
So your saying if he didn't, he'd be a better leader? He looked like 1 hell of a leader on the floor this year, and what do you expect him to put up this year? You expect him to shoot 55% taking jumpers and play better D on his knee? On top of getting 15 board and 10 assists a game, I guess if he doesn't smoke he'd be unstoppable, that's highly doubtful.
Bricklayer said:
It was problematic enough in a second gun, its far mroeso in a guy who's susposed to be the main gun.
And that, sir, is where the problem was. He was supposed to be the first gun. He did pretty well last year.

But anyway, I don't understand why you keep talking about Pedja.
Pedja said it wasn't about two of them, Webber said it wasn't about two of them. You seem awfully bitter about something that should have happened years ago.
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I thought we went over this already, I've been had on both sides, we got lucky to win 45 games without him last year and now he's special because we won 45 games with him. Which 1 is it? were we lucky last year or were we good because alot of you argue both sides.
this is all the after-webb-effect

it's oke ... go nuts for a while ... if we win the title it will go away ... if not then straght to ... mental institution or something

together with GP hehe

as in Petrie and Gary Payton too ... poor hawk
Bricklayer said:
If the Kings are ver to win a title either Peja has to somehow discover competitive fire, or he has to go.
"Feed big dog if you want... Anyway, the kings win it all with Peja or someone traded for Peja and spare parts.
that's what i said in the Peja for MVP post, but I was told we got lucky with an easy schedule, I honestly remember whole heartedly that peja was an MVP candidate yet according to some he couldn't play worth a damn last year. i know he probally wouldn't have won it but he probally would have been higher than 4th or whatever what he was if we didn't fade to end the regular season. so is he a MVP type player or a good player from last year. i know he's "just" a scorer, and not dominant, but steve nash is just a passer who can shoot and can't play a spit of D and he's easily the leading mvp candidate.
after the MVP type of season, he deserved to be number 1 even after webb came back ... but a lot changed ... and this yr ? how bout this yr ... maybe a 3rd ? 4th option ?
of course he was an mvp candidate.
in fact, even this year without him, the kings have had pretty horrible record, not to mention that the way we were playing lately Webber would have been putting triple doubles night in, night out, and we wouldn't have made the playoffs.
Ljubo, who showed up in the Playoffs even when Hurt. Who shot 35% from the field against the f'in Wolves. I think it was Peja. I hate to harp but he didn't show up like we thought he would and continued the stereotype that he can't play in the playoffs. I hate to harp but it was easily seen last year.
i would put bibby and stojak as number 1 options ... both of them ... they should lead the team BY playing good ... they dont; have to be loud or leaders as divac and chris... be a leader on the court ... that matters
So what do the Kings have to do to get Peja back to being #1, if we feed him, screen for him constantly, does that mean he'll be back to his old offensively gifted self. Does that mean he'll board better and play better D? I hope this is what you mean. Did you forget his best passing buddy, Vlade is also gone......
Well, Adelman has a pretty limited choice for offense right now. Pedja is clearly the most talented one, so I can see him getting back to last season's form.
bigbadred00 said:
Ljubo, who showed up in the Playoffs even when Hurt. Who shot 35% from the field against the f'in Wolves. I think it was Peja. I hate to harp but he didn't show up like we thought he would and continued the stereotype that he can't play in the playoffs. I hate to harp but it was easily seen last year.
Let me rephrase what C-Web said: You can't blame someone for missing shots. He played excellent D, won a few games for us with his D. He made the effort and contributed.
I have never bashed a player and dont intend to start now,I do ,however feel a lot of antimosity toward Peja right now,its probly unjustified,but thats how i feel.I really hope he can PICK UP his game AND PLAY SAT......
bigbadred00 said:
Ljubo, who showed up in the Playoffs even when Hurt. Who shot 35% from the field against the f'in Wolves. I think it was Peja. I hate to harp but he didn't show up like we thought he would and continued the stereotype that he can't play in the playoffs. I hate to harp but it was easily seen last year.
true true my man

but your forget that he wasnt the number 1 option after the man came back
outsider62 said:
Let me rephrase what C-Web said: You can't blame someone for missing shots. He played excellent D, won a few games for us with his D. He made the effort and contributed.
we will see this playoffs ... i dont know the reason ... but peja can do better than last yrs ... what was up back then ? i have no idea ... and dont wanna guess ... all this is guessing ...

we will see this april, may ...
How quickly people forget that Peja stepped up last year when Webber was out and how good his D was during the playoff against Dallas.

I had defended Webber all through last year but at the end of the season with finger pointing and statement such as it's his team, I started to lose faith in him. IMO I see him trying to keep his score average up more than in winning a game. On a bad shooting night, instead of driving to the basket, he kept on shooting.

Peja never once said his the man or such thing like that, he's a shooter and a darn good one too and I don't expect more from him. I hope he gets well and able to do what he used to do.

This is the Kings, any player, no matter how good, that put himself above the team needs to go.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
sloter said:
And that, sir, is where the problem was. He was supposed to be the first gun. He did pretty well last year.

But anyway, I don't understand why you keep talking about Pedja.
Pedja said it wasn't about two of them, Webber said it wasn't about two of them. You seem awfully bitter about something that should have happened years ago.
Peja is irrelevant (and indeed may have had no direct hand at all) -- except that the move was made in reference to him, if not at his behest, and now the fate of MY team lies in his butter soft hands. That is the problem. There has never been an NBA champion led by a player like Peja, EVER so far as I know. Not one. As my continuing goal is to see MY team win an NBA championship, seeing the franchise hitched up to a player who does have "it" is a bit alarming. If he were on another team, I would have no problem at all rooting for him because he seems like a basically nice man. But when he is on MY team, and holds MY team's fate in his hands, then being a weenie is 100% not acceptable, no matter how nice he is.

Peja has never performed like aplayer that bring an NBA championship to the Kings, or anywhere else. Not once. Not even for 50 games last season when his coring was up, but his hustle, rebounding, ability to beat the best defenders were same ole same ole. Vlade made him last year -- Vlade was the heart and passion to Peja's talent. It was a two-headed monster.

Now for you, so what, its just a team, and their ultimate success is irrelevant except as pertains to Peja. If he were traded to Orlando, you would suddenly arrive on an Orlando messageboard with the same hopes and concerns as you had here. For me, exactly the opposite is true -- Peja's ultimate success is irrelevant except as pertains to the Kings. Fundamentally opposed foci.

For both the sake of my team, as well as to a lesser extent Peja's sake as a nice guy, I hope he learns how to burn. But if he does not, if he continues on as he has throughout his entire career, then he's not simply not good enough, and my team will not win the title we have been chasing until he is replaced as the goto guy.
Why does he have to be #1 to be awesome. Noone needs to be #1 to be awesome. Webber I guess shouldn't have been #1, but it wasn't like he was shooting 40% from the floor. He does to questionable shots but with him our team still scores 103 ppg, I never thought the problem was ever offensively, it's always been defensively. We were pretty good defensively in 2002, we have definitely faded in that catagory with Doug gone and Bobby always out on top of I believe a better bench D.

Your right Sloter, Peja did play better defensively in the playoffs, we need that same type of heart all year long and in the playoffs. I just want to see our main man succeed, that's all I'm asking for. I don't want to bash Peja, but i've seen the results, and sometimes they are mixed, hopefully now they are all positive.
That is correct. And that is because the Kings had absolutely noone playing PF. I believe it was Keon, the same guy who is out of the league right now. The other one was Pollard, even less talented. Out of shape Bibby, too. Disappointing Hedo. Not the best of the years for the Kings, and it still took Mavs 7 games (on their home court, by the way).
Sloter, Webber has shown up in the playoffs every year. He's played his heart out and other than Game 7 in 2002, where Bibby was our best performer, has been our most consistant playoff performer. Peja's best series was again the one with Webber out but we still couldn't beat the Mavs. I have a scary feeling that the same thing may happen this year.