well this is certainly a trade but how did the A’s not get a single top 100 prospect back for Sean Murphy?
The A's have completely lost the plot at this point. Sean Murphy was a top 5 player
in baseball at his position, a gold glove defender, the best hitter on the team (not that that's saying much with who's left) and they basically said "we'll take whatever we can get for him" like he was damaged goods. It's the same thing we saw last year with Matt Chapman except that Sean Murphy hasn't even
started his first year of arbitration yet. He's three years away from being a free agent and this one is especially sad for me because Sean Murphy is one of like 3 players I've scouted before the draft and thought "I really hope we get this guy" and the A's actually picked him. Absolutely brutal that they traded him three years too early
to Atlanta because Atlanta gave us their top catcher prospect in the Matt Olson trade a year ago. Why even pretend to care at this point? Best case scenario is Langaliers becomes as good as Murphy is now before the A's trade him for some B level prospects to keep the payroll clean.
This is Maloofian level dismantling going on in Oakland and it's sad to see. Two years ago this was a team that could have won a world series but the owner, despite being a billionaire, won't even spend the minimum amount needed to be competitive. The Oakland A's are the first team I ever fell in love with. I've been watching them since I was 8 or 9 years old and I'm not sure I would care anymore if they leave. I'm tired of them pleading poor while they play in one of the biggest media markets in the world.