Least Favorite Players.

Nikos said:
What about Rays personality is bothersome to you?
Holier than thou. That's just coming from my perspective since he goes out of his way to say little cynical things about Kobe. You probably agree with those things.

However, he has also made similar comments about former teammates (Glenn Robinson and Tim Thomas) which strenghten my dislike for his tude. He's a great player though, I can't deny that. Absolutely kills my team most of the time.


Gargamel said:
Did you guys see my homie Nick The Quick beat the Cats at the buzzer? Damn. Cold-blooded bastard.

tim thomas beat the cats at the buzzer too. but refs didnt review the play the ball hit the shot clock and went in. you can watch it on top plays at nba.com
Gargamel said:
The kind of player Bird outlined in his recent article on the state of the NBA. I believe it was posted here.

Iverson is a prime example. Rider was another. Guys who think it's cool to act anti-socially, disrespectfully, and don't-giva-dammish. I hate fans who act the same way (ie: Detroit degenerates).

Davis is just a momo. I'll never forget him trying to dunk the ball between his legs against the Lakers and my broadcast crew calling him a moron. I lmao'd.
okay so next time i hear the expression "gangsta hoopers" ill know exactly the kind of player that person is talking about....:confused:

im sorry but i think thats a bad way of explaning what kind of player you are talking about...im sorry but thats just me...::shrugs::

but for the record....i agree with your broadcasting crew Ricky Davis is a moron...i figured that officially after he tried to give himself the triple double by bouncing the ball of the opponents backboard just to the last rebound...i mean how F'd up is that? ::shakes head::
When I saw this thread I had to throw my picks out there too.
Kobe - the showboater
Gary Payton
Rick Fox
Danny Fortson - classless thug!
Karl Malone - good riddence!
Jason Williams - punk, even when he was a King!!!
Dirk Nowitski
Tony Massenburg
Robert Horry
I could probably go on but these guys are at the top of my list.
ahhh where to begin

sam cassell
jermaine oneal: WHINER, THUG,
amare: it was a good block. i'm also tired of seeing him dunk all the damn time on sportscenter. geezus we GET IT. he can dunk. we also get hi's really bad this year W/O steve nash setting everything up for him
pippi longstockings opps i mean danny fortsen
mark madsen get rid of that lamo dance
mark cuban
jason terry
oh hell all the mavs and all the t-puppies ( not szczerbiak, i love him :D)
bruise bowen DIRTY!!!!!!
vincanity the quitter on his team
stevie franchise the best thing since sliced bread my ***
yao ming overrated BIG TIME!!!!! plus he looks so goofy running to me
ray allen
rashard lewis, becuase of what he said about giving his spot up to webber, that he wouldn't, even if he could, when webber deserves it over him.

thats all i can think of right now.
hmm let me see...

kobe bryant
tim duncan
bruce bowen
jimmy jackson

all i can think of now...

for coaches

Let's see:

Least Favorite players:

Kobe Bryant (the NBA's Paris Hilton, or as George Karl said, "He's just a stat player on a sub-.500 team.")
Tony Massenburg (I think I heard him say, "FIRE BAD!" last time we played the Spurs)
Jason Kidd (I am glad he is in the east; I get so embarassed when he blows me kisses)
Tim Duncan (or, as his creator calls him, "The Basketballtron 2000". He's actaully the same robot (modernized) that the Harlem Globetrotters played against on Gilligan's Island that one time)
Tracy McGrady (Why does he even play basketball?)
A short list?

Stephan Marburry
Steve Francis
Kobe Bryant
Jason Kidd
Carmelo Anthony

In that order.

Funny how Shaq doesen't even make most top 5's anymore.
am i the only one that thought Mark Madsens dance was hella funny?

i still to this day lmao when i think about it...or even better...when i see clips of it
i know this wasn't the question at hand but...

Least favorite owner = Mark Cuban (Dallas)

Least favorite GM = Danny Ainge (Boston)

Least favorite Coach = Jerry Sloan (Utah)
iheartBrad said:
i know this wasn't the question at hand but...

Least favorite owner = Mark Cuban (Dallas)

Least favorite GM = Danny Ainge (Boston)

Least favorite Coach = Jerry Sloan (Utah)
I must agree with Sloan, but what about Buss and Kupcake?
NoBonus said:
I must agree with Sloan, but what about Buss and Kupcake?
they are idiots...not my most hated in their respective positions however...but i try not to concern myself too much in the LA Lakers affairs...the karma rays aren't the best
So many to choose from, where do I begin...? Mwooooahahahah:eek:

#1-Shaq-The most overated player in the league. Don't think he is good, just big. Sick and tired of calls going or not going his way due to compensating for his size. Hmmmm? Do the ref's do that for Boynkins since he is tiny. No!!

#2-Jermaine O'Neill-PUNK. Grow up!

#3-Ron Artest-Classless, fool.

#4-Allen Iverson-Arrogant, prima donna punk

#5-Gary Payton-Boo Hoo. Poor me! Get over it.

#6-Nash-Get a haircut and stop being so good please.

#7-Stephen Jackson-Another classless punk.

On a footnote-I must say that I am very mad at Richard Jefferson-Where I think he is a good player and all around good guy, I completely disagree with his comments about Chauncey and it upsets me that he would say such things. Richard has class and it was hard to hear it.
NoBonus said:
A ninny? maybe, but he's dead-on about Kobe. He's just a stat player on a sub-.500 team.
He's not a stat player. He's a player motivated by winning. If he cared about stats, he'd easily be leading the league in scoring and shot attempts. As it stands, he's only 28th in the league in FGAs per game.

He's not on a sub-500 team either.

Now how is George Karl dead on when both of his points are incorrect?
iheartBrad said:
they are idiots...not my most hated in their respective positions however...but i try not to concern myself too much in the LA Lakers affairs...the karma rays aren't the best
Ooh, best not to call Jerry Buss an idiot. He's the most successful and one of the most innovative owners in pro sports over the last 25 years.

Kupchak? No comment.