Peja's tie?

IMHO, Peja looks good in anything since he is such a handsome person. But please don't wear capris. ;)

As for Bobby, I love his track jackets since I often wear it myself.
Peja is alright looking, I guess.

but I really thought he dressed better in his earlier acting career.







bozzwell said:
If you're ever in Chicago I can recommend great burek i jogurt. Except here, we call it bureque and yoghurt. ;)
What nationality are you bozzwell? The reason I ask is to determine the nature your bureque and yoghurt. There are many dishes so named from the Balkans to the Middle East but they are quite different.
burekijogurt said:
What nationality are you bozzwell? The reason I ask is to determine the nature your bureque and yoghurt. There are many dishes so named from the Balkans to the Middle East but they are quite different.
Chicago->burek i jogurt->nationality=Serbian. :)

I like both Serbian (layered) and Bosnian (rolled) burek. Havn't tried any of the others, though.
That's the first thing I said to my wife when they showed Peja..."What a horrible tie." It was dark brown with what looked like white polka dots on one side of the tie and the knot was as big as a baseball. It was horrible...But I will take his ties any day of the week over Mateen Cleaves' sweaters. Those were the worst things of all time.
bozzwell said:
Chicago->burek i jogurt->nationality=Serbian. :)

I like both Serbian (layered) and Bosnian (rolled) burek. Havn't tried any of the others, though.
oh, that is pretty much the same. there are other pastries named burek which are nothing like the burek from the Balkans. :).
burekijogurt said:
it is a bit disconcerting that we are discussing our appreciation for a serbian dish and a serbian... man in the same thread. :)

Well, I could just eat them both up. I think Peja is one most gorgeous men I have ever seen. I am a beard gal myself, and when he gets to looking like he does right now, all scruffy, well, my heart goes pitter pat a little faster. His smile is so childlike.

And then if he is playing well and making those beautiful shots, I just melt that much more.

I can't wait to see him back in his Jersey looking his best.
Diabeticwonder said:
That's the first thing I said to my wife when they showed Peja..."What a horrible tie." It was dark brown with what looked like white polka dots on one side of the tie and the knot was as big as a baseball. It was horrible...But I will take his ties any day of the week over Mateen Cleaves' sweaters. Those were the worst things of all time.
Agree on Mateen Cleaves sweaters.

Although he doesn't play for the Kings anymore, Damon Jones did wear some nice suits.
Daniela said:
Everyone gets a little harrier and scarier hen they reach a certain age. BUT, when you have Peja as a base who cares.
True. In that picture, Peja's not as "muscular" as he is now-not that he is right now by any strech of the imagination, but more since that picture.


Stojakovic is the best dressed man in the NBA, of the court.... The guy dresses like a real "old school" euro gentleman (very James Bond like)..nothing against american, but not a very fashionable nation...Hip-Hop fashion as the most of the NBA players wear of the court, is not even fashion...Bling Bling etc., no taste at all....As soon as you make some money, show it of with some bling, stupid.......Kobi Bryant is one of those men that dresses with great passion, and a lot of taste.....I really don't want to see Carmelo, Lebrons and others with their boxer shorts sticking out of their pants, and I can see half of you in this forum dressing like that.....Vlade is an euro, but dresses like a an american, very lazy and "more than comfortable"......Man I do sound gay don't I.....?...Being raised in western Europe, men act and talk the way I do, but they're not gay....Even worse, I never get satisfied with one girl at a time.... :)
sashaXJR said:
Stojakovic is the best dressed man in the NBA, of the court.... The guy dresses like a real "old school" euro gentleman (very James Bond like)..nothing against american, but not a very fashionable nation...Hip-Hop fashion as the most of the NBA players wear of the court, is not even fashion...Bling Bling etc., no taste at all....As soon as you make some money, show it of with some bling, stupid.......Kobi Bryant is one of those men that dresses with great passion, and a lot of taste.....I really don't want to see Carmelo, Lebrons and others with their boxer shorts sticking out of their pants, and I can see half of you in this forum dressing like that.....Vlade is an euro, but dresses like a an american, very lazy and "more than comfortable"......Man I do sound gay don't I.....?...Being raised in western Europe, men act and talk the way I do, but they're not gay....Even worse, I never get satisfied with one girl at a time.... :)


ReinadelosReys said:
A little too hairy for my taste. Makes me not want to think what he'll look like when he's 60!
Is the man of today, really supposed to shave his chest...?...That is what men are, and if you're not hairy at least a bit, you must have to many feminine hormones in you....short, you are not a real man....Women always loved me for my hairy chest (it's not to hairy, now) and they always will......real women
Well, I am Italian and my father was born and raised over in Florence and we have much family and friends over there and I have to say they look 100% better than any American. SASHA I agree with you and that this hip hop "fashion" (term used loosley) is terrible. I cannot stand the baggy jeans with boxers showing and the stupid shirts and the bling bling that looks like it takes all your strength to hold it up, and all that crap. You are grown men out there, dress like it. I think Peja dresses like a man with class and dignity and pride. He looks fantastic.