Seriously, watch the Sonicsgate video. Those fans made ours look tame. Gigantic turnouts for rallies and such. Their mayor sold them out, but Stern pretty much turned a deaf ear to the fans. We as fans helped light a fire under KJ perhaps (though I am sure he was always going to do his best) and made a good showing that we would still pay money to see the team, but i think we would seriously be fooling ourselves if we think Stern all of a sudden is going to make financial decisions based on fan love. If Stern wants to keep the team here it will be because he feels financially it is the best decision for the league overall for a number of reasons.
Stern and the NBA are very careful about image. I think that's a huge part of Stern's job description. If finances is the ultimate driving factor, he has to keep a good image. It can't appear to be a bunch of rich people toying with the feelings and the money of the man on the street. His goal has been to make the NBA a world wide phenomena (read "money"). He can't do it if the teams play musical chairs within the home country and head for the nearest pot of gold. At some point, the NBA has to be universal in the US.
This may not bring in the most money in attendance and those nice suites but I could make an argument that in the end, it really does. I have said before, if there is no team in Sacramento, the people in Sacramento are less likely to watch the NBA on TV hence loss of money. The more all inclusive the NBA seems, Europe, Asia, Africa, Canada, and Australia, the more TVs click on and the more sponsorshop money flows to the NBA.