Season predictions, short and sweet

No criticisms or in-depth analyses necessary--just anyone's final and concise opinion on where Sac finishes this year. I'm curious.

I say Kings finish 3rd in West. Call it crazy if you want.
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I wish we could finish 3rd but practically best case realistic scenario is 5th or 6th in the West... worst case being out of the playoffs


Hall of Famer
6th place neck and neck with the Clips all year they will edge us out by 2 games and we draw Denver in 1st round who beat out Pheonix by 1 game becuase Nash misses 22 games with injury and Amare never really gets his game back.
I said a few months ago 5th or 6th seed and 45-48 wins. After much reflection and some apple juice, I think 6th, 7th or 8th seed and 43-47 wins would be more accurate.

I'll be quite pleasantly surprised if they have home court for a playoff series. And I will be a little disappointed if they don't make the playoffs.
i say we can very very realistically finish 2nd in the pacific, and see where that takes us, in fact i think we will indeed finsih 2nd in the pac
41 or so wins... 9th or 10 place.... Possible 7th or 8th seed at best.

Anything better would absolutely suprise and impress me and I definately hope they prove me wrong.
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Realistically i think the kings will be 3rd in the pacific 6th 7th or 8th in the west. With wins from about 44-55:). But i do hope the kings will be the nba champions
Barring blockbuster trades or injuries which are even worse than usual, I'll go with 3rd-4th in the Pacific, 7th-8th in the West, and a first round exit. I don't think the team is well enough balanced, or the bench deep enough, to hope for much more.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
On the bubble based on preseason. How much above the bubble (8th-9th in the west) they get depends on their first 12-16 road games. If they break even, then their chances go up to 4-5. If only 2 or 3 wins then we're in for a long season.
30 - 35 wins. No playoffs.
Kind of low...I will say about anywhere from 43-48 wins and as high as 6th seed. I do believe they have an outside shot at possibly the 4th or 5th spot if almost everything goes our way. I mean no injuries and we overachieve. i wish we kept Williams...
We will be 3rd-4th IF, and ONLY IF. The kings stay healthy.
What's healthy mean? I'm a Kings fan, please let me know what healthy means... :rolleyes:

I'm a Kings fan, and as a die hard fan it's hard for me to say anything that isn't considered an outstanding season. So I'm going to be VERY optimistic being a true fan and say 52-56 Wins and we will finish 3rd in the WEST.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I'm going with a 42-47 span, with some wiggle room on both ends. A bad injury or two this time though and we are definitely out.
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I really have no idea. Sometimes I think this team is headed for 35 wins and the lottery, sometimes I think Martin is going to have a breakout year and the team's headed for a 55 win season. So, uh, somewhere in there.
40 wins, sneak in the playoffs as the 8th seed, upset everyone else in the playoffs cuz other teams have major injuries and we win the championship!!! :eek: :D

it could happen.
I'll go with.....46 wins - +5 if things completely come together, -10 if nothing works. I couldn't see this team winning more than 51 games, nor less than 36.
38-42 wins, and an 8th-11th seed depending on the other teams. BUT K-Mart will show he is one of the up and coming 2guards in the league. Bibby will be Bibby, and Artest will play well.

On the other hand Miller/SAR/KT will all play like crap. Miller will have 11ppg 6rpg 3apg, SAR will have 7ppg 4rpg 1apg, and KT will have 7ppg 7rpg 1apg. This will be our weakness this year.
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I'm optimistic. I say that we win 49 (+-3). I also say that we enter the playoffs in the 5th spot, but will not be shocked if we go as low as 6/7 or as high as 4. Who knows, we could shock everybody and win our division and be in the top 3. Anything is possible. :D

1. Bibby gets healthy (SOON) and stays healthy.
2. The good Miller returns and remains.
3. Artest stays focused on BBall.

I have confidence. They can do it!!!