This season....

has been horrible to watch and brought me back to the "good old days" lol between 87-94 when we had our worst years and struggled to get 25 wins every year. Granted this team has alot better players than those teams and should be better than a 30 win team IMO. These years happen though and like it or not we have to accept it as a bad year and move on and hope next year is better and I believe and think it will. I have faith in Petrie that with a good lottery pick we can get a big that can help us with our rebounding problems like a Hibbert from Georgetown. I also hope Muss is not here next year, but I have a feeling the Maloofs will give him one more year or at least half a year to see what he can do with a roster he likes, because I don't think he had much say in this roster and he along with Petrie wil try and get players to fit his system whatever that system may be?
I have a feeling the Maloofs will give him one more year or at least half a year to see what he can do with a roster he likes,

Please God no. Hasn't he shown enough lunacy with his rotations and people management skills as it is???

The other day, Ronnie Price entered the game with one second left on the clock. game was over. One second left. ONE...second.

I think our coach is, to use a phrase from Napier.. a freaking moron. I wouldn't entrust the Sac State Hornets roster to him.
The other day, Ronnie Price entered the game with one second left on the clock. game was over. One second left. ONE...second.
That´s his way to make ronnie MIP next saison...

From know on Ronnie gets only 1 second every game to minimie his pg/stats

next saison he gets starter minutes (cause muss don´t wont more then 30 wins )
ans Tata the know MIP is named Ronnie Price
I think that if we have to sit through another season of Muss B-Ball, the Maloofs should give every Kings fan a year's supply of Pepto Bismol to help with the nausia created by watching THAT product on the floor.
I have faith in Petrie that with a good lottery pick we can get a big that can help us with our rebounding problems like a Hibbert from Georgetown.
Actually, I'm wondering if GP will be here. As much as he's criticized, I'm not sure I want to see who the Maloofs would hire to replace him. :(


Super Moderator Emeritus
I have a feeling the Maloofs will give him one more year or at least half a year to see what he can do with a roster he likes, because I don't think he had much say in this roster and he along with Petrie wil try and get players to fit his system whatever that system may be?
I don't think so... It isn't about seeing what he can do with a roster he likes. A good coach comes in to a bad situation and makes it better.

Musselman's days are numbered. And the number is rapidly approaching single-digit status, IMHO.

My guess is they will release him right after the season ends. Then they will have a decent period of time where they interview more than just a couple of candidates for the position, with the new coach being brought on board in time for the draft.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Bricklayer called it TEAOS - The eagly anticipated (or awaited) off season. I think that has a lot of truth to it...
Bricklayer called it TEAOS - The eagly anticipated (or awaited) off season. I think that has a lot of truth to it...
Works for me. :) Sad to feel relief that the end is in sight, instead of play-off excitement. (And no, I didn't want 7th or 8th seed. Not with this team.... Titanic II)