's All-Poison Team


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
You can pretty much just ignore the Webber thing, seeing as the writer's rationale is that he's been traded three times and therefore has too much baggage for a team to build around him long term. Apparently 7 years with about the best chemistry team in the league, multiple title runs etc. don't count as long term. Never failed to amaze me with Webb how many writers have never been able to move beyond his ancient history when he was a 20, 21, 24 yr old kid. Only explanation I have for it is the Sacramento factor -- for a lot of national writer's once Webb left the East Coast for an obscure Wesstern conference outpost, his character and deeds were somehow forever frozen in time because they really couldn't be bothered to take notice of a smal town franchise.
Jerome's there because of his attitude, it was happening in Seattle a lot last season, and on the court in the playoffs in both series as most people read/saw. Also, probably how he's been a complete non-factor in his career, except vs. us (not near full strength though) in R1.
They ain't so venemous. These are garter snakes compared to the cobras the NBA had in the mid 90s. Coleman, Rodman, Rider, Kemp, etc...
When I first saw this I thought AV had new job but Adelman not on list so it can't be her.
Ai has to be on bench, he's too busy buying new suits to start!;)
Folsom Al said:
Sprewell didn't make the team ????
...beat me to it. He should be the team captain. You could throw in Gary Payton as well.

I'm a little confused by the term "poison" in the context of the players they chose. Some of the players (Kwame Brown, Jerome James) aren't bad guys, just underachievers or lazy.
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Webber's teammates (except for Peja) and coaches (except for Nellie) seem to like him. I don't think he is so much a poison in the locker room.

I do think, however, that he tends to poison his teams on the court, at least since the knee injury, by taking bad shots. In that sense, I put him right there with J-Will (who has toned it down a little) and Antoine Walker.


Practice. We're talking about practice. Not the game. Not the game. Not a game. Practice. We're talking about practice. We're talking about practice.


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Staff member
Wow, I still get amazed on how much iverson gets hated on in this forum.
I don't know that it is hate, I think it's more a recognition that he's almost the antithesis of the Kings. Almost the epitome of the me-first attitude and without his refusal to see that he doesn't always have to be "the man", his team would play better ball. I find it funny that Philly folks keep defending him and he's the one bringing them down....


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Warhawk said:
I don't know that it is hate, I think it's more a recognition that he's almost the antithesis of the Kings. Almost the epitome of the me-first attitude and without his refusal to see that he doesn't always have to be "the man", his team would play better ball. I find it funny that Philly folks keep defending him and he's the one bringing them down....
...and lifting them up. Always the quandry with A.I.. He unquestionably gets them to a certain level whenever he's healthy, but he refuses to play with others and so can't/won't ever be able to get them over that plateau.


No I think it is hating. Whenever people are so quick to say they wouldn't want iverson on their team yet they would love the matt barnes and kevin martins of the nba on their team.
the thing with iverson is that he is simulataneously admirable and have to respect his heart but his actions often make him seem very selfish...personally though, i think he has to be regarded as a future hall of famer and if he develops the ability to work with others, he could certainly be very dangerous in the playoffs this year (keeping in mind that he did lead a relatively weak team to the finals all by himself)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
acisking said:
the thing with iverson is that he is simulataneously admirable and have to respect his heart but his actions often make him seem very selfish...personally though, i think he has to be regarded as a future hall of famer and if he develops the ability to work with others, he could certainly be very dangerous in the playoffs this year (keeping in mind that he did lead a relatively weak team to the finals all by himself)
There's no doubt he's a future Hall of Famer.

As for the Finals team -- the joke there was that it was the ultimate job of pandering to A.I.. They traded away EVERY remotely talented offensive player on the roster so they could assemble an all-star cast of hustlers and bangers to surrouond him with. A.I. didn't have to play with anyone there. He got to shoot whenever he wanted, dribble as much as he wanted, and the rest of the guys were just around to provide defense and boardwork for the A.I. show. And if you want to win big with A.I., there is no other way. Or has not been yet. Have to basically run a clearout on offense every time down the floor, and just have everyone else be a hustle guy. A.I. does not share the rock under any cirumstances. And that is why, Hall of Famer or not, he is very likely destined to end his career ringless. Solitary offensive stars rarely win titles. Solitary perimeter players never. You need more than one great player, and A.I.'s game and personality just do not seem to be able to tolerate that.
No I think it is hating. Whenever people are so quick to say they wouldn't want iverson on their team yet they would love the matt barnes and kevin martins of the nba on their team.
I'd love Iverson on my team.

I bet Kyle Korver gets traded if he develops into a high quality shooter.
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AI is one of the last people I'd want on the Kings. His style of play would kill us. I've been on several Sixer boards and he's not as loved as people think. When they're not hating on Webber, they lay into AI, and these are his "supposed" fans. He's one of those people you either love him or hate him.


Actually, I'm pretty indifferent about Iverson. He is the quickest player I've ever seen, and he is as tough as nails. He takes some bad shots, but because he is so fearless, he gets to the line a lot. He is also fun to watch. I do think he will be a deserving Hall of Famer.

On the other hand, he can be such a pain in the butt that I'm not sure I'd want him on my team.