MVP Road Trip


Homer Fan Since 1985
Who is planning on going? Please check in here. MBF is checking on group rates for a hotel. It would help to have an idea how many rooms we need.

Also, how about trying to get the same flight to Phoenix and return. So far, the cheapest is US Airways on a non-stop for $148. That is flying from Sac on Saturday and returning on Monday. United and Delta are at $159, but that is with 1 stop.
Anyone have details on Road Trip?

I guess I haven't gotten the information yet, either mail or email, so can someone please fill me in? This may just be the year we can financially afford to go! I wish it was Seattle instead of Phoenix though--too hot!
You should check the internet specials at - You can fly for $64 one way to Phoenix from Sac, that's $128 plus tax for a round trip. I fly there all the time to visit family.
Hotwire has some nice Room and flight packages too.

But if we can get a 20+ head count we may be able to get reasonable digs somewhere.

I know MS&E is not in the Travel agency business but boy it makes a big *** difference when they say we can guarentee 50 people. Of course they think corperate rate, and folks like me think...


Okay I had my mini rant

I think this will be my first Road Trip... Right on

Oh and BTW... Do we have to get our own tix too???
I've gotten a preliminary quote from a Best Western property which is a walkable mile from downtown nightlifery and the arena. I've stayed here a couple of times for my sports field trips and can vouch for the walk and the place. I'm trying to get their group/special rate info.

I'm awaiting word from another property much closer to the arena to see what rates we can get for a minimum 10 rooms.

I will post info when I have it hopefully later today or Monday.

If you're interested let me know via PM so I can get a head count.
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My partner and I want to roadtrip too

Yes we would like to go but need to know a little bit more about it. No details from Monarchs staff yet. It is important to know approximate price and is it just one overnight or two? We have never gone on one and don't know what to plan for in time off work or cost.
Room Rate Info

I have a group rate for the Hyatt Regency Phoenix Civic Plaza of $79 +tax per night - this rate is about $50 below their current rack rate. This hotel is 2 blocks away from the arena. This is the same group rate that I was quoted for the Best Western. I'm more than willing to go with the Hyatt based on its proximity, however their process for blocking the rooms and confirming this rate is a weeee bit more formal so I will definitely like to get a head count on who is in for this. If you are interested in getting this rate, we need to book at least 10 rooms so I would like to hear from you by Sunday. Please send me a PM with the following information...

1. Total number of nights you plan on staying (VERY IMPORTANT)
2. Double beds/1 Queen/1 King

If you would rather chat in person, you can catch me either at Malabar viewing party on Friday or at ARCO on Saturday. If we don't have 10 rooms spoken for by Monday, I will not block rooms here and we can all figure out where to stay on our own. If you know of people off board who are going and trying to find a room, please pass this info along and PM me and I'll give you my email address to pass along. I need to hear from folks by Sunday night. This is just a head count I'm taking right now to make sure we have a need to 10 rooms, this is not a reservation. If we have 10 people committed to snagging rooms here, I'll give the Hyatt the ok to block these rooms off for us and then will post information about making your reservations to get access to this rate. I'll negotiate a booking deadline with the hotel that fits everybody's schedule. However, if I haven't stressed this...I need 10 rooms spoken for by Sunday before I tell the hotel we're interested in the rate and the block.

Info about what happens at these shindigs?

We should receive something shortly indicating what the package price is for the party, game ticket and tshirt or whatever it is they are doing.

The day before the game, MS&E hosts an intimate gathering/reception with the players at a local restaurant. From what information they have released now, this will take place @ 6pm Saturday night. Usually at this party, you receive your group t-shirt and tickets for the game on Sunday.

Day to yourself on Sunday (or morning at least). Game that afternoon.
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Reminder...if you are interested in staying at the Hyatt in downtown Phx, I will be blocking rooms @ the $79/night plus tax rate I mentioned previously. I have a little over half of these rooms spoken for right now, some still are available, I just need to know how many nights you will be staying and what type of room you need (2 double beds/1 king/1 queen).

PM me if you would like to have a room in this block. Please also feel free to pass this information on to anyone off board and ask them to contact me via email.
One more update on the room block. As mentioned earlier, I have blocked 10 rooms at the Phoenix Hyatt, those rooms are nearly fully claimed by folks making the trip. If you are interested in getting a room for the group rate or $79+tax, please PM me, I will be passing along information on how to make reservations to get this rate beginning on Tuesday. Once these 10 rooms are booked, the Hyatt will honor the group rate for additional rooms based on availability or if I ask them to guarantee more rooms.
...I wish it was Seattle instead of Phoenix though--too hot!
I won't be able to go to this one, but I agree that Seattle would be a lot more comfortable for me. PHX in the summer is too much for me. Now I know why the Mercury's mascot is called "Scorch"! :eek:

Unfortunately, I am not sure if a road trip to Seattle will ever be in the works, since it seems very iffy if the Storm will move to Oklahoma City or wherever after this season. :(

I would hate for Seattle to lose their own WNBA team! :mad:

But for those who are going...have fun! And let's go, Monarchs! :)
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I've just received word that the room block has sold out. I will be expanding the block on Monday to help some folks get in on the group rate. If you are still considering going but have not made your travel plans and need a room, let me know by 5pm on Monday(7/9) so that I add the appropriate number of rooms to the block. The hotel's deadline for reservation under this block is August 1st, so there's still time to get in - we should have further details on the Phoenix activities from MS&E before then - but I can only increase the number of rooms based on need.
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