LOST is frickin' back, man!
We finally know more about the Smoke Monster (and he kicks royal booty!)
Jughead worked.
Jughead didn't work.
John Locke is really dead.
THIS IS THE LAST SEASON! And this episode was entirely too short. (WHAT?!?)
The Big Questions:
Why are the Losties both on the Island and off of it?
The explosion created a parallel universe, based on the branching universe theory, or many-worlds interpretation.
Laymens terms, the explosion didn't change the future. It created a separate reality in which the Swan was never built, Oceanic 815 never crashed, and our Lostees are living their lives as if this show was never created. That separate reality is running parallel to the reality that we've come to know, in which the Swan was built, 815 did crash, and the Lostees have gone back to 1977, and been transported to 2007 after Jughead detonated.
Think of Back to the Future II. The reality that Doc and Marty are trying to change replaced the reality they had come to know, but branching universe theory states that their reality is running concurrently to the alternate reality that they were dissatisfied with. Like a river that is split, instead of diverted, and creates a separate stream.
What did Juliet mean by "it worked"?
That's tricky. I wonder if Miles was just trying to keep Sawyer from killing Jack.
But the first thing she said to Sawyer was "it didn't work", right? So why did she flip course? Things that make you go, hmm.
What does Nemesis need to talk to Richard about?
Maybe he wanted to work out a deal. But considering how easily he subdued the ageless one, didn't really need a deal. Maybe it was just a "look what I did" kinda thing. I wanna know why Richard wouldn't go in there.
What happened to Desmond on the plane?
I just figured he went back to his seat. The plane is getting ready to land, his carry on stuff is back at his seat, that's where he belongs. Didn't think too much about that.
Where is Christian's coffin?
Flying the friendly skies. I figured that was a plot device to remind us of Jack's condition at that time, and to get him introduced to Locke.
Who are the people in the Temple?
Seems like they're the real Natives. But they don't seem like the Eloise Hawking/Charles Widmore/Benjamin Linus-led Natives. Ben might not even know about these guys (Edit: He knows Cindy, because she was at the Hydra station, so scratch that idea). They know who/what Nemesis is, they healed Ben (and he didn't remember the healing), these are the people who really belong on the Island.
What is the significance of the Temple's water not being clear?
I, too, assumed it was because Jacob died. Richard said that he's ageless because of Jacob, Jacob revived John Locke, etc. Seems like he's the one with the powers and junk. And the reaction from the Natives when Hurley told them Jacob was dead showed that they didn't know that at first. Guess they hadn't made the connection.
What was the purpose of the firework flare?
It meant "look out, Jacob's dead and Smokie's on the loose!" Richard knew what it was.
Where is the Nemesis' home that he wants to go to?
Dunno. But it seems like maybe he and Jacob were banished to the Island to either figure out how to solve humanity's problems, or come to the realization that they couldn't be solved and maybe push the reset button. Seemed to be the crux of their argument on the beach. And as long as Jacob is trying to fix things, neither of them can leave...? So Jacob has to die.
What chains was Nemesis referring to?
I thought about the chains that Locke's dad was tied to the ruins with, when Locke was supposed to kill him.
But maybe Richard was a slave on the Black Rock, and Nemesis and Jacob disagreed on whether to release him or not.
Why is Nemesis disappointed in the people on the beach?
They're not nearly E-VIL enough. Perhaps they all chose to follow Jacob instead of Nemesis?
Where is Nemesis taking Richard?
The Natives at the Temple all seemed to think that Nemesis was making a b-line that way, and since Richard is on Nemesis' back...
What did the Temple leader want to talk to Jack about?
Spinal surgery?
The Natives at the Temple knew about Oceanic 815, and probably knew that Jack was the guy who was hell bent on getting off the Island and was leading his people to a conflict with their people. Things that make you go hmmm.
How did Sayid come to life again?
I guess the water worked? I assumed that Jacob took him over or something. When they pulled him out of the water, his arms were spread like he'd been crucified. Maybe his death and resurrection are symbolic? He said "what happened", same as Ben said when he'd been saved by the Natives at the temple. I'll bet he doesn't know he was shot, and I'll bet he's the new leader of the Others, and I'll bet he whoops Smokie's butt.
Side point: Another thing I thought about...
Christian Shepard is evidently NOT working with Nemesis, because Christian was inside the cabin when it was surrounded by black ash.