Peja should take more 2pt shots

VF21 said:
Why does it have to be about excuses?

This isn't the first time Peja hasn't performed well in the playoffs. I am almost sick to death of reading excuse after excuse for Peja, especially from people who were SO QUICK to blast other Kings players who had pretty darned good excuses themselves.

I love this team and have since the beginning. I have supported Peja as long as he's worn the uniform. Why he shouldn't get criticism for less than acceptable performance in the playoffs is a true puzzlement.

It's not about comparing Peja to anyone but himself. Based on what we KNOW he's capable of doing, he's not making the grade. And it has nothing to do with Lewis. If Peja was doing such a stellar job on Lewis, Lewis would be able to light up the court when Peja is on the bench...but he's not, so clearly the defense of #16 ISN'T the only problem Rashard Lewis is having.

Couldn't we just let Peja be a man - and not try to either make him a sinner OR a saint?

In regards to his next contract, Peaj sure is costing himself alot of $ right now.
VF21 said:
Kennadog -

Why does it have to be about excuses?

This isn't the first time Peja hasn't performed well in the playoffs. I am almost sick to death of reading excuse after excuse for Peja, especially from people who were SO QUICK to blast other Kings players who had pretty darned good excuses themselves.

I love this team and have since the beginning. I have supported Peja as long as he's worn the uniform. Why he shouldn't get criticism for less than acceptable performance in the playoffs is a true puzzlement.

It's not about comparing Peja to anyone but himself. Based on what we KNOW he's capable of doing, he's not making the grade. And it has nothing to do with Lewis. If Peja was doing such a stellar job on Lewis, Lewis would be able to light up the court when Peja is on the bench...but he's not, so clearly the defense of #16 ISN'T the only problem Rashard Lewis is having.

Couldn't we just let Peja be a man - and not try to either make him a sinner OR a saint?
I was responding to King Adriod's comment comparing Peja to Lewis. I was questioning it. And I wasn't trying to make excuses, altho I don't think injuries are "excuses", they are fact. And the fact that injuries affect performance are fact.

I'm not saying Peja's playing great. As a matter of fact, his 3-point shot has been more off than on all year. I do believe Peja is costing himself money in a future contract. I guess I'm different than some folks. I don't expect anybody to live up to my expectations or the expectations that I decide they should have. Peja only has to live up to his expectations of himself as far as I'm concerned. My guess would be that he hasn't. And I'm sure that it bothers Peja a whole lot more than it'll ever bother me.

Do I wish Peja would play better? You bet! But every game I hope all our players will be able to play well. Bottom line for me is I hope the team will win. I'm disappointed when the team doesn't win.