I ordered UFC100 and a few friends and my dad watched all the action.
This was the first time I have ever purchased a UFC PPV so I was pretty psyched!
1: I was VERY disappointed that Mark Coleman Vs. Stephan Bonner was on the undercard...I would have MUCH rather had that then the Belcher or Fitch fights.
The Belcher/"Sexyama" fight was not what I hoped. The way "Sexyama" was being hyped, I hoped for either an upset or a quick KO...Instead we got the upsetter get robbed. How did a judge score this one 30-27?? I was SURE Belcher won 2 rounds.
Hendo CRUSHED Bisping! Awesome! I can't stand Bisping and seeing him out COLD for some 2 minutes was great! Cheap shot after the clear KO notwithstanding, Hendo looked great!
Hendo/Silva next?
GSP dominated Thiago Alves: This was part one of my arguing with friends. All my buds thought Alves was just to big and to strong for GSP and would end his reighn. NOPE! Seeing GSP doinate, taking down at will, and staying composed through a pulled groin for 2 rounds was freaing awesome.
And a side note, I really hated how Alves balooned up to 190lbs on fight day. If youre fighting in the 175lb weight class, stay near your weight. And it was all the more gratifying seeing the bigger 'stronger' guy get OWNED.
Lesnar/Mir: More in house bickering. Everyone was SURE Mir was going to tap Lesnar again. I claimed that Mir's first win was a fluke, and Lesnar foolishly stumbled into the knee bar after an unneeded standup and rest period for Mir.
Well, I was gloating at the end of the night as Lesnar did the SAME thing as the last fight, and *GASP* finished the fight because the ref didn't see phantom intentional punches to the back of the head.
Eat that Mir, and SHUT THAT MOUTH!
And of course Lesnar was booed out of the building as the WWE guy defeated the UFC guy.
And Lesnar cut a Heel WWE promo making an *** out of himself as I laugh in my friends faces!
I can't wait for the next BIG card! No way Im spending 50$ a month, but it's WELL worth the big cards..
Awesome night!