Mobley FA info


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nbrans said:
I'm going to post this and then duck and run for cover. Indiana needs a shooting guard with Miller retiring. Sign and trade, Cuttino for Ron Artest?

On the plus side we'd have one of the most talented players in the league. On the minus side we'd have to wear helmets to Arco, just in case.
Now THAT is a very interesting idea, however it does not help in our big man search....


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I'd take it in a heartbeat. Of course, that's also how long it would take the Pacers to hang up on Petrie for suggesting it.

The ONLY way Artest comes at such a discount is if the Pacers are desperate to unload him. I've heard no report claiming that to be the case.


Super Moderator Emeritus
ForlornKing said:
I don't think Peja wants to play team ball with the Cat. And for how much I want to trade Peja, I'd rather keep Peja.
Oh please...

I mean, really.


Has it gotten to the point where it's about whether or not one extremely over-paid prima dona wants to play with another extremely over-paid prima dona?

I don't care if they don't send each other Christmas cards, or invite each other over for play dates.

They can damn well SUCK IT UP AND PLAY.

Peja doesn't want to play team ball with the Cat? Oh, boo hoo. Cry me a bleeping river.
VF21 said:
Peja doesn't want to play team ball with the Cat? Oh, boo hoo. Cry me a bleeping river.
When did this happen? I never heard anything that suggested that they could not get along. I am surprised you would assume other wise.


Super Moderator Emeritus
AleksandarN said:
I am surprised you would assume other wise.
I didn't assume anything. I was responding to the comment made by ForlornKing, who apparently DID make some kind of assumption in that regard.


Super Moderator Emeritus
A player cannot be traded for 90 days after signing a contract. Since a trade isn't complete until the contracts are signed, the answer is no...assuming, of course, you're not referring to some kind of simultaneous multi-team deal. The rules on those get VERY complicated.

You can find more complete information here:
VF21 said:
I didn't assume anything. I was responding to the comment made by ForlornKing, who apparently DID make some kind of assumption in that regard.
THen it is ForlornKing's fault. Serves me right though I should be more careful reading so is to not put my foot in my mouth


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If we got Lenard, I could just about guarantee he'd start ... and we'd be facing the same problems we always seem to have. Not enough minutes for the younger players.
VF21 said:
If we got Lenard, I could just about guarantee he'd start ... and we'd be facing the same problems we always seem to have. Not enough minutes for the younger players.
I've never been a fan of Lenard. The guy can shoot and that's about it. If our starting backcourt is Bibby and Lenard then we will be in BIG trouble defensively.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I'm not sure Lenard has the sort of stature to earn a mandatory start even if he's on the roster. Just isn't that good, and getting up there too in age. Rick, as most veteran coaches, really does prefer experienced players, but I would still be mildly surprised to see a guy at Lenard's level beat out both the kids decisively enough to earn full starter's minutes. Not as if he does anything but shoot, so no real advantage to having him out there for veteran saavy. Unless what you want to do is see a guy saavily avoiding defense, rebounding, or anything else not directly related to shooting.
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I agree with Bricklayer. Lenard's not a starter for the Kings. I wouldn't even be all that happy seeing him sitting on the bench.

According to Rocky Mountain News, the Nuggets have the option to buy out Lenard's contract (I think I read somewhere that it's $250k). The hitch is that the buyout expires on July 14th, and the Nuggets can't acquire any new players until the CBA is ratified, sometime around July 22nd. It would be great if the Kings could get Lenard in a Nene sign and trade and then send Lenard packing. At the very least, Lenard's in the last year of his deal and will come off the cap after next season, and the Kings could use that money toward's Nene's qualifying offer.
VF21 said:
Bottom line? I don't think we have to dump on someone just because they didn't "work out." Cuttino came in and gave what he could. He wasn't a cancer; he didn't cause problems; he stood up and tried to fill some really big shoes (Doug's).

Personally I wish him well and thank him for the time he spent here.
I completely agree. No hard wishes to Mobley, I just don't at all enjoy his style of play, and that is just me. I like pass-first, not shoot-first players, and I'm not sayiing its black and white on that subject, but I deffinetly saw Mobley as a shoot-first player. It angered me taht I often watched games yelling at the screen(no im not insane), saying something like "DARNIT MOBLEY, PASS THE FRICKEN BALL!!! LET BIBBY TAKE THE SHOT!" or "SONGAILA WAS [size=-1]OPEN!!!" or "Mobley, DONT shoot that ball...!". Maybe that was just me, but I do NOT like doing that.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
BobbyJ_for3! said:
I completely agree. No hard wishes to Mobley, I just don't at all enjoy his style of play, and that is just me. I like pass-first, not shoot-first players, and I'm not sayiing its black and white on that subject, but I deffinetly saw Mobley as a shoot-first player. It angered me taht I often watched games yelling at the screen(no im not insane), saying something like "DARNIT MOBLEY, PASS THE FRICKEN BALL!!! LET BIBBY TAKE THE SHOT!" or "SONGAILA WAS [size=-1]OPEN!!!" or "Mobley, DONT shoot that ball...!". Maybe that was just me, but I do NOT like doing that.
Um...while not necessarily disagreeing with the sentiment, you have to admit to a certain irony to feeling that way given your username and avatar no? ;)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Diabeticwonder said:
According to multiple sources (like how I'm acting like a real writer now), the Clippers have shown a lot of interest in Mobley, which then begs this question: What are the Clippers plans with Corey Maggette? It also makes me think that the only way this would be done with the Clippers is for them to send Maggette to the Kings, which IMO is not what the Kings need. Thus, the Kings need to do the sign and trade with Denver if that is what they are going to do with Cat.
Hard to see the Clippers trading Maggette for Mobley. That would just be dumb on their part. More likely looking at him as insurance in case Simmons leaves them. But hey, if they want to make that swap, I'm down. I'm not the biggest Maggette jocker but he's a 22ppg scorer who would add a lot of penetrating ability, ability to create his own shot and draw fouls. Would give us a lot of flexibility to make other moves as well. He's a valuable piece -- probably has at least as much trade value as any one of our core.

P.S. Edit: Oops -- has a bad feeling and just checked -- one advantage of being as cheap as Donald Sterling is that they actually have the room to sign Cat outright. Might even still have room after resigning Simmons. So unless he is SO cheap he'd rather do a sign and trade to avoid taking on extra salary than sign a guy straight out, have no idea why "the other Donald" would deal with us.
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Where's the love for Larry?
Chad Ford blog


Cuttino Mobley


Mountain time for Mobley?
<Jul. 6> The Nuggets are high on Cuttino Mobley's list. According to the Denver Post, Mobley's agent, Andy Miller, spoke to Nuggets general manager Kiki Vandeweghe several times Tuesday. Said Miller: "(Mobley) thinks (Karl) can fine-tune his game and make him better while also helping take the team to the playoffs."
Mobley, who declined his option with Sacramento, would fill a need for Denver -- 3-point shooting. However, the Nuggets may have only the mid-level exception to offer, so a sign-and-trade may be in order. According to the Rocky Mountain News, the Kings want Nene.

The Los Angeles Clippers are also reportedly interested in Mobley, says the Post.
AleksandarN said:
The Los Angeles Clippers are also reportedly interested in Mobley, says the Post.
Why on earth would they want Cat? Aren't they already stacked with Maggette, Simmons (will probably be re-signed), Quintel Ross and now Yaroslav Korolev?
KingKong said:
Why on earth would they want Cat? Aren't they already stacked with Maggette, Simmons (will probably be re-signed), Quintel Ross and now Yaroslav Korolev?
Clippers are thrown in to drive up the price. They can afford to pay Mobley alot more than everyone else so they are always mentioned.
Bricklayer said:
Um...while not necessarily disagreeing with the sentiment, you have to admit to a certain irony to feeling that way given your username and avatar no? ;)
lol...Bobby is different, or so it seems to me. At least in the last few years. Meyhaps not. Aw well, I still don't think Mobley is at all the right choice. Perhaps for a sign/trade but ya.


Super Moderator Emeritus
BobbyJ_for3! said:
I completely agree. No hard wishes to Mobley, I just don't at all enjoy his style of play, and that is just me. I like pass-first, not shoot-first players, and I'm not sayiing its black and white on that subject, but I deffinetly saw Mobley as a shoot-first player. It angered me taht I often watched games yelling at the screen(no im not insane), saying something like "DARNIT MOBLEY, PASS THE FRICKEN BALL!!! LET BIBBY TAKE THE SHOT!" or "SONGAILA WAS [size=-1]OPEN!!!" or "Mobley, DONT shoot that ball...!". Maybe that was just me, but I do NOT like doing that.
You're kidding, right?

If not I have to nominate this post for the highly coveted "pot calling the kettle black" award...


EDIT: Oops. Sorry. Didn't see your reply above until after I posted, but my comment is still the same...


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Staff member
I should preface this by saying that I have a soft spot for Bobby Jackson, but I DO think differently of Bobby's out of control offense and questionable shot selection than I do of Mobley's.

The biggest difference is that Bobby is a bench player whose role is to come in and provide a spark. Mobley would be tremendous as a third guard off the bench. Coming off the bench you can tolerate unmitigated gunning because if the shots aren't falling you can just pull him.

I suppose another reason I'm not sad to see Mobley go is that I worry what would happen if Bobby is healthy for once and Bibby is forced to miss games. A Jackson/Mobley backcourt could be explosive offensively, but it could also completely stall the offense. Bobby played at near all-star level when Bibby missed the most of the first half of the season a couple years back, but the Kings had Doug Christie assuming a lot of the playmaking duties.
Los Angeles radio stations are reporting that the Clips have offered both Cat and SAR 5 year contracts, both around 40 mill in total. I picked this up off Clippers chat rooms. Who knows if this is true, but I wouldn't doubt it at all. I'm more concerned with the Cat offer than the one for SAR.
i do not want to lose cuttino. he's a good shooting guard. some of you are confused because you only remember the bad things that he has done. he HAS won a few games for us during the regular season. cuttino is not an all-star, but i think he can feed off the play of a solid big man. move miller to pf and bring in a good post center and we'll be fine.
Diabeticwonder said:
Los Angeles radio stations are reporting that the Clips have offered both Cat and SAR 5 year contracts, both around 40 mill in total. I picked this up off Clippers chat rooms. Who knows if this is true, but I wouldn't doubt it at all. I'm more concerned with the Cat offer than the one for SAR.
Roughly $8M a year? No point in matching that. Well, good luck in LA to Cat.


Hall of Famer
I just read on a croatian sports web site that Mobley will sign with clippers

5 years - 42 mill

Can not guarantee the credibility of the source