Suns @ Kings Game Thread

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Hall of Famer
I hate meaningless games. Absolutely nothing to gain and lot to lose (Finley). In soccer - this would be a scoreless tie where players would just get a short workout. In BB - somebody has to win and that might as well be us for a change. Having 50 would be nice but it is not that important anymore.
It sure will be strange having a PO without playing Dallas. Old habits die hard;). We play Seattle which might ot might not be a good thing. The chances are 50-50 and it could end up being a very long series. We can expect lots of three attempts on both sides, technical fouls, flagrant fouls, destruction of arena property (chairs), Bibby schooling the rookie and much more. And lots of emotions - hopefully good.
Funny, how eventhough things changed drastically they are not that much different at all. If Kings win this series - they would achieve as much as they did last season. Now, considering what went on over these 82 games - this would actually be an accomplishment.
Pedja Stojakovic - UIOF or not (UIOF - under influence of Finley) - it will be him that will get us trough first round or not. Nobody around here to bail him out anymore. Don't get me wrong. I am stating this under assumption that Bibby will be Bibby and the rest does not really matter (see Utah game). Can Pedja fulfill expectation - sure. Will he do it - as much as I like him - would not put my money on it but I would be very happy to admit being wrong.
Bobby Jackson - having him back can only be a good thing. To think otherwise - only possible if one never saw Bobby playing before. Bobby will be very motivated considering all the criticism he had to live with during the last PO. A motivated Bobby is good enough for me. He will bring it and we can really use whatever he has to offer. Anything. Also looking forward to "Bobby" chants before him entering the game firts time back at ARCO. Something one has to earn and deserve. You can't fool the crowd. WELCOME BACK BOBBY !
ARCO - something that Sonics don't have and hopefully don't know how to handle. Will be our advantage trough the series. Been quiet there recently - I expect that to change very soon. Kings need any energy they can get. Sonics are unexperienced PO team and might get intimidated. Yes, I know - we have to win a game on the road. Game 1 sounds good to me.
Not much to say about last game. Embarassing, disgracing, pathetic ... - You get the picture. Now, that game still had some meaning. Tonight's game does not have any:eek:. It can only get better.
Tonight - we try to get 50 but only thing that relly matters is that none of the playerd end up UIOF. If I had any saying I would not allow Mike Bibby nowhere near the ARCO tonight. There is not much to watch or expect tonight. Daniels and Martin may end up with carrer games - something like Darko last night:D. Tag needs to get in shape so he can play some. Mobley needs to hit a shot for a change. Other than that - waste of time.
Just stay away from Finley boys !
If RA plays Bibby and he gets UIOF - RA should be hanged on one of the baskets in ARCO.
Suns - I recomand this game for all the fans who like to see the jump shot technique of Bo Outlaw. Well, it is funny at least.
BSPN broadcast so:


You know the drill.

note - "Walton alert" given because it usually means that he will not be at the game. Still be afraid. Be very, very afraid!
Would be nice to get #50, would also be nice to just skip the game. The Suns don't have anything to gain either- besides a franchise record 63 win season...
"UIOF" some you people are just so darn creative...

Anyway this is a meaningless game...starters will be rested on both side...we don't want to risk a turnip or something...however it still would be nice to get to 50 wins...and ya gotta think that the Suns and their fans are thinking "it still would be nice to get the franchise record"...either way its gonna be the battle of benchs..and our bench is ridiculously better especially considering they barely have a "bench"...I would like to see Cat get a little bit of obligatory minutes in which he uses to his advantage in trying to get his shot back...I know that will MAKE everyone happy...Bobby has been cleared to play...personally I think he should get a little run tonight...I mean it is rather meaningless and I know he hasn't practiced with the players and thats exactly why he should get a little bit of would be like practice on top of practice...but he most likely won't (according to the sac bee)...either way its nice to know that he will DEFINETLY be back for the POs...yay!

A lot of things have gone on this season...a lot of ups and a lot of downs...and I'm proud of this team no matter what...they never hung their head after having to deal with two major in season trades or having to deal with all of the turnips...not many teams would have been able to do it...(I'll give the Pacers credit here)....this season marked the end of a Kings era but a new one is soon to begin...I love this team and I love being a Kings fan!

iheartBrad said:
A lot of things have gone on this season...a lot of ups and a lot of downs...and I'm proud of this team no matter what...they never hung their head after having to deal with two major in season trades or having to deal with all of the turnips...not many teams would have been able to do it...(I'll give the Pacers credit here)....this season marked the end of a Kings era but a new one is soon to begin...I love this team and I love being a Kings fan!

Well said iHB.
Last game of the season, it's sad. This has been a very turbulent season for us but ebcause we're Kings we overcame our adversities. I'm just glad to see us in the POs, 50 wins would be icing at this point. It just means TDOS will be here soon although hopefully not too soon. Looking forward to seeing Bobby back at least for a few minutes. We hope Brad and Peja will follow him soon. Let's just stay owie free for this game.
I've just got to say that I am proud of our team this season. It has not been an easy one, but I still loved watching them. I do not know of another team that could have handled all that we have been through this season and do as well as we have. I think the only team that has had it harder is the Pacers. If you look at everything and then realize that we are on the verge of winning 50 games, have the 8th best record in the NBA, and still rank high in several offensive catagories, you have to be proud. Win or lose tonight, they have earned the right to hold their heads high! Just by making the playoffs, they have surpassed many expectations! I will be cheering 'till the end - no matter the outcome. GO KINGS!! JUST PLEASSSSE - NO MORE OUCHIES!!
I just have to add.....



Homer Fan Since 1985
A lot of nice sentiments expressed already in this thread. Yes, we can be proud of our guys. They have worked hard to maintain.....not only our core, but the new guys that were talked about as nothing more than trade fodder. Well, they have outdone themselves, and we are proud. Skinner, Kenny, and Corliss have earned our respect and admiration. They have earned the right to wear the Kings jersey.

Now, give us a good show.........(especially Bobby :D )
I am pretty impressed at how this season turned out. At one point things were looking pretty down, we trade DC, we trade Webb the Kings world was falling apart. It was just yesterday a lot of us were not only stunned but heart broken about DC and Webb leaving. The trades turned out okay for us; I guess Petrie does know what he is doing (just kidding). IMO Petrie must have been born in the West family because I would say he is one of the best GM's in the league.

This was one crazy roller coast ride. The team and COACHING staff gets mucho props for this seasons work. IMO this is one of RA's most difficult but best coaching years yet.

As far as tonight’s game, I expressed in another thread last night how I would not be happy seeing our starters play. However I think they are going to by what Grant was saying. I also think its better Bobby starts tonight then having his first game back in the playoffs. Glad you are back Bobby. Lets take a W tonight and get the playoffs started.

Go Kings!!
I find myself less worried about the result of the game tonight but it would be nice to get 50. I am just hoping Bobby looks allright, Cuttino hits a couple shots and gets in a good rhythm, and Eddie gets his stroke back. I am so happy to see our guys healing up at the right time. I've got a good feeling about these playoffs for some reason. Even though the last couple games we've looked bad. I JUST WANNA SEE OUR GUYS HAVING SOME FUN OUT THERE TONIGHT!
teamdimechampionship said:
I just have to add.....



that would suck, he should only play in the 1st period... let house, bobby and martin get his minutes... this is martins last game for a while... let the boy have some fun....
last regular season game, so lets make it count, and go into the playoffs with a winning streak

BOBBY!!!!!!!!!! that will be most exciting.

damn this stupid other game needs to end!!!!!!!!
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