I think they do look at the chemistry of the team when they make their personnel decisions and they haven’t brought in many free agents because I really don’t think they needed anybody whose been out there, and like I’ve been harping on, they’ve invested their money where it will make them the longest term return. “Win by stocking up with older veteran players” is mortgaging or hedging, and if it works out, fine, if it doesn’t well, you’re sorta screwed because then you have to start over in a relatively quick period of time. A team like Sacramento has a young core now that’s been together for 3 years, they’ve built outward around it this year and have an 11 year veteran leading it and young playoff tested veterans supporting it. By the time Harper matures you could have the makings of a very good young team. You hang on to your draft picks and simply continue to add depth and talent. (The key word is depth, that will always matter in this league).
Where I do agree with the chemistry and diva issue is you have to have people, who play in this system, who will like having a role that isn’t a focal one. People who are used to or need to or want to have the offense go through them or center around them will not be happy in this system. And that is a delicate dance you have to do to massage the egos of those who aren’t used to sharing minutes and roles or shots. The crew in Seattle says they can check their egos at the door for the common goal, but I think you need to have a non-diva there to call you on it or else there is no check. Is there one? The same could be true like you say in LA, if they decide to collect all these players who play the same position or displace somebody who got the bulk of the minutes somewhere last year, can that work? Who knows, on paper it looks good/impressive and older-wiser players might take a different approach to life.
I agree about Franklin, my sense of her in having watched her and some other stuff I’m doing, is that she doesn’t have the chip on her shoulder because she believes enough in herself and her abilities that she trusts that she can succeed. She compensates for her lack of height with basketball intelligence and applying that to making the most advantage of her natural and developed abilities she has to help her team. Aqua seems as though she’s walking off the A&M campus and into Sacramento, which is philosophically the same place on a variety of levels.
I didn’t hear obviously what Ticha said, but I did hear coach make a comment about talent. I also heard her say she felt she thought they could still compete with the teams that had “talent” and she seemed to suggest that she knows her team is being dismissed and that being the case, she talked about her team "sneaking up on some people". While chemistry is or can be trumped by talent, chemistry also goes a long way to helping bring the best and most out of the talent you have