No, I am saying that if it absolutely unavoidable to have the dog put down, then by all means do it, but don't do it before you've given the dogs a chance to live. This guy obviously hasn't.
It's not obvious that he hadn't done everything he could. Perhaps he is poor and lives in a rural area where the cost of gas to get to an animal sheltor would be a financial burden. All we know is that he couldn't get rid of puppies and killed them after he failed. We know nothing about what he tried and what options were available to him. MAybe he was a dumb Okiie who didn't even know what an animal shelter is. Judge not lest you be judged yourself.
I knew that when you mentioned slavery you were giving an opportunity to take focus away from the argument for the sake of the examples used. I never bring up race, slavery or abortion when trying to make a logical point - it's too easy to get clouded by emotion.
I knew that when you mentioned slavery you were giving an opportunity to take focus away from the argument for the sake of the examples used. I never bring up race, slavery or abortion when trying to make a logical point - it's too easy to get clouded by emotion.
I agree with your point but I'm from a third world country and don't think that that has any bearing on this particular scenario, especially since the article is related to something that happened in Pensacola, Florida.