loopymitch said:
I don't know anything about TIVO but I'll check into it. Thanks.Aren't they expensive though? Back to topic, are all the games at 10.30 (EST)?
Back off topic... A lot of cable companies and the major satelllite companies provide TiVo services for only about $5 more per month. I know you're not in Sac, but there, Comcast just added a DVR option and I believe its $4.99.
If your cable/satellite company doesn't have it available you'll have to get it separately, which means you have to buy the box and pay closer to $10-$15 a month for the service. That's only worth it if you have the money, in my opinion.
Back to topic... I would guess most of them would be 10:30 EST, since Seattle and Sac are the two cities farthest west. The Sunday game might not be, and the weekday games might be a little bit earlier - like 7:00 or 6:30.