Monarch's New Head Coach is Jenny Boucek

Monarchs to hire ex-Seattle coach

By Melody Gutierrez - Bee Staff Writer
Published 3:02 pm PST Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Monarchs will announce Jenny Boucek as the team's new head coach at a news conference on Wednesday, sources told The Bee.
Boucek, 32, spent three seasons with the Seattle Storm as the top assistant for coach Anne Donovan before leaving unexpectedly following the 2005 season.

The Monarchs would not confirm that Boucek is the new coach.
Select Monarchs fans received an e-mail on Monday offering an exclusive opportunity to meet the new Monarchs head coach provided they purchased tickets to Wednesday's Kings vs. Memphis Grizzlies game at Arco Arena.

Monarchs General Manager John Whisenant stepped down as head coach last month after contract negotiations fell a part. Whisenant was not immediately available to comment on Tuesday. Monarchs officials would not elaborate on Wednesday's announcement.
Whisenant juggled dual roles as coach and general manager for 3 1/2 seasons but now will focus on being GM.

Whisenant-coached Monarchs teams had a 76-42 (.644) regular-season record. The Monarchs won their first WNBA championship in 2005. In September, the team lost the deciding Game 5 of the championship series to the Detroit Shock.

Whisenant had said he wanted to hire his replacement well before Jan. 15, the first day teams can negotiate with free agents.
Judging from the year she went to Univ. of Virginia, it appears that Jenny Boucek and DeMya Walker were teammates there for a few years.

Jenny was at UVA in 1992-96, while DeMya played there in 1995-99.
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I don't have any emotion one way or the other.
Don't know much about her, except for seeing her on the sidelines of Storm games. I guess Coach Whiz has a pretty good take on her skills?
She's been behind a good teacher in Donnovan....I'm still skepticle on an assistant being a head coach...

Well let the new era begin. Hope to see you all in Dec.!
Physically hot or professionally hot :rolleyes:
Hey after all those years I good-naturedly put up with my wife and stepdaughter fawning over CWebb... "yes honey, I do have to admit he has a gorgeous smile"... etc

My turn. I wanna hear some "yes honey, I do have to admit she is just as plain hot as it gets in the WNBA".

um, physically hot. yup. ;)

Do new coaches usually keep the previous coaching staff?
If anything, I really hope she does because I love the whole Abatemarco, Monique Ambers, and Steve Shuman staff!
In the NBAthe new head coach usually gets to pick their own staff (altho Muss did keep Dunn). I don't know if that's typical in the WNBA.
Hey after all those years I good-naturedly put up with my wife and stepdaughter fawning over CWebb... "yes honey, I do have to admit he has a gorgeous smile"... etc

My turn. I wanna hear some "yes honey, I do have to admit she is just as plain hot as it gets in the WNBA".

um, physically hot. yup. ;)

Well...okay, as long as it keeps you interested in the Monarchs, then I won't argue.

Personally, I don't judge coaches on how "hot"-looking they are, because I presume they are hired due to their coaching ability and getting positive results.

Then there's former Fresno State head coach Stacy Johnson-Klein, but that's whole 'nother story! :D
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Then there's former Fresno State head coach Stacy Johnson-Klein, but that's whole 'nother story! :D
OMG please don't even go there. I'm a huge supporter of the Fresno State Women's Basketball Team, and for her to coach in the WNBA would be absolutely ridiculous considering all the allegations made against her. Trust me when I say, those allegations were real. I'm fairly well acquainted with the team and the coaching staff. WE DO NOT WANT TO SEE SJK TAKING CHARGE OF THE MONARCHS! TRUST ME!
Coach T mentioned last night that hes staying on as assistant coach.
What about the other assistants, like Monique?

Is Jenny Boucet the youngest coach yet in the WNBA? She is at least the Monarch's youngest coach so far. And as far as her looks, wonder if the Monarchs are going to have more fans now, heh. Hey, whatever draws them to the game. :rolleyes:
OMG please don't even go there. I'm a huge supporter of the Fresno State Women's Basketball Team, and for her to coach in the WNBA would be absolutely ridiculous considering all the allegations made against her. Trust me when I say, those allegations were real. I'm fairly well acquainted with the team and the coaching staff. WE DO NOT WANT TO SEE SJK TAKING CHARGE OF THE MONARCHS! TRUST ME!
I never said (nor did I ever intend to suggest) that Stacy Johnson-Klein (SJK) should be in the WNBA in any capacity.

If a person such as Francisco D'Aconia on this message string thinks that a certain coach "looks hot", then that's his opinion. And my response to that is as long as it keeps him interested in the Monarchs and/or the WNBA, then that's fine. The WNBA could always use more fans, regardless of how it's done.

My point is that WNBA and college coaches are there to lead and guide the team to victories. The coach's physical looks should have nothing to do with their ability to coach a team. The reason why I brought SJK's name is that she seems to represent the total opposite of my previous point (even though she did win more games than lost).

For those not familiar with the downfall of SJK, she garnered attention at Fresno State a few years ago with her movie-star looks, her revealing form-fitting flashy clothes during games, and her attire that seemed to be more appropriate for a Hollywood "red carpet" event instead of courtside during a basketball game. Her prescence drew interest in herself and the team, which led to increased attendance at their games, which led to the team winning games. My guess is that Francisco probably would've regarded SJK as "hot"-looking. But ultimately, the allegations against SJK cost her the Bulldog's coaching job. In my opinion, it is not likely she ever will get another job coaching in basketball, in any level (high school, college, or pro).

Well, as others have already said, let's not go any further about this subject. It has really nothing to do with the Monarchs anyway.
Just seems weird that he'd stay and nobody else on staff would....(what am I talking about, its weird to me that he's staying AND its possible the entire staff is too).

I'm still trying to get warmed up to her. The press conference stuff didn't do anything for me, in fact all it did was make me feel uneasier. But I keep reaching back to the fact that Whiz has always made good judgments, even when we question them on paper. And his track record on people he's had his eye on for a while has been good. So I've got to continue that faith in him. If she can get us into Lauren Jackson's head? Niiiiice. If she has a way to get into Brunson's head? NIIIIIIIIICER. If she can develop an offensive strategy that I like more than I liked the one we had last season and have it work consistently so we don't go an entire half only scoring 15 damn points, or ahem, a single quarter where we only score 2 points (and no, Ticha ain't on the floor at the time)? I AM THE FIRST PERSON TO DRIVE THE BOUCEK BANDWAGON! :) Coach B? If you're lurking, please, can I have a new offense? and welcome to Sacramento btw :)

I did hear the podcast she did with Danette, I've gotten a little warmer to the notion now, she definitely is a community person and bleeds this league - we'll see how she is with the Xs & Os when camp opens. I'm looking forward to meeting her on the 3rd.


Homer Fan Since 1985
She commented that she is looking forward to having Whiz as her mentor. She also is extremely defensive minded and hopes to continue what Whiz started here. Having said that, I'm thinking she may be keeping the current staff (who knows the current system) at least for awhile. They have the experience of working with her mentor and could be very valuable in helping here get her feet wet as a Head Coach. Later, she may look to bring in other coaches to make up her staff. That is my gut feeling based on what I have heard she and Whiz say. If this is the case, it smacks as a smart move to me.
Heard the Podcast...

I am starting to Warm Up to Jen-Nay.

Well...A little bit.
So we will see December 3rd if she is as good as advertised.

So what is the deal with the road trip to Stanford.

Are we going and trying to get back to Coach Jen-Nay?
Are we Skipping Coach Jen-Nay?
Or Are we veiwing the Stanford Game from Sac?

Miss Danette Said she would provide a Screen for us to watch the Tennessee v. North Carolina @ 5pm. So it could prove to be a neat event.

I want to grill this woman and see if she has the skills to run our girls. But I have to admit. She said all the right things in the Podcast. If she lives up to 1/2 of what she presented in the podcast I will be very pleased.

What's up with Seattle losing another assistant?

Oh Well...

We have J-Boo and They don't.
Luv13, I thought we discussed the change in plans. We're officially rescheduling the Stanford field trip. I'll throw a couple of dates for the replacement roadie to Palo Alto. I've got a couple of Cal games on my calendar as well. If I don't get my full Candice Wiggins quota in, I'm going to be unbearable ;)

NBH is doing a bit of reconnaissance for a place for us to watch the Stanford Texas Tech game in Sacramento @ 2pm, before we head over to the m&g to chill with Coach B @ 4. The Tennessee UNC game tips @ 5-ish, so the ability to multitask thanks to Danette is VERY much appreciated. If I don't get my full Chosen One and Team High Octane Tarheel quota? I'm going to be unbearable. ;)

Once we get the first leg of our new schedule nailed down, I'll post the info here for folks who may want to join along in the revelry.
anyone know if coach B will keep our white line defense. I don't mind changes to the "offense" but i don't know if tinkering with our defense would be a good idea.

also, would this affect, yo's decision to play next season?