This loss is on Adelman

Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Bah... we seem to have had a similar problem in the past, and *my* opinion about the circumstance certainly hasn't changed one iota: if we have Player 1, who is a hard worker, and Player 2 who, once upon a time, was also a hard worker, and Player 2 has suddenly become passive because his game does not "mesh" well with Player 1, it ain't Player 1's problem.

If Miller can't play to the best of his ability with the offense running through Artest and Wells, then I've got four words for you: drop his ***** ***.
Not condoning the behavior, Slim, not by a long shot. But would love to see Miller step up and help out because when RA first arrived he was doing things i had not seen him do before. Next thing you know it's all about RA and more recently Bonzi.

Sure i understand your position but that doesn't seem to change things although dropping the ******** would be a strategy i suppose...