The bad news is we only had 9 predictors tonight
(Back-to-back caught some of us off guard? Or was it
the combination of Easter/Passover with a weekend?...)
The good news...
C'mon, any W over those-who-shall-not-be-named is always good news!!!...
That's not all...
More great news for SOME of us...
we have a new leader! Guess who made the top of the list by 1 point?
Here goes:
Only 4 of 9 predictors believed we will win this one (can't blame them)
@Ron was again King of the night (I'm on a roll here...), predicting a 2-point W,
thus missing the 1-point margin by 1, to tally a nice score of
@CVKingsfan and
@El Paljasso shared 2nd place with
@Capt. Factorial was 4th with
@bubulina and
@origkds missed a sure-thing positive score tonight...
...Definitely on a roll. Daily win #15 for
April 2018 Leaders (after just 1 game)
# Predictor (Pts)
@Ron (60)
@CVKingsfan (47)
2. @ El Paljasso (47)
@Capt. Factorial (42)
@burekijogurt (7)
@New Era (4)
@BeerNerd916 (4)
@LoungeLizard (2)
@Telemachus (1)
Season Leaderboard
How much tighter can it get?
With 4 games left this season, we have a practical tie at the top,
@Ron took the lead with
2,802, ahead of
@New Era with
More changes:
@CVKingsfan passed
@Telemachus to take 6th place.
@El Paljasso passed the missing
@chief bromden to take 9th place.
@burekijogurt scored only 7 tonight, but still managed to pass
@Spike and take 24th place.
Oh, yeah... And "The Flatliner"
* is still ahead of us all. Just slightly...
* "The Flatliner" is a prediction of a 97-106 loss each game
suggested by
@R2D2 to check the fixed prediction strategy.
Points Per Prediction
This one is SO close!...
Just look at the numbers of the top 4
KingsFan.................... Games….. Average
.................................... predicted per prediction
@New Era ........................ 73…..……. 38.37
@chief bromden ........... 37…..……. 38.32
@eMBarkat10n .............. 62…..……. 37.87
@Ron ................................. 74…..……. 37.86
@Capt. Factorial ............ 78…..……. 34.55
@LoungeLizard .............. 76…..……. 34.14
@BeerNerd916 ............... 73…..……. 34.12
@YoungBlood ................. 20…..……. 33.65
@206Fan ........................... 12…..……. 31.83
@CVKingsfan ................... 77…..……. 31.71
@Telemachus .................. 78…..……. 30.86
@SLAB ................................ 13…..……. 30.69
@Tomcat ........................... 10…..……. 28.40
@Tetsujin .......................... 14…..……. 21.64
@origkds ........................... 60…..……. 21.23
@El Paljasso ..................... 71…..……. 20.17
@bubulina ........................ 45…..……. 15.67
@VF21 ................................ 15…..……. 14.00
The Flatliner .................... 78…..……. 36.53
~1/10 of all predictions (8 of 78)
Longest Season Streak Correctly Predicting Winner..........
14 - @New Era in games 53-68 (absent in 2 of them)
Longest Active Streak Correctly Predicting Winner.............
4 -
@eMBarkat10n (maintained by absence)
@chief bromden and @Ron behind him with 3 correct predictions.
Longest Streak Incorrectly Mispredicting Winner................
8 -
@El Paljasso in the first 9 games (absent once)
Longest Active Streak Incorrectly Mispredicting Winner....
4 -
@bubulina, @VF21 and @origkds (all MIA tonight)
Highs and Lows
Overall Predictions
Most Prediction Attempts................................78 - @Capt. Factorial and @Telemachus
Most Correct Predictions of Winner.............52 - @Ron
Most Predictions with a Score of 50+..........27 - @CVKingsfan
Most Predictions with a Score of 60+..........16 - @New Era
Most Predictions with a Score of 70+............6 - @Ron and @New Era
Most Predictions with a Score of 80+............2 - @Ron and @New Era
Most Predictions with a Score of 90+............1 - @origkds, @eMBarkat10n and @Ron
High % Correct in Predicting Winner.....71.0% - @eMBarkat10n
Low % Correct in Predicting Winner......20.0% - @VF21
Kings' W Predictions
Most Kings' W Predictions...........................71 - @El Paljasso
Least Kings' W Predictions.............................1 - @chief bromden
Highest % of Kings' W Predictions...100.0% - @VF21, @El Paljasso and @origkds
Lowest % of Kings' W Predictions.........2.7% - @chief bromden
Most Correct Kings' W Predictions............22 - @El Paljasso
Least Correct Kings' W Predictions...............0 - @chief bromden
Highest % Correct in Kings' W Pred...75.0% - @YoungBlood
Lowest % Correct in Kings' W Pred........0.0% - @chief bromden
Kings' L Predictions
Most Kings' L Predictions...........................58 - @Capt. Factorial
Least Kings' L Predictions............................0 - @VF21, @El Paljasso and @origkds
Highest % of Kings' L Predictions.........97.3% - @chief bromden
Lowest % of Kings' L Predictions............0.0% - @VF21, @El Paljasso and @origkds
Most Correct Kings' L Predictions..............42 - @Capt. Factorial
Least Correct Kings' L Predictions................1 - @bubulina
Full Spreadsheet