Most Overrated Players and Teams

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1. k.martin
2. AK47
3. zach randolph
4. pau gasol
5. michael redd
6. carlos boozer
7. a. walker
8. s. jaskevicijus (ind)
9. l. odom
10. richard jefferson

1. mike biby
2. rip hamilton
3. c. billups
4. t. prince
5. peja stojakovic
6. jay richardson
7. kirk hinrich
8. chris bosh
9. jeff foster
10. reggie evans

Overrated coach:
Larry Brown
Underrated coach:
Rick Adelman
starks said:
4. pau gasol
All I ever hear about Pau is how soft he is, by fans and the media. If that makes him overratted then I feel sorry for him.

starks said:
6. jay richardson
Jason Richardson? I think he is overratted, he is a poor FT shooter is just starting to become a decent shooter from midrange.

Everything else I agree on.
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the most overrated players

1. andre kiralenko (utah jazz)

2. steve nash

3. paul pierce

the most overrated teams

1. miami heat

2. phoenix suns

3. denver nuggets

4. cleveland cavaliers

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Make the playoffs = overrated? That's kind of thin, especially seeing as how it's not exactly uncommon to see a 39-win team make the playoffs in the NBA. It's not like saying that you think they'll make the playoffs is the same as saying that you think they'll win the championship....

Alright then, give me eight teams in the east that are CLEARLY better than New York.
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Alright then, give me eight teams in the east that are CLEARLY better than New York.
oooh, fun challenge. i only come up with 7 tho: pistons, pacers, heat, nets, bulls, cavs, and bucks/philly (i figure one of them's gotta be).
bowen overrated??? YAH RIGHT!!! that guy is one of the best defenders in the game, and he should have at least one DPOY. while some of his tatics are questionable, he doesn't get called for them, so why stop if you aren't being called for fouls??? he frustrates the heck out of people. i wish the kings had a defensive stopper like bruce.

i think at this point in time i'd call tony parker SLIGHTY overrated, but i don't think thats always going to be the case. he's terribly incosistant. in the 2nd round V the lakers 2 years ago, he made gary payton look ridiculously bad in the first 2 games, then he disappeared the rest of the series. like i said, i think in time he's going to be worthy of top 5 PG's in the game talk, but for now, i'd stick to a top 10 PG in the game rating.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Jerryaki said:
oooh, fun challenge. i only come up with 7 tho: pistons, pacers, heat, nets, bulls, cavs, and bucks/philly (i figure one of them's gotta be).
Well, see, that doesn't exactly work: according to jacobdrj, both the Knicks and Cavs are overrated, so apparently he thinks that there are eight other teams in the east that are clearly better than the two of them.

Interestingly enough, he seems to think that Milwaukee is clearly better than the Knicks, despite New York having roughly equal talent and better coaching.
I've always thought of overrated as being over paid for their production on court (or role on a team).

With that in mind:

Allen Houston has to be first, even before his injuries - pre retirement
Tim Thomas
Chris Webber
Micheal Finley - pre amnesty
Brian Grant
Penny Hardaway
Grant Hill
Keith Van Horn
Jalen Rose
Eddie Jones
Antonio Davis
Dale Davis

(thank you for that list of top 30 player salaries in the earlier thread)

All those players should be considered role players, but are being paid for being their team's respective leaders. (C-Webb may not apply, but he is still overratted for his lack of leadership and for being injury prone - see Grant Hill too)

With that in mind bargin players include:

Peja - if he's maxed next year, that will change
Dwayne Wade
Amare Stoudemire - 2.5 Mil
Bruce Bowen - 3.3 Mil for being an elite defender
Zach Randolph

and I'm sure there's more if I did more research.

Overrated team:

I don't think any really exist, no publication is sticking their reputation on the line by saying anybody but the Spurs will win. If I had to choose though, it would be New York Knicks - because of payroll and Pheonix because of hype and losing their two best shooters (even with Amare in the lineup).
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Well, see, that doesn't exactly work: according to jacobdrj, both the Knicks and Cavs are overrated, so apparently he thinks that there are eight other teams in the east that are clearly better than the two of them.

Interestingly enough, he seems to think that Milwaukee is clearly better than the Knicks, despite New York having roughly equal talent and better coaching.

I said the CAVS were overrated, not that they wouldn't make the POs. In case you don't know, some people who do ratings have the Cavs sloted as high as number 4 in the East. A few even have them taking Miami's place in the top 3, record-wise. I don't see them anything higher than 8, but it wouldn't suprise me to see them at the 8 seed. NY will have NO CHANCE to make it into the POs. Cavs have a shot at 8.

Yes. I like the Bucks. They are a very good overall team. I like their speed. I like their depth. I don't think they are title contenders, but they may be, after the season takes it's injury toll on the rest, the 4th best squad in the East.

I just look at the seedings differently than most. Many people, such as yourself Slim, take a more conservative approach to the standings.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
jacobdrj said:
I said the CAVS were overrated, not that they wouldn't make the POs. In case you don't know, some people who do ratings have the Cavs sloted as high as number 4 in the East. A few even have them taking Miami's place in the top 3, record-wise. I don't see them anything higher than 8, but it wouldn't suprise me to see them at the 8 seed. NY will have NO CHANCE to make it into the POs. Cavs have a shot at 8.

Yes. I like the Bucks. They are a very good overall team. I like their speed. I like their depth. I don't think they are title contenders, but they may be, after the season takes it's injury toll on the rest, the 4th best squad in the East.

I just look at the seedings differently than most. Many people, such as yourself Slim, take a more conservative approach to the standings.
With Washington and the Bulls losing pieces, Cavs look to clearly be the #4 seed in the East. Barring injuries of course.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
jacobdrj said:
... Yes. I like the Bucks. They are a very good overall team. I like their speed. I like their depth. I don't think they are title contenders, but they may be, after the season takes it's injury toll on the rest, the 4th best squad in the East...

FSM > Ford
Crawford = Redd
Richardson = Simmons
Rose = Smith
Curry > Bogut

Nate Robinson = Maurice Williams
Anfernee Hardaway = Jiri Welsch
Trevor Ariza < Bobby Simmons
Maurice Taylor > Toni Kukoc
Jerome James = Dan Gadzuric
Channing Frye > Ervin Johnson
Matt Barnes > whoever the hell else they got


Larry Brown > Terry Porter

Milwaukee as the 4th-best team in the east is poppycock, AFAIC. They're equal to New York at best.

jacobdrj said:
... I just look at the seedings differently than most. Many people, such as yourself Slim, take a more conservative approach to the standings.
I have no idea what this means...
jacobdrj said:
Players: The 3 Amigos: Marburry, Francis, Iverson
They all play as if they were PGs, but in fact are overrated SGs. What they do individually is amazing. However, none of them appear to actualy have what it takes to lead their teams to victory on anything but a medeocre scale.
AI led his team to the Finals. That's farther than any of the recent Kings.

Monday, October 24, 2005 Branson Wright
Plain Dealer Reporter

-- Damon Jones rates himself as the best shooter in the world, but in the Cavs first six preseason games he looked like anything but.

Last week against Philadelphia, the point guard began to find his shooting touch. Sunday he continued his offensive coming-out party with a preseason-high 19 points, including a go-ahead running shot off the glass with 19 seconds left in the Cavs' 87-83 preseason victory over the Toronto Raptors at the Nationwide Arena.

"Just because I'm the best shooter in the world doesn't mean I have to go out and make every shot," Jones said. "It was an adjustment trying to fit into a new system and over the last couple of games, coach [Mike] Brown has allowed me to play extensive minutes and I've been able to get my rhythm and it has been working out for me."

--I think this guy overrates himself.
thesanityannex said:
That's just personal hatred. There is no way Shaq could ever be considered overrated.

When he was in Orlando, he took the team to the finals. Then he left and the Magic franchise, still hasn't recovered.

When he was in LA, he won three championships and became the most dominant player of this era. When he left, Lakers looked horrendous as they miss the playoffs for the first time in a decade.

Then he goes to Miami and instantly makes them a championship contender whereas, before the Heat was an afterthought.

I don't like the guy either, but where he goes success follows. That can not be in any definition of overrated.


JonBoy418 said:
That's just personal hatred. There is no way Shaq could ever be considered overrated.

When he was in Orlando, he took the team to the finals. Then he left and the Magic franchise, still hasn't recovered.

When he was in LA, he won three championships and became the most dominant player of this era. When he left, Lakers looked horrendous as they miss the playoffs for the first time in a decade.

Then he goes to Miami and instantly makes them a championship contender whereas, before the Heat was an afterthought.

I don't like the guy either, but where he goes success follows. That can not be in any definition of overrated.
So now because I think Shaq is overrated, that means its personal hate? This may surprise you, but I like the Diesel. Still doesn't stop me from thinking he is overrated now. He's definitely lost a step these days, and his work ethic is poor.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
That still doesn't make him overrated; lost a step or not, there aren't three GM's in the NBA that wouldn't rather have Shaquille O'Neal over the guy they've got starting at center right now. Good, bad or indifferent, O'Neal is still the single-most physically imposing player in the NBA, and the one player in the league that can't be defended one-on-one by anybody. And, he's one of the six greatest centers of all time: Mikan, Russell, Chamberlain, Alcindor, Olajuwon, O'Neal... that's it; that's the list. He's better than Walton, better than Parrish, better than Ewing, better than Robinson, better than Thurmond. He may not be the best player from a fundamental aspect, but, as loathe as I am to give him credit for anything, he may very well be, as he claims, the most physically dominant player ever. By what rational standard can you say that he's overrated?


captain bill said:
Let's get this straight- Parker and Bowen are BOTH overrated, therefor...Duncan and Manu alone, 2 men, are what make the Spurs a dominant team and keep them contending? Or maybe it's all Nazr Mohammed. And keep in mind, when the Spurs won 3 years ago Manu wasn't playing at as high a Duncan alone lifts the Spurs? Not buying it. If Garnett can't get his team to the playoffs, Duncan has got to be 10000 times better than him to win 2 rings with a bunch of scrubs. Who, buy the way, can still go toe-to-toe with anyone in the league sans Duncan (see game vs. Suns)...therefore...Manu Ginobli is the best player in the league for his ability to carry a bunch of underrated players to elite status.
this quote from page 2 is hilarious! did you forget david robinson? stephen jackson? steve kerr? and that one other really, really good 3-point shooter that is a broadcaster now, whose name escapes me? yes, tony park and bruce bowen are overrated, and, yes, TD and Manu (plus an awesome bench) are alone what makes the spurs a contender today. Today all you need it 2 all-stars to win it all, countless teams have proved that.

Yes, Parker is overrated. You all say that "one day" he will be a top 5 PG, and that is very, very likely with him being barely 23. But, I am not talking about the future. Countless media and basketball know-it-alls proclaim he IS one of the best PG's in the league right now just because he can make a couple floaters, through some behind the back passes, and ride with Manu and TD to a championship or two.

And Bowen is overrated as a defender, did I mention his offense when I rated him? No, because he's not an offensive player, and everyone knows that, so stop bringing that up. Please give me some hard facts of what he hold his man to a night before I will think that he is truly a good defender. Sure he gets up into the face of his man a couple times and night, cheap shots them a few more times, and complains to the ref until he gets the calls he wants against his man, but that doesn't make him a good defender. I'm not buying it.

Part of comment removed by VF21

anyway, on with the discussion...and i agree about Kenyon Martin being overrated...but i wanted to get a man from each position in the line-up so i left him out in favor of 'toine (maybe that explains the bowen overrating to some of you)
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Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Netguy115 said:
And Bowen is overrated as a defender, did I mention his offense when I rated him? No, because he's not an offensive player, and everyone knows that, so stop bringing that up. Please give me some hard facts of what he hold his man to a night before I will think that he is truly a good defender. Sure he gets up into the face of his man a couple times and night, cheap shots them a few more times, and complains to the ref until he gets the calls he wants against his man, but that doesn't make him a good defender. I'm not buying it.
Carmelo Anthony: 17.8 ppg, .303 FG% vs Bowen in 2004-05; 20.9 ppg, .438 FG% vs the rest of the league.
Richard Hamilton: 9.5 ppg, .308 FG% vs Bowen in 2004-05; 19.0 ppg, .443 FG% vs the rest of the league.
Peja Stojakovic: 17.0 ppg, .391 FG% vs Bowen in 2004-05; 20.3 ppg, .446 FG% vs the rest of the league.
Joe Johnson: 14.0 ppg, .385 FG%vs Bowen in 2004-05; 17.2 ppg, .464 FG% vs the rest of the league.

FG% against is one of the most reliable indicators of how good a player is defensively. Those stats seem to indicate fairly clearly that Bowen slows/shuts people down; and I could have gone on, but I have get up at 0430 to go to work in the morning...

Netguy115 said:
I'm glad at least a few people had the balls to put up their own lists, instead of just trying to refute mine without putting up any of their own.
Yeah, whatever... it should come as no surprise that some people have difficulty in taking an OP seriously when they make statements like "Bruce Bowen is an overrated defender," when their strongest argument in defense of that position is defensive stats.

And you don't exactly ingratiate yourself to the rest of us by complaining about how people have had the temerity not to co-sign your cries of "overrated," and instead chose to poke holes in your rather specious arguments. In fact, posting your "overrated" list doesn't make you "ballsy," and your complaining about the people that don't only makes you look like a whiny tool.


Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Carmelo Anthony: 17.8 ppg, .303 FG% vs Bowen in 2004-05; 20.9 ppg, .438 FG% vs the rest of the league.
Richard Hamilton: 9.5 ppg, .308 FG% vs Bowen in 2004-05; 19.0 ppg, .443 FG% vs the rest of the league.
Peja Stojakovic: 17.0 ppg, .391 FG% vs Bowen in 2004-05; 20.3 ppg, .446 FG% vs the rest of the league.
Joe Johnson: 14.0 ppg, .385 FG%vs Bowen in 2004-05; 17.2 ppg, .464 FG% vs the rest of the league.

FG% against is one of the most reliable indicators of how good a player is defensively. Those stats seem to indicate fairly clearly that Bowen slows/shuts people down; and I could have gone on, but I have get up at 0430 to go to work in the morning...

Yeah, whatever... it should come as no surprise that some people have difficulty in taking an OP seriously when they make statements like "Bruce Bowen is an overrated defender," when their strongest argument in defense of that position is defensive stats.

And you don't exactly ingratiate yourself to the rest of us by complaining about how people have had the temerity not to co-sign your cries of "overrated," and instead chose to poke holes in your rather specious arguments. In fact, posting your "overrated" list doesn't make you "ballsy," and your complaining about the people that don't only makes you look like a whiny tool.
Thank you slim citrus for turning this thread into EXACTLY what VF21 said it would with that last line. I guess 17,000+ posts gives her a little bit of the ability to predict things like this well. Feel free to lock this sad thread that everyone, especially citrus, has ruined. Its sad that a group of people can't follow a few simple guidelines that would've created a pretty enjoyable thread.

Why is it so much easier with the "Name your Top 5 Eastern Conference teams" threads and whatnot? Can't anything run like its suppose to?

Anyway, sure I might, MIGHT, take back the Bowen overrating thing now that I see those numbers you threw up, but theres no reason for 1 mishap on my list to cause you all to deem me as a "tool" and try to refute everything I say. It was my opinion, and you should be able to respect that. As I would've respected yours had you even attempted to put a list up.

Also, I'm just rather not fond of Bruce Bower, good [aka cheap] defense aside, and maybe that skewed my...for lack of a better term, rating of him a little. Still not completely taking it back though.
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