Well, I'm not a telepath, so I'd rather not speak to intent, but I think that most teams provide media guides which include correct pronunciations, so if they're consistently getting the names wrong, it kind of feels like a choice. As for print journalists, if you can't take the time to track down the correct spelling... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In all honesty, most of my ire is directed at fans, anyway: Maybe I'm just not a hardcore enough sports person to have noticed to the contrary, but I find most announcers/journalists get it right or are at least making a good-faith effort. It's regular people who are most likely to intentionally mispronounce or misspell someone's name... Or just straight up not bother to learn it, and just call them, "the [X team] announcer," or "the [Y team] player."
My personal preference is to reply without using the reply feature, because I generally favor threads being more streamlined. That is also why I will avoid quoting a post that has embedded media: I will either parse the link or remove the embedded media entirely; call it a holdover from when I had to get by with s***ty connections and second-hand computers, and I could not abide long page load times. I will quote and/or '@' somebody in a thread where there are multiple conversations happening, or when replies are being posted so frequently that it's not clear who I'm replying to.