dude absolutely about to snort a mountain of cocaine and try trading Booker for Zion or something, isn’t he?
The picks? The picks? They are close to having the fewest number of picks legally allowed in the next seven drafts. Here are their draft assets in the next seven drafts:
2024: #22
2025: Nothing
2026: Own 1st, worst of four due to three swap options
2027: Nothing
2028: Own 1st, worst of four due to three swap options, Boston's 2nd rounder if it is 46+
2029: Nothing
2030: Own 1st, worst of four due to three swap options
That's four firsts, almost certainly all in the 20s.
That's 0 or 1 second round picks (and it would be 46+ if they have one at all).
They have three players tying up $150M+ for the next two years, and one of them sucks and one of them is ollllllld and one of them has punch-me-face.
He'd be lucky to find 3 teams to swap with him, much less 26.