Sir Charles The Fool



is anyone else sick of hearing barkley run his mouth about webber. last year he calls him a chump, now, hes like charles new best friend. how can someone change their opinion so fast. i believe he really just hates the kings. he talks about how webber had no supporting cast in sactown, like he does now in philly. i cant stand it. i think now, charles just feels bad for the aging, injured cwebb. must remind him of himself.
I don't know how His two TNT partners put up with his stupid remarks. I think TNT should not bring him back next year. He makes no sense when he speaks........
I like Charles aswell, funny you should say Webb reminds Charles of himself because those two fellows are my two all time favorites. Being a 6'1 point guard there are no other players I would rather be on the floor with...As far as Webber's career going downhill and almost being over, I'll let the big man speak for himself....

AJ (Ventnor): Chris, since suffering your knee injury do you feel your knee is at 100% or are you still working on getting it stronger?

Chris Webber: No, it's nowhwere near 100 percent. But last summer I had to prepare to make it through a season, and this summer I will be preparing to dominate through a season.


Hall of Famer
When not bashing the Kings for one thing or another, I love Charles. He, and the rest of the TNT crew have the best pre/post game shows out of any of the big sports. They are funny, and know what they are talking about, for the most part.
I liked the interplay between Charles and Tim Hudson. They seemed to get along real well. Smoltz seemed none to pleased at some of the jokes made at his expense.
SLAB said:
When not bashing the Kings for one thing or another, I love Charles. He, and the rest of the TNT crew have the best pre/post game shows out of any of the big sports. They are funny, and know what they are talking about, for the most part.

i agree....actually game 5 of the kings at half time he picked sac to win it and i didnt hear him say nething bad about em..but if he did i missed it


i dont have a problem with Charles... hes just there for jokes, sometimes yall take things too seriously
Yep...comic relief and d**n good at it! :D Actually, sometimes his comments do add a lot, whether you agree with his perspective or not. It would be awfully boring if the panel always agreed.

"The Lakers were terrible this season."
"Sure were."

"We still have 5 minutes to fill."

Course, in this case, that would sum it up. :D ;)
I agree, they're hysterical and what makes it so funny is that they're usually wrong espec. Charles. Did anyone notice last nite EJ said that the Pistons were playing Boston instead of the Pacers? I guess they both begin with the same letter so he was almost right. If you're looking for intense analysis, TNT is not the place to go. They're more like the comic relief.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Charles Barkley is an idiot in desperate need of having a larynxectomy.

That said I can't recall him ever calling Webber a chump. In fact for a long time Webb seemed to be the only King he actually respected. Always assumed that the hostility to the Kings might be toward Vlade/Peja and maybe Adelman. Maybe. Not sure. Something or someone he identified as soft though, and wouldn't let up on once he made up the pea brain he calls a "mind".
Bricklayer said:
Charles Barkley is an idiot in desperate need of having a larynxectomy.

That said I can't recall him ever calling Webber a chump. In fact for a long time Webb seemed to be the only King he actually respected. Always assumed that the hostility to the Kings might be toward Vlade/Peja and maybe Adelman. Maybe. Not sure. Something or someone he identified as soft though, and wouldn't let up on once he made up the pea brain he calls a "mind".
Bahahaha! It's only funny because it's true.
As far as i remember charles has always liked chris. He just never liked the kings as a team. Mostly i think b/c we don't/didn't play defense. Other than that i think chuck is pretty funny. he friggin killed me when he called Damon Jones "alfred"(to shaq and dwade's batman and robin).
^ if Charles heard you say that he'd threaten to "beat the hell out of you" LOL i love Charles! I think he is halarious..and EJ and Kenny as well. I love watching them talk and pick on each other. I don't even care what they say about all the's just talk..don't take it to the heart.


dont get me wrong. i think charles is hilarious, when not dogging the kings. the thing that really bugged me was when he made a comment during the houston-dallas game last night. he was comparing yao and webber, sayin yao is doing his part and his team wasnt helping, going on to say its the same thing that happened last year is sac, calling (bibby, peja, miller) slugs for not contributing. and when i heard charles call the kings to win at halftime of game five, i knew they would lose. he jinx's everyone. i hope he stays though, he cracks me up with his "speak before you think" comments.
I love CHARLES!!!! If you think about it, Tragic makes the same stupid analysis on NBA teams. BUT THE DIFFERENCE IS THAT TRAGIC has the personality of a brick

CHARLES IS HILARIOUS!! I love how kenny and Ernie jokes about his weight problem too. Best chemistry of any pregame/postgame show on tv.

I love how Charles pronounces SAA-CRU-MENT-TOE


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Some people are just easily entertained. :rolleyes:

Watching a bunch of monkees fighting over a banana would probably be mildly amusing too, but when you tune in hoping to hear even a single intelligent comment about basketball -- you know that thing they show in between the half and postgame shows -- having a blathering idiot bragging about how he's been watching Kojak whicle the game is on is just stupid.
Well, I think the show is meant to be entertaining rather than informative. TNT is not exactly a sports network. its like the Fox and CBS pregames for NFL games and hearing Redneck Bradshaw or Michael Irvin trying to crack jokes throughout the broadcast.

The closest you can get to good game analysis would be on ESPN with Legler, and Anthony(who i think is best of the group) and LOUDMOUTH Stephen A.

Bricklayer said:
Some people are just easily entertained. :rolleyes:

Watching a bunch of monkees fighting over a banana would probably be mildly amusing too, but when you tune in hoping to hear even a single intelligent comment about basketball -- you know that thing they show in between the half and postgame shows -- having a blathering idiot bragging about how he's been watching Kojak whicle the game is on is just stupid.
Charles is still better than anything on ESPN. Those guys are just corporate suits saying the NBA party line. I stopped watching them when they were all gushing about how Rod Thorn hoodwinked the Raptors GM in the Vince Carter trade, and how Vince had "re-emerged." Yeah, either that or he finally started giving a crap after the last 3 years. Heaven forbid you openly criticize one of Stern's stars. I'll be honest, if you compare the two broadcasts, its obvious that Charles and Kenny do far more homework than the ESPN crew. And EJ is FAR FAR FAR superior than that huckster on ESPN.
GET OVER IT!!!! Charles always liked Webber; he did not like the way he didn't always dominate the game. THE REASON? The Kings' princeton offense which allows for ball movement. THis is the best and worst part of our team: It is poetry in motion when running well, but every CHAMPIONSHIP team has had a go-to-guy in the clutch. Whenever Webb tried to be that man, people got on him. Charles simply stated how Kings fans should get off Webber's back.

He did not like the Kings, and for good reason (we always choked). ANyways...he is hillarious and does know what he is talking about.
Barkley is one of my heros in life.

Oh, and I'm not joking.

does anyone else feel this way? I'm up to to 23 people who I've asked who have responding positively to that. Have never asked an internet board the question,,,,so I'm kinda curious.
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bbb said:
GET OVER IT!!!! Charles always liked Webber; he did not like the way he didn't always dominate the game. THE REASON? The Kings' princeton offense which allows for ball movement. THis is the best and worst part of our team: It is poetry in motion when running well, but every CHAMPIONSHIP team has had a go-to-guy in the clutch. Whenever Webb tried to be that man, people got on him. Charles simply stated how Kings fans should get off Webber's back.

He did not like the Kings, and for good reason (we always choked). ANyways...he is hillarious and does know what he is talking about.
wow! impressive take, bbb.
I think Charles is funny merely for entertainment value. I certainly don't tune into TNT to hear solid halftime or postgame analysis. That's not how TNT's show got popular, and I don't blame them for riding the wave of popularity (it's t.v., after all). If only they wouldn't have added Magic to the round table...he's a trainwreck.

The thing that I find most frustrating is ESPN's attempts to follow suit with Stephen A. Smith. He's funny every once in awhile, but his main tactic is yelling a little louder than the other guys, which I find annoying.