C Diddy said:
I guess, to me, what it boils down to is the food aspect of the argument. A cow, chicken, pig is something that we farm for food and it is widely accepted that killing these for sustinance is ok. A puppy, like a kitten or a canary, is considered a pet, a loved one, and a friend. It isn't widely accepted to eat household pets or loved ones.
Also, shooting a cow in the head at the factory is "out of sight, out of mind" so to speak whereas killing a puppy in your backyard hits a bit more close to home.
I'd be interested to hear your stance on the story too, as opposed to just arguing my opinion with you.
I've heard that argument before, which doesn't address it's inhamane-ness, which is the argument against shooting puppies. Inhumane should be inhumane, no matter what we do with the corpse. Eat it or bury it - an animal was shot in the head.
I'm not calling you (or anyone else here) a hypocrite, but I am saying that your position is inconsistant. In my mind, one should be either against the unnecessary killing of
all animals, or OK with the killing of
any animal (as long as it's done as painlessly as possible). An animal is an animal and I don't think one should be given preferential tratment above others, whatever that standard should be.
And though your out-of-sight, out-of-mind point is honest and likely true, it's not right. If people are getting shot somewhere else, we still care, right?
And my take on the story...
It makes me sad that he had to kill the pups, but I have no problem with the way he did so. I also think it's kind of funny that he shot himself in the wrist doing so. Note that I'm not saying that the puppy shot him, as a puppy is a dumb animal and has no idea what a gun is and it was the mans responsibility to guard the trigger. I think "what adumbass" and I feel sorry for him that he not only shot himself, but he now has to deal with animal creulty charges. What a shmuck.