LOST Season 6

Yeah I found last week's episode to be a bit boring too. It was helpful (although it still didn't really explain what that shining light was) but it could've all been done in half an episode instead of a full one. Can't wait for tonight though!

I only started watching this show a few months ago, and caught right up to season 6 in like a month :)D), so I haven't been along for the ride as long as most of you. And I'm kinda glad, because I'm not a fan of this waiting. I'll never know how you guys waited 6 months between seasons 5 and 6 with the way season 5 ended
I saw tonight's episode at an event in UCLA last week. It was enjoyable and some answers are explained, but overall it was underwhelming. It was better than the last couple episodes, but those let me down so much that I don't think they can make it up with the finale.

With that said, I still love Lost and have since I watched the pilot watch in 2004. It's been an amazing experience.
I really can't believe this is almost over. What a great ride it has been. Gotta say I was a little disappointed in last weeks episode, though it did provide some background and context. I guess a Lost episode devoid of Jack, Hurley, Kate, Sawyer, Locke, et al. is a bit of a let down for me. Like you, I am looking forward to tonight and Sunday.

(The Lost nerd in me is even considering the Fathom event in the theatres on Thursday :D)
I wasn't disappointed in last week's episode, but it was a slowdown, especially after such a gripping episode the week before. I'm looking forward to Sunday's mega finale. I wish they had found a way to do it without commercial breaks, then it would be like a movie. But advertisers pay waaay to much for something like that to happen. Too bad.
Okay, I'm totally sick of this! I've stuck with LOST for all these years, and they are still keeping secrets. I'm giving you one more chance, Show, and if I don't like what I see in the next episode, I'm done watching for good!


No really, it was kind of a slap in the face to have Widmore whispering in Bad Locke's ear, one week before the final finale. But that's the way this goes. No big. I loved last night's episode, and Sunday's super-mega showdown (five and a half hours of LOST content: a two hour recap, the two and a half hour finale, and then a one hour Jimmy Kimmel special at 12; and that's after the re-aired two hour pilot episode Saturday night, which will be enhanced with the popups).

A few thoughts/questions:

  • I don't think Richard is dead
  • I think Ben is planning to double-cross Bad Locke
  • If Sayid didn't help Desmond out of the well, who did?
  • Does it matter that Bad Locke hasn't been able to find the heart of the Island?
Okay, I'm totally sick of this! I've stuck with LOST for all these years, and they are still keeping secrets. I'm giving you one more chance, Show, and if I don't like what I see in the next episode, I'm done watching for good!


No really, it was kind of a slap in the face to have Widmore whispering in Bad Locke's ear, one week before the final finale. But that's the way this goes. No big. I loved last night's episode, and Sunday's super-mega showdown (five and a half hours of LOST content: a two hour recap, the two and a half hour finale, and then a one hour Jimmy Kimmel special at 12; and that's after the re-aired two hour pilot episode Saturday night, which will be enhanced with the popups).

A few thoughts/questions:

  • I don't think Richard is dead
  • I think Ben is planning to double-cross Bad Locke
  • If Sayid didn't help Desmond out of the well, who did?
  • Does it matter that Bad Locke hasn't been able to find the heart of the Island?

I hope Richard is alive. That would be a dumb way to remove such an intersting character ... but at the same time, where does richard go from here? "guiding" Jack? I think you're right about ben too. Why else would he have given Miles that Walkie? And I almost think he killed Widmore to try and keep the information from Locke .. obviously that didnt work, but its an idea. As far as Desmond, I think it was Sayid and only Sayid. Des probly just climbed up the rope. I wonder where he is though.

I love love love how Desmond is managing the Alt-Reality stuff. Hes awesome. As good as this show is, It could have been better with more Desmond. I also really hope we see more of Daniel Faraday in the Finale. Always liked him and his charcter.. Also, I have a feeling Frank is still alive somewhere ... and whats going on with Rose and Bernard .. questions questions questions.
I hope Richard is alive. That would be a dumb way to remove such an intersting character ... but at the same time, where does richard go from here? "guiding" Jack? I think you're right about ben too. Why else would he have given Miles that Walkie? And I almost think he killed Widmore to try and keep the information from Locke .. obviously that didnt work, but its an idea. As far as Desmond, I think it was Sayid and only Sayid. Des probly just climbed up the rope. I wonder where he is though.
Sayid told Jack that Desmond was in the well, so I wonder about whether Sayid let him up or not. I don't know who else would have (maybe Cindy's group of Others who left the Temple when Bad Locke told them to, if any of them survived Widmore's assault on Locke's camp). Maybe dude can fly now, and got out himself.

Another question that scene raised is "when was Bad Locke in the well, and who helped him out of it"?

I love love love how Desmond is managing the Alt-Reality stuff. Hes awesome. As good as this show is, It could have been better with more Desmond. I also really hope we see more of Daniel Faraday in the Finale. Always liked him and his charcter.. Also, I have a feeling Frank is still alive somewhere ... and whats going on with Rose and Bernard .. questions questions questions.
Yeah, Desmond is the best character on the show. The writers knew how we all feel about dude, so they gave him this incredibly cool role in the final episodes, driving nice cars, dressing in nice suits, etc., all the while playing a major role in "just saving the world, brutha". Desmond ftw.
Desmond is and always was far and away my favorite character on this show. Ever since we first met him running up the steps with Jack in the stadium. I wish he were a bigger character throughout the series but at least he has a huge role now.

As for who let him out of the well, I just assumed Jack, Sawyer and that group did it before the meeting with Jacob. I guess we'll find out in 2 days.

And yes I love how the flash-sideways world is turning out. I gotta admit, I found it boring there for a while. Now I can only wonder what it is Desmond and Hugo want Kate and Sayid to do (maybe it's obvious to some of you, but I try not to analyze anything, as I like being surprised). Also, it was cool to see Ana Lucia and the french chick brought back.
Not sure if it was shown on the West coast yet, so if not don't read the spoiler!

Anybody else feeling unsatisfied that they didn't answer a bunch of questions? GREAT episode overall though, and a fitting way to end the series (much like Seinfeld, the first scene is the same as the last). Kinda had a small feeling about the heaven/purgatory thing but I am by no means saying I called it or anything. But I still have many questions that I wanted answers to.

Anyway, boy am I gonna miss this show..
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Wow. Interesting Finale.

I know a lot of fans arent going to be happy with how it ends, or what the show ends up being, but im fine with it. Maybe im a sucker, but I loved the whole thing. The characters .. im gunna miss those guys. Ive never been so connected to a show and the people on it before. The last scene with Ben outside the church talking to Locke .. loved that conversation. I still need some time to digest everything that happened, but man .. I dont see myself ever enjoying a TV show like I enjoyed LOST.
Regarding ending:


Soooo dissapointing. This used to be the original guess(of WTF is goign on) after season 1 came out. That everyone was dead.

I wished they just stayed with the script that the Candidate was susposed to stay on the island. This would have been more consistent with the Jacob-BlackShirt origin story. Instead this ending undermined the Jacob story. This feels similar to the the Vanilla Sky ending.

On a side note, the English girl Charlotte is stunning. I wonder how long they put her in the make up chair to make her look "normal" when she was on he island.
Regarding ending:


Soooo dissapointing. This used to be the original guess(of WTF is goign on) after season 1 came out. That everyone was dead.

I wished they just stayed with the script that the Candidate was susposed to stay on the island. This would have been more consistent with the Jacob-BlackShirt origin story. Instead this ending undermined the Jacob story. This feels similar to the the Vanilla Sky ending.

On a side note, the English girl Charlotte is stunning. I wonder how long they put her in the make up chair to make her look "normal" when she was on he island.
Everyone wasn't dead throughout the show. I know a lot of theories were out there about everyone being dead, the Island being Hell or purgatory. But that's not what it was at all.

I wasn't settled right after this episode aired, but more and more, it's starting to make sense and feel right. I kinda like it.
Its an ending that may take a while to like or dislike. I know one thing though, I think all LOST fans can agree that for the first 2 hours and 15 minutes, it was a beautiful piece of television.

The End, the very end, is questionable. I hope people like it. I liked it. I really did, and I dont think Im saying that just because I love lost. Im still working out all the issues in my head, and I look forward to reading the complete ending when all the crazy fans piece it together, but I like were it went and how it got there.

Honestly, how else do you end a show like this? It went places no other show has gone before. It mixed so many issues and so many different types of people together .. It was such a grand series. Im happy, and I'll miss this show a ton.
Its an ending that may take a while to like or dislike. I know one thing though, I think all LOST fans can agree that for the first 2 hours and 15 minutes, it was a beautiful piece of television.

The End, the very end, is questionable. I hope people like it. I liked it. I really did, and I dont think Im saying that just because I love lost. Im still working out all the issues in my head, and I look forward to reading the complete ending when all the crazy fans piece it together, but I like were it went and how it got there.

Honestly, how else do you end a show like this? It went places no other show has gone before. It mixed so many issues and so many different types of people together .. It was such a grand series. Im happy, and I'll miss this show a ton.

You are right sir. 2:15, it was the best ending to a show I've ever seen. Then Fonzi decided to jump.

Too bad Christopher Nolan wasn't called as a consultant to help close this story. But I guess it was all about the ride and not the finish.
That ending sucked. A pandering to happy ending lovers. Maybe no important unanswered q's, but a rushed ending and lots of loose strings. I am betting on either a movie or another series focusing on Hugo and Ben's time. They clearly created a brand new unanswered question in the very end with Ben staying outside. "Lost: The Next Generation" anyone?
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