No offense taken. I watched the videos and I wasn't sure from watching them how Malone would handle highly talented yet challenging personalities. He's noted as a good teacher and that's something the team has needed. That will help, but I won't really know what to make of him until I see his defense and offensive systems, and whether they fit the personnel and whether they have a chance to succeed.
My statement is in regards to the sentiment in media and fans that casts Malone as the "hardass" and that's what is needed, etc, etc. Pop is deemed a "hardass", but his system gets guys shots and guys love wide open shots, so it works. When it was Duncan & Robinson, the Spurs ran a very basic post offense. When Pop got Parker and Manu, he opened up the offense more and more over time. He adapted his systems for the players he had.
You can't Hoosiers this and go out there and say "Play this system and you win, regardless of who you are." You have to play the system for your personnel and adapt it for some players. You can't have a no special cases approach.