Mobley FA info

Maybe we can make this in a sticky thread

. Andy Miller called Denver a legitimate contender among the nine teams lining up for the services of his client, Sacramento's Cuttino Mobley..........

Denver could take a run at one of those four, but is hamstrung by a lack of salary cap space. When things get moving on Simmons or Mobley, Denver likely would need to trade a player to the Clippers or Kings to make the salaries match.

The 6-foot-6 Simmons was one of the NBA's most improved players last season, averaging 16.4 points.The midlevel exception should be about $5 million, but Bartelstein said, "I think he's clearly going to get offered much more than that." At 6-4, Mobley averaged 17.2 points and ranked third in the NBA in 3-point percentage (.439) for the Kings and Orlando last season. Miller said Mobley won't need to visit Denver because he is familiar with its front office and coaching staff.

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Super Moderator Emeritus
At 6-4, Mobley averaged 17.2 points and ranked third in the NBA in 3-point percentage (.439) for the Kings and Orlando last season.
I certainly hope those stats don't come back to haunt us next year... Much like I protested against the release of Jim Jackson, I just have a feeling allowing Cat to depart could end up being something we regret for a long time.
i don't think so, jim jackson was a defensive and offensive threat, mobley as everyone knows is just offensive and he doesn't even let the kings offense set up, sometimes he's not even a threat when his shot is off, if we let cat go and possibly get a decent offensive player and good defensive presence like jim jackson type off the bench i think it can only benefit us


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
bibby-the-man said:
I think we should get Camby if possibly.
Its not. I've mentioned before I'm not entirely sure they would trade Camby straight up for any one of our "core", let alone Cat.

Nene would be the obvious if at all possible target. They only have a few disposable assets and have to be quite happy with the way they are headed. Miller, Camby, Martin, Carmelo are all probably untouchable for less than a blockbuster. So that leaves Nene, Najera, Lenard as targets. Or in a sign and trade for Mobley, likely two of the above to make salaries match. I'm sure they would love for it to be Najera and Lenard. But we ned the big guy, and there have been rumblongs that he is going to want more playing time, more money than they are going to be able provide in the future. In the biggest deal we actually send tham Cat and another player -- a useful frontcourt reserve of some ilk to ease the pain of losing Nene -- and end up taking all of those players.


Super Moderator Emeritus
malcolm_m03 said:
i don't think so, jim jackson was a defensive and offensive threat, mobley as everyone knows is just offensive and he doesn't even let the kings offense set up, sometimes he's not even a threat when his shot is off, if we let cat go and possibly get a decent offensive player and good defensive presence like jim jackson type off the bench i think it can only benefit us
Sorry, but that just doesn't make much sense. You act as though Cat had been on the team a long time and never adapted to our system. He was only here from mid-January to April. He didn't have much chance at all to play with the whole team. And he didn't have a chance, except on the run, to get to know the system. Cuttino Mobley not a threat? The dude is a 43% 3-point shooter. Those kinds of players are ALWAYS a threat, even when their shot isn't falling.

And for the record? Cuttino Mobley can play defense. In fact, he has made Kobe Bryant's life miserable on more than one occasion, especially when he was on the Rockets, so don't make it sound like he has never shown any defensive ability.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I'm not buying the defense from Cat. He played 2 games of it for us too when he first arrived. That makes about 4-5 games over his long career. He can be an ok defender at times, but rarely mroe than that, and his size and lack of versatility means he's pretty much just a full time undersized OG defender. Not very disruptive.

And on offense I don't trust him as far as I could throw him. It seems simply impossible to get any feel for his game, what he's going to do, what he's not. He's not just freelancing, he's turning it on and off, experimenting, getting very active then very quiet, taking halves and quarters off, deciding randomly to post or shoot a three, sometimes passing, sometimes ignoring wide open teammates, and always giving the impression that he was just flipping a coin about what he was going to do on any given possession. It was confusing to watch, and must drive a coach nuts. Talented player, but impossible to count on or build around.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm not necessarily disagreeing with what you've said, Bricklayer, but I honestly don't think he ever really had a chance to prove himself one way or the other. Considering the changes our line-up went through on an almost nightly basis, it's understandable how he could never really get into a rhythm. And it's also more than understandable - at least to me - that he was never able to find out exactly what his role was supposed to be.

But I'm not saying we should keep him at all costs. I just honestly hope getting rid of him like this doesn't come back and bite us in the arse because he does have good points ... You don't sneeze at a 43% 3-pt. completion average.
Bricklayer said:
I'm not buying the defense from Cat. He played 2 games of it for us too when he first arrived. That makes about 4-5 games over his long career. He can be an ok defender at times, but rarely mroe than that, and his size and lack of versatility means he's pretty much just a full time undersized OG defender. Not very disruptive.

And on offense I don't trust him as far as I could throw him. It seems simply impossible to get any feel for his game, what he's going to do, what he's not. He's not just freelancing, he's turning it on and off, experimenting, getting very active then very quiet, taking halves and quarters off, deciding randomly to post or shoot a three, sometimes passing, sometimes ignoring wide open teammates, and always giving the impression that he was just flipping a coin about what he was going to do on any given possession. It was confusing to watch, and must drive a coach nuts. Talented player, but impossible to count on or build around.
I aggree he is not the smartest person on the offensive side. I think what really hurts him defensely is his size. He is not big enough to effect the opponets shots.
here is some more info on Mobley so far this offseason

Cuttino Mobley: Cuttino told the Kings at the end of the season he was leaving. Mobley’s people have contacted the Nuggets among others, looking for interest. Cuttino was coveted by the Nuggets on two separate occasions, so it’s believed Cuttino will land in Denver, although his agent told media that the interest was there, just not serious. With most people believing Cuttino a lock to join the Nuggets some teams may not contact him. His agent is keeping the phones and doors open for other suitors
I've seen enough of the Cat to send him on his way. He's not a system type player. He plays off of gut instinct and prefers to play one on one. He also seems to be a volume type shooter that needs a lot of shots to get going. As Brick stated, he played defense for about 2 games because of all the criticism about his defense coming in. We need more than 2 games of defense out of our guards. Cat spent too much time with Stevie Francis taking turns going solo. If he ends up in Denver, you can bet he and George Karl will butt heads.
well at least cats leaving on better terms than jimmy jackson, anyways is there someone else we can get from denver besides nene? i just think he's kind of over rated
Bricklayer said:
Its not. I've mentioned before I'm not entirely sure they would trade Camby straight up for any one of our "core", let alone Cat.

Nene would be the obvious if at all possible target. They only have a few disposable assets and have to be quite happy with the way they are headed. Miller, Camby, Martin, Carmelo are all probably untouchable for less than a blockbuster. So that leaves Nene, Najera, Lenard as targets. Or in a sign and trade for Mobley, likely two of the above to make salaries match. I'm sure they would love for it to be Najera and Lenard. But we ned the big guy, and there have been rumblongs that he is going to want more playing time, more money than they are going to be able provide in the future. In the biggest deal we actually send tham Cat and another player -- a useful frontcourt reserve of some ilk to ease the pain of losing Nene -- and end up taking all of those players.
Without looking at the salaries, if there were a way to send Corliss and Cuttino to Denver for Nene, Najera and Lenard, I'd hope Petrie would do that deal in a heartbeat. Nene is the obvious prize, but I like the energy Najera plays with at all times.

Of course, that leaves the Kings with a pretty crowded frontcourt, but hopefully Petrie would be able to move Kenny Thomas before the season starts.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Omaha-King7275 said:
well at least cats leaving on better terms than jimmy jackson, anyways is there someone else we can get from denver besides nene?
Nope. Not realistically. Our choices are Miller, Camby, Martin, Carmelo, Najera, Lenard and Nene. The first four are basically untouchable, certainly for Mobley, and of the latter three Nene is the clear choice. Nor is that a bad thing -- he's big, young, plays in the post. Before last year I was in the overrated camp with him too, but last year he started rebounding and blocking shtos upon occasion as well. And even if he was overrated, he fills a defenite need and is a moderately hot commodity. You could do a lot worse in a sign and trade for a midlevel shooting guard.
VF21 said:
Sorry, but that just doesn't make much sense. You act as though Cat had been on the team a long time and never adapted to our system. He was only here from mid-January to April. He didn't have much chance at all to play with the whole team. And he didn't have a chance, except on the run, to get to know the system.
The thing is, even with any SOME exp in the system, Mobley always played the same. Near the end of the season, he wasn't any lesss selfish than when he first got here. Even if he didn't have a long time, he had SOME time, and did nothing with the time. Mobley is a good scorer, but that is not what the team needs. He doesn't create for other players, he doesn't always shoot wll or stop shooting if he is sucking at it, and he doesnt always play the defense that we need.

I respectfully say that Mark Kriedler was wrong about keeping Mobley, and I believe VF is wrong as well.


Super Moderator Emeritus
What exactly did you expect him to do? He was the new guy on the block; he couldn't just step in and take over...

I'm not saying we have to keep him because he's what we really truly need. I just think it's unfair to act as though he had a long-time record with the Kings in assessing his value. Primarily, I'm saying we should find a way to do a sign and trade rather than just let him walk away. AND that's what Kreidler is saying. I see what Mark is saying in that it might not be a bad idea to sign him and keep him for a potential mid-season trade but I haven't made it a priority or anything.

Basically I just do not want the Kings to lose the value of a player and that's what we're doing if we simply let him walk off without making every attempt to at least do the "sign and trade."
Bottom line? I don't think we have to dump on someone just because they didn't "work out." Cuttino came in and gave what he could. He wasn't a cancer; he didn't cause problems; he stood up and tried to fill some really big shoes (Doug's).

Personally I wish him well and thank him for the time he spent here.
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Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
BobbyJ_for3! said:
I respectfully say that Mark Kriedler was wrong about keeping Mobley, and I believe VF is wrong as well.
I think Kriedler's point was that losing Mobley for nothing doesn't get us under the cap now or in the forsee-able future whereas signing him would at least give us one more piece to trade, and a desirable one at that. Whether or not Mobley is the right guy for the Kings doesn't even enter that discussion. You can think of him as a number if you want. 10 is always less than 10+2. And I think that's a good point. If you're re-building, you want to cut costs as much as possible. That would mean losing Bibby and Miller's large contracts as well. If you're building towards a championship, you need to stockpile talent to get you over the hump and that means taking on additional cost. If you're not doing either of those things, than what exactly are you doing?


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Staff member
Nope. Not realistically. Our choices are Miller, Camby, Martin, Carmelo, Najera, Lenard and Nene. The first four are basically untouchable, certainly for Mobley
I certainly don't think the Nuggets would give up any of the first four for Mobley. But I don't think Miller is untouchable at all. In fact, I think the Nuggets (and George Karl specifically) are a bit down on Dre right now. Without a bonafide shooter on the wing, it makes Miller's bad outside shooting a bigger liability. And maybe I'm wrong, (I didn't see a lot of Nugget games this season) but Miller's defense seemed worse than I remembered when I say him.

Still, this thread is about Mobley and so I'll reiterate that I would be ecstatic if Petrie could land Nene in a sign-and-trade. However, I'm not holding out much hope. Rarely do teams get much of value in a sign and trade. Normally they take what little they can, knowing it is better than getting nothing when a guy signs outright with another team.

All Mobley needs is a team with caproom bidding on him and he can (and his new prospective team) can leverage that into a screw job of a trade or an out and out loss.


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Staff member
VF21 said:
What exactly did you expect him to do? He was the new guy on the block; he couldn't just step in and take over...

I'm not saying we have to keep him because he's what we really truly need. I just think it's unfair to act as though he had a long-time record with the Kings in assessing his value. Primarily, I'm saying we should find a way to do a sign and trade rather than just let him walk away. AND that's what Kreidler is saying. I see what Mark is saying in that it might not be a bad idea to sign him and keep him for a potential mid-season trade but I haven't made it a priority or anything.

Basically I just do not want the Kings to lose the value of a player and that's what we're doing if we simply let him walk off without making every attempt to at least do the "sign and trade."
Bottom line? I don't think we have to dump on someone just because they didn't "work out." Cuttino came in and gave what he could. He wasn't a cancer; he didn't cause problems; he stood up and tried to fill some really big shoes (Doug's).

Personally I wish him well and thank him for the time he spent here.
My thoughts exactly.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
funkykingston said:
All Mobley needs is a team with caproom bidding on him and he can (and his new prospective team) can leverage that into a screw job of a trade or an out and out loss.
That's just a bluff you call. You KNOW he doesn't want to go to the lesser team, you KNOW Denver wants him, so he can huff and puff all he wants, but the only way Cat gets his money, gets to go to a good team, and Denver gets its man, is for him and them to deal with us. So let him threaten. From his perspective he would much rather earn his $8 million form the Nuggets than the Hawks, so if anything he should be an ally in trying to convince the Nuggets to do the deal. In our interests, in his. Denver stands alone as the party for whom a cheaper trade makes sense.
Bricklayer said:
. From his perspective he would much rather earn his $8 million form the Nuggets than the Hawks, so if anything he should be an ally in trying to convince the Nuggets to do the deal. In our interests, in his. Denver stands alone as the party for whom a cheaper trade makes sense.
Unless I'm missing something Denver would have to give us two players for Mobley. If Mobley signs for a deal beginning in the 6-7 million dollar range that's more than Nene makes. Is a resigned Nene worth a starting 6-7 million a year? Or, do we just get a slary filler along with Nene?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
G_M said:
Unless I'm missing something Denver would have to give us two players for Mobley. If Mobley signs for a deal beginning in the 6-7 million dollar range that's more than Nene makes. Is a resigned Nene worth a starting 6-7 million a year? Or, do we just get a slary filler along with Nene?
You're not missing anything, although people have mentioned that one side or the other might have some trade exemptions lurking about that might add other possibilities.

But anyway, player #2 would in all liklihood have to be either:

1) Voshon Lenard (aging, coming off a major injury, and unnecessary with Mobley around, although would give them 48 min a game of shooters and has an ending contract which they might like); or

2) Eduardo Najera, who has a long term pretty big deal. They might like to shed the contract (and there would be us picking up yet another middling power player with a long deal), but on the other hand especially if they are losing Nene, they might want Najera's toughness as a frontline player.

In the biggest deal we take back all three guys (Nene, Najera, Lenard) and send them Mobely along with another frontcourt type to ease the pain of losing Nene. Or maybe just Tag with his expiring contract (not that I'm eager to waste that little trade piece until/unless we have to).

Anyway, it all makes so much sense and has been so often discussed that there is a strong chance it never happens. ;)
Bricklayer said:
You're not missing anything, although people have mentioned that one side or the other might have some trade exemptions lurking about that might add other possibilities.

But anyway, player #2 would in all liklihood have to be either:

1) Voshon Lenard (aging, coming off a major injury, and unnecessary with Mobley around, although would give them 48 min a game of shooters and has an ending contract which they might like); or

2) Eduardo Najera, who has a long term pretty big deal. They might like to shed the contract (and there would be us picking up yet another middling power player with a long deal), but on the other hand especially if they are losing Nene, they might want Najera's toughness as a frontline player.

In the biggest deal we take back all three guys (Nene, Najera, Lenard) and send them Mobely along with another frontcourt type to ease the pain of losing Nene. Or maybe just Tag with his expiring contract (not that I'm eager to waste that little trade piece until/unless we have to).

Anyway, it all makes so much sense and has been so often discussed that there is a strong chance it never happens. ;)
It should be noted that Najera has had microfracture surgery, after which people don't really ever recover. Voshon Lenard tore an ACL, which people generally do come back from. Najera has three years left on his deal and Lenard has one. No brainer.