Catching up on my podcast backlog, since nobody is producing new shows this week, and the producer of Jenkins and Jonez had what I thought was a brilliant idea, that might actually get players to play harder during the All-Star game. The reason why the Emirates Cup means something to teams in a way that the All-Star game doesn't is because that 500K means something to the guys at the end of the bench; everybody in the All-Star game is too rich to care about money on that level. But... what if, instead of winning money, players could lose money at the All-Star game? What if, every all-star had to, say, put in 50 racks of their own bread? And then both teams were playing for a pot where winning doesn't just mean you get 50 thousand dollars, it means you get 50 thousand dollars of LeBron's money! It means you get 50 thousand dollars of Giannis' money! I'll bet you anything that the chance to take 50 racks off of Big Sawfty would motivate Anthony Edwards way more than a chance to win 500K from the league.