Saying Evans looks way too focused on his rookie year ( as compared to the other greats ) is a big compliment coming from a guy who seemed at first not liking Evans because of the player who remains nameless. And I am very happy for you because finally we can see a little bit of contentment on you with regardsa to the drafting of Evans over the player who remains nameless.
Just like the guy who stole his wifey's account to post here before, I still believe that you, one day very soon, will be leading the charge on cheering for Evans. You wouldn't be able to help it, since you are truly a Kings fan.
I wonder when section 101 and swisshh will do the same thing. I find those guys more entertaining than you sometimes.
Oh, before I forget, I think we can safely say now, that we found our very own version of Lebron, Wade, Arenas, or a Kobe Bryant.
Go Evans!