Revisited: Peja for Artest being discussed??????

Stephen A. Smith said on ESPN that Ron Artest has an interest in going to Cleveland, New York and Miami, but does not want to go to Sacramento.

On a side note, it's been reported on the ESPN web site that Matt Barnes has been resigned by the 76ers to add some front court depth.
Peja is probably the best one dimensional player in world.....Reason he isnt putting numbers like 2 years ago is his teammates not taking advantage of his outside shooting....The team 2 years ago, especially the clever Vlade knew how to take advantage of this.....

And still he has been the best kings player so far untill his injury...... An injured pinky to shaq probably doesnt mean anyting to his game....But an injured pinky to a shooter like Peja can suddenly be a big one...He disnt play cause of the pain but cause of the less control he has with the ball.....It is obvious in the recent games how much this means to a shooter and one dimensional player like peja...

Yes he is 1 dimensional player....But hell he is a good one....I would like see the team pass the ball like 2 years ago, and than you will se peja like 2 years ago
Mike0476 said:
Stephen A. Smith said on ESPN that Ron Artest has an interest in going to Cleveland, New York and Miami, but does not want to go to Sacramento.

On a side note, it's been reported on the ESPN web site that Matt Barnes has been resigned by the 76ers to add some front court depth.
He might want to go to those places, but Indy is unlikely to send him to another Eastern rival.
Ryle said:
Actually trade works straight up(I just checked). I'm wondering which side is the one that won't pull the trigger?? If it's the Kings then they should let Petrie go and just make the damn trade. I don't think we could no longer be called a soft team and immediatley improves our overall team defense.
I know that, but since I think Ron is a tad bit more valued (a lot more for some), then I think Petrie will throw in a pick or someone from the bench.
Mike0476 said:
Stephen A. Smith said on ESPN that Ron Artest has an interest in going to Cleveland, New York and Miami, but does not want to go to Sacramento.

On a side note, it's been reported on the ESPN web site that Matt Barnes has been resigned by the 76ers to add some front court depth.
Apparently we are slowly once again becoming the "siberia" of the NBA. He wouldn't have said that 2 years ago. :\
That's different than some comments I remember him making when this was first rumored, something along the lines of going anywhere he was wanted.
PFFFT!! said:
Apparently we are slowly once again becoming the "siberia" of the NBA. He wouldn't have said that 2 years ago. :\
Then again, geography might have nothing to do with it. Perhaps going to a 7-12 team is the REAL turn-off.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Mike0476 said:
Stephen A. Smith said on ESPN that Ron Artest has an interest in going to Cleveland, New York and Miami, but does not want to go to Sacramento.
That doesn't bother me that he wouldn't want to go to Sacto. It bothers me -- and this is always the Artest ick that makes me wince far more than beating up drunken fans or whatever -- the mere fact he would ever tell anybody something like that while sitting on a top team that has bent over backwards to accomodate his dumb ***. Of course we have only Screamin A. Smith's word on any of that, which is another way to say we only have the sheerest speculation. But in general Artest has always given me the impression of just In his priorities, his loyalties. I have a hard time trusting him because, like the crazy person he is often acused of being, his world view seems to be...other. And he doesn't seem to respond to the same motivations and deterrents as the rest of us. There seems to be a translation problem from "Artestspeak" to "humanspeak".
Bricklayer said:
That doesn't bother me that he wouldn't want to go to Sacto. It bothers me -- and this is always the Artest ick that makes me wince far more than beating up drunken fans or whatever -- the mere fact he would ever tell anybody something like that while sitting on a top team that has bent over backwards to accomodate his dumb ***. Of course we have only Screamin A. Smith's word on any of that, which is another way to say we only have the sheerest speculation. But in general Artest has always given me the impression of just In his priorities, his loyalties. I have a hard time trusting him because, like the crazy person he is often acused of being, his world view seems to be...other. And he doesn't seem to respond to the same motivations and deterrents as the rest of us. There seems to be a translation problem from "Artestspeak" to "humanspeak".
Maybe that is the reason why he missed the last game. Maybe his wrist is not sore and does not want to play because he is not the number one scoring option. If that is the case do we even want him on our team? Our chemistry is bad even but if we traded for him our chemistry would reach Chernobyl like proportions


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
AleksandarN said:
Maybe that is the reason why he missed the last game. Maybe his wrist is not sore and does not want to play because he is not the number one scoring option.
I think you may have just taken sheerest speculation to the next level. ;)
Bricklayer said:
That doesn't bother me that he wouldn't want to go to Sacto. It bothers me -- and this is always the Artest ick that makes me wince far more than beating up drunken fans or whatever -- the mere fact he would ever tell anybody something like that while sitting on a top team that has bent over backwards to accomodate his dumb ***. Of course we have only Screamin A. Smith's word on any of that, which is another way to say we only have the sheerest speculation. But in general Artest has always given me the impression of just In his priorities, his loyalties. I have a hard time trusting him because, like the crazy person he is often acused of being, his world view seems to be...other. And he doesn't seem to respond to the same motivations and deterrents as the rest of us. There seems to be a translation problem from "Artestspeak" to "humanspeak".
Well, as a side not to what we both posted, Smith also said he has not spoken to anyone from Indiana or Sacramento about it.
Well if he doesn't want to play in sacramento indy can keep him. It wouldn't bother me if it was anyone else saying that, but artest is crazy.
Mike0476 said:
Stephen A. Smith said on ESPN that Ron Artest has an interest in going to Cleveland, New York and Miami, but does not want to go to Sacramento.
Lets remember Webb wanted nothing to do with sac before he arrived here.
Mike0476 said:
Stephen A. Smith said on ESPN that Ron Artest has an interest in going to Cleveland, New York and Miami, but does not want to go to Sacramento.
Luckily Steven A. Smith might be the only person on TV even less reliable than Charles Barkley.
the only reason i would say no is that ron is crazy in the head and told hbo real sports in an interview that he will retire in a year or so, because he wants to focus on music. Sorry i don't have a link but yeah.
Peja-Artest swap won't happen for the following reasons:

1. Someone compared Peja to Reggie Miller. PLEASE. That is like comparing Brad to Shaq. He is good, just not that good. Pacers already have tons of outside shooters like that new European guy(whose name is just so difficult to spell...), Stephen Jackson, Fred Jones, etc, etc. Peja might be a good fit in Pacers, but they don't really need him that much.

2. Despite some rumors, Bird IS happy with the current roster. The only problem Pacers currently face is that they have TOO MANY talents. Lucky bastards! The team is so deep that their second lineup can play against almost any starting lineup in this league, at least defensively(wonders like Shaq, AI, Kobe, or LeBron excluded, of course). Their deepest positions are SF and SG, either of which would be Peja's slot if he were traded. If they were going to trade one of their best player, they will want to strengthen some other positions, perhaps a center or PF. Getting just Peja for Artest doesn't give them any more edge than what they have now. Bird is too smart for that.

3. Artest is REALLY happy with Pacers. He likes Indiana, and would prefer to stay if he can. But if he were to be traded, I heard that he'd prefer any East Coast cities, and maybe, a big maybe, Dallas. Sacramento would be the least of his choice. An unhappy Artest is practically useless. He is motivated, but he has caused a lot of problems in Indiana where he IS happy. I don't even want to think about how he'd behave if he ISN'T happy with the team. In short, if Artest came, it won't be a long stay. However doubtfully able the Kings' front office is, they won't pull it off unless they are sure they could make Artest a happy King.

If there were to be any trade involving Peja and Artest, it won't be a swap, but:

Case 1. Multi-players trade between the two team
Pacers were a little embarrassed to find out how able Brad was after they traded him. They have a few reliable centers in Jeff Foster and Scott Pollard, but neither of them is capable of what Brad can do. Pacers would love to have Miller back in their lineup, even if it meant giving up a little more than Artest in return of Peja AND Brad.
Pacers are also happy with their point guard Tinsley, but the guy has been injury-prone last few years. If the Kings are willing to overlook his injuries, Pacers could consider adding Tinsley in the trade for Peja and Bibby. Doubtful scenario, however, since the Kings are very happy with Bibby despite his shortcomings lately.
The last possibility is Reef. Unlike the Kings, Pacers' system really could use Reef well. If someone other than Jermaine can post down low, it would make things much easier for their guards. Reef wouldn't mind Pacers either, since things look MUCH better with Pacers than Kings... Only limitation in this scenario is that Pacers couldn't really offer the Kings that can fill the absense of Reef. Pacers see Granger as their future prospect, so he is out. Fred Jones, Anthony Johnson, or any other guards on the roster play roles too vital in their system to give up. Perhaps Pacers would offer Croshere or Foster, neither of which can really fill Reef's gap. Then again, the Kings' front office could pull another sucker trade like C-Webb trade last year... but I'm sure they learned their lesson.

Case 2. Peja-Artest trade with some addition
The Kings might offer Pacers some draft picks, or cash. Well, the money is out, since their assets are currently tied up with the new arena deal. Draft picks are more likely to be offered, but not likely to be accepted. Pacers have done wonders with the little picks they have had, but they already have a team built for a race to championship right now. They don't really have to start saving for the future. If they are to give up their young star, they are not going to do it in exchange of any future possibility. They will want something they can use right now, in addition to Peja.

Case 3. Trade involving several teams
This is the most likely scenario. Chicago and many other teams are interested in Peja, and any team in the league would love to have Artest on their team(well, maybe not Detroit... especially not after what he pulled last year.). Pacers could send Artest to some other team, most likely an Eastern team, whom then would send someone to the Kings, so that Peja can end up being a Pacer. Any other way wouldn't happen since Pacers have not shown any interest in any other player than Peja, and Pacers front office always stick with their plan. They rarely pull a surprise out of the hat, so any trade involving Peja would send Peja to Indiana. With Artest clearly showing disinterst to being sent to West, the chance of him being a King is, sadly, very slim. The most likely scenario, but still unlikely to benefit the Kings much anyway.

In short, whatever happens, Peja trade with Pacers is not really likely to improve the Kings' current situation...
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OK at this point I just want artest to be traded, I don't care for whom or to where. Just so I don't have to listen to these rumors he's coming here which wouldn't work out for a number of reasons.


Hall of Famer
SoupIsGood said:
Oh gawd no!

The Pacers have had plenty of problems to start the season, but not on of them connects back to Artest. (Other than his recent wrist injury)

Ron has been great, in fact many have speculated that there might be a genuine, real change in him (as in he is finally taking his medication).

This trade would be terrible.
Oh gawd no! I don't want Ron! I would hate to see the Peja of a few years ago mysteriously show up in Indy and we get Ron Artest for a year who then decides to retire to be a male stripper/landscaper.
Bricklayer said:
That doesn't bother me that he wouldn't want to go to Sacto. It bothers me -- and this is always the Artest ick that makes me wince far more than beating up drunken fans or whatever -- the mere fact he would ever tell anybody something like that while sitting on a top team that has bent over backwards to accomodate his dumb ***. Of course we have only Screamin A. Smith's word on any of that, which is another way to say we only have the sheerest speculation. But in general Artest has always given me the impression of just In his priorities, his loyalties. I have a hard time trusting him because, like the crazy person he is often acused of being, his world view seems to be...other. And he doesn't seem to respond to the same motivations and deterrents as the rest of us. There seems to be a translation problem from "Artestspeak" to "humanspeak".
SAS admitted himself that he hasn't spoken to anyone from Indiana. He is blowing crap.
AleksandarN said:
Maybe that is the reason why he missed the last game. Maybe his wrist is not sore and does not want to play because he is not the number one scoring option. If that is the case do we even want him on our team? Our chemistry is bad even but if we traded for him our chemistry would reach Chernobyl like proportions
Somehow I doubt Ron told LeBron to almost rip his hand in half. ;)
Bricklayer said:
I think you may have just taken sheerest speculation to the next level. ;)
You should see some of the Artest haters (Pacer fans), they can speculate to the point where Artest is responsible for poverty, the war in Iraq, etc...... :rolleyes:
SacTownKid said:
Oh gawd no! I don't want Ron! I would hate to see the Peja of a few years ago mysteriously show up in Indy and we get Ron Artest for a year who then decides to retire to be a male stripper/landscaper.
Good! Keep Peja, I don't want Pookie near Indy.... ever.
BigWaxer said:
LOL true... BUT the point remains, he wasn't even going to show up after being traded.
true. he actually missed the first day of training camp. so, attitudes can change. but, Webb was just a young punk at the time, and Artest is, well, Artest.
SoupIsGood said:
You should see some of the Artest haters (Pacer fans), they can speculate to the point where Artest is responsible for poverty, the war in Iraq, etc...... :rolleyes:
Damn, almost sounds like the way alot of people here were treating Webb alot of the time.;)