NFL 2022-2023 Season Thread

Commentators, all of them are saying never seen or heard of "anything" like this in NFL game but has happened before. I remember ancient days (around mid 70s) watching Detroit Lions playing somebody (will look it up) and wide receiver for Lions was lining up on live TV national broadcast and suddenly fell like a rock onto the turf and died. I don't recall every detail (will search or someone can) but player rushed to hospital where pronounced dead there. So it has happened but "NFL talking head experts" are wrong. Hope Damar Hamlin makes it and game resumes whenever it resumes.
The NFL needs to step up and cancel the damn game. You can’t leave 60,000 people just sitting there not knowing what’s going on. Do the right thing and cancel the game comish.
just saw the replay and the crown of the helmet from Higgins went full impact into Hamlin's chest. I'm honestly surprised something like this isn't more frequent.
The scary thing about what happened tonight is that the hit didn't even look that serious when it first happened. I will be perfectly honest with you all here...It looked like most normal football hits that you see. The problem, however, is that football hits are registered with so much momentum, so much force, that what we all perceive to be a simple hit that SHOULD have very minimal, to no, impact, can be life threatening just like that. I've never seen anything like that in my life, and to see an ambulance come on to the field, and to see CPR being administered, put a whole bag of goodies into perspective. Unbelievable how one single event can suck the entire life out of a building.

Hoping to wake up to some positive news for Hamlin, but based on what I saw tonight, and what I've read and heard since, it doesn't look good.
Way to early to tell. He’s likely undergoing cooling protocol for first 24 hours then they’re going to see if he has any brain activities. Usually prognosis on cardiac arrest like this depends on how long downtime are before they get pulses back and high level CPR
Yes it's a different situation, but I get some hope from the story of Danish soccer player Christian Eriksen. He suffered cardiac arrest during a game in May 2021 and received cardiopulmonary resuscitation and defibrillation on the field. He eventually recovered to the point where he resumed playing in March 2022. Sending good thoughts to Mr. Hamlin.