1 on 5 is pretty impressive. One must be very confident in ones' abilities to boast such a feat on a nightly basis, as Ron Artest seems to do. At least he is hungry, unlike Odom. This year in the finas, Odom was inconsistent, and a silent member of a loosing squad. If artest was on the floor, he would be saying a bunch of different stuff that would motivate his team mates to elevate thier game. I dont think Artest is a lost cause, and i do think Lamar is. Odom is not a step in the right direction. unless we want to dibilitate our franchise. which may be the right thing to do
Here's the deal Faker. Whether you agree or not, Petrie has in mind the type of team he wants to put on the floor. He has, as much as said so in some of the recent articles, even if indirectly.
Petrie likes teams that pass the basketball and he abhors players that stand and dribble the ball while eating up the shot clock. He dislikes one on one basketball, much less, as you put it, one on five basketball. Now you can disagree with his desires for the team, but he happens to be the GM and your not. So I suspect that Ron Ron is going Bye Bye.
I happen to agree with Petrie. Big surprise there, I know. But it is called a team. And the worst thing you can do on a team, is make your teammates lose intrest by not including them. Ron is a very good basketball player that simply doesn't fit on this team. He needs a very strong coach that can control him, if thats possible.
Seriously, does anyone think his act would fly very far with Don Nelson or Jerry Sloan, or even Pop's. Reggie's problem is that number one, he's a rookie coach and simply doesn't carry the weight any of the other coaches I mentioned. Number two, he treated Artest like a man, when he was acting like a child. My grandfather used to tell me, I'll treat you like a man when you start acting like a man. Yeah, I know, my grandfather probably couldn't coach his way out of a paper bag, and its a new world out there etc, etc.
Anyway, Reggie has a tough job to begin with, and Artest just makes it tougher. He doesn't need the extra stress nor does he need his attention diverted from the job at hand. So I beleive your shouting into the wind as they say. Its an exercise in futility.