Nets @ Kings Game Thread

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Pittsburgh fan: The NBA Broadband link is pretty decent quality, and it's the Kings broadcasters.

I have a feeling DirecTV won't get their act together anytime soon on this.
Damm we lost the lead but on an off topic statement i think the playoffs are pretty much set in the west with the Warriors and Denver taking the last 2 spots.
That "play" at the end was terrible!

I don't know why they didn't push the ball up the floor! Instead, they give it to Bibby who is TRAILING the play and so the best shot he could get was a halfcourt three pointer.

Artest should've brought it up and if he didn't want to shoot, at least pass it to someone ahead and not behind you!

Not a abad first half, though.
For those who don't get the Kings broadcaster....apparently SAR had a fever over a 100 an hour before game time. So they didn't want to start him. He may not play much. However, I guess a sick Reef is better than a healthy Mo Taylor or Potapenko.;)

Another great finish to a half. I'm so not surprised.
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