If - and that's still a fairly big IF - the Kings leave, the NBA won't even consider putting another team here until and unless there is a suitable facility in place.
Naysayers don't necessarily vote in any larger numbers than those that would support the project. In fact, a lot of times people who scream NO the loudest figure they don't have to vote.
This will be a matter of getting out the vote; making sure the people who support the project actually follow through on election day. I may even volunteer to come down to Sacramento and spend the day helping to get out the vote. And I'm serious. Although I now live 2 hours away, Sacramento is still my home. I've talked to a number of people up here. Almost without exception, they've traveled to Sacramento for events and lots of them have attended functions in Arco. This is important, not only to Sacramento itself, but to anyone within a couple of hours travel distance.
Not to mention the ... erm ... burial grounds?