NCAA Basketball


Super Moderator Emeritus
Major props to the coach of George Mason University. The speech he gave after the game to his team was inspirational. I have a lot of respect for him AND those young men. They may have been defeated but they are NOT losers.
What the? How does LSU play great against duke and texas and awful against UCLA? Jeez LA is going to win AGAIN. Florida better take out LA in the finals...
BRUINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D Out of the 3 teams I picked (Nova and UNC were the others), if you'd told me it would be them in the finals I'd have said you were nuts but I'm happy. Kill the Gators!!!:D
GMU should be very proud, they had a great run and it was a shame they couldn't go all the way but they have nothing to hang their heads about.
BM52-bite your tongue;)
loopymitch said:
Don't worry chelle, football season will be here soon;) and there's always UNC in the ladies, we agree on that.:)
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOOTBALL!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!! They were doing spring practices yesterday at LSU - gave me goosebumps!

Today, I REALLY want UNC and LSU to win but when they do - I will have a quandry of epic proportions! :eek:

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Okay, Kevin Harlan has said about six times in the ten minutes that I've been listening that Noah's father is famous... who the **** is his father, and what is he supposed to be famous for?
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Okay, Kevin Harlan has said about six times in the ten minutes that I've been listening that Noah's father is famous... who the **** is his father, and what is he supposed to be famous for?
Back in the 80's when Tennis was still exciting to watch and full of characters , Yannick Noah was one of the top (clay) players. Won French Open in 83. Went on to become a bad pop singer and celebrity (famous for being famous).