No bar, no move up.
Did some fast food research on potential picks. Vassel, Bey, Williams.
Vassel: two way player, decent size, shot, athleticism. What the Kinfs need.
Bey: looks like a SF version of Buddy. Low, but deadly shot. Average athleticism. Didn’t see any defensive highlights. Looks like he’ll have issues on defense. Slow feet.
Williams is 4/3. Athletic. Solid shot. Think he can develop into a 3 n D. But will likely be a 4.
Bonus: Okoro looks n moves like Ron Artest.
Bonus: do not want Achiwara. Too raw, too wild. But perfect for a team like Toronto. Squint hard enough n there’s some Siskam there. Join the Kings n he’s in the Dleague after his first contract.