Monarchs Unveil New Uniform Photo Gallery


Homer Fan Since 1985
Very nice pics. Thanks!

The home jerseys, I can handle. The away jerseys are still awful, IMHO.

Oh and, MBF, that's a very good picture.
THANKS for the pics! They'd look a lot better without RED piping making them look like someone is going to cut on the line. The home are white, right? Those look okay. But the purple ones still want to make me gag.
WTH!! :eek:

I need to start carrying a pixelating device so I don't show up in random LEAST this is marginally better than that um other one that I randomly appeared in with um..."accessories" ;)
Now that I see them on, I'm not as adverse to them. I like the red in the team colors, but the piping is a bit overdone, this time.

I get the "element" from the team logo (butterfly wings) on the side and it doesn't jump out at me as much as it did in the drawings. From farther back, if I tilt my head slightly, it looks a bit like a stylized basketball net, actually. ;)
I like the shoulder cut, since the girls all rolled the shoulders in to make it that way, anyway. Now it will be uniform.

I don't think any one has said this - I think it looks like they are wearing little lace swim jackets with their uniforms-the cut of the leaf pattern gives me that impression. I like it, except the away uniform is in too strong a color to pull off that look.

Could be worse - wait till you see next years!!!:p