for of course. But a good coach. But he has more baggage than any other wannabe coach on the market except perhaps Carlesimo. He will never work again in any basketball capacity in the last two cities where he's coached (college or YMCA excepted of course). That should tell you something.