Latest Rumor: Kevin for Allen?


Hall of Famer

Though team president Danny Ainge has publicly ridiculed the Allen trade reports, several NBA executives told that the Celtics have been actively trying to parlay Allen's $19.7 million expiring contract into an asset that could keep them in the mix during the upcoming playoffs and also help them for the next several seasons. The most recent inquiry, sources say, involved Sacramento sharpshooter Kevin Martin, who'd be a good fit with Boston's remaining core. Kings officials might be talked out of their reluctance to deal Martin if they could pry a prolific big man out of a third team brought into the discussions or in a separate transaction before the deadline

The Kings, who are not planning to be big free-agent shoppers this summer, aren't seeking to acquire cap space alone. They want assets -- and the Celtics don't have a young big man to offer. The Bulls, who almost certainly will move Tyrus Thomas, might need to be invited into that conversation to satisfy everyone's needs.

This is the latest rumor from CBS sports this morning.
I'm in the " don't trade Martin for just expirings" group, but if we gave them Noch, Martin, and Udrih for than Allen contract ( with other expirings ) I seriously consider it. Talk about flexability. With K9, Sergio, and the expirings from Boston that gives us around 32 mil of capspace. That's nuts.
The title is very misleading. I read the rumor on inside hoops this morning, and the article says that the Kings wants a big, not Allen, they aren't just looking for an expiring contract. They want assets.

So the rumor is clear saying that there would have to be a 3rd team involved to offer a defensive big.
Kings IN: Tyrus Thomas, Brad Miller
Kings OUT: Kevin Martin, Andrès Nocioni

Bulls IN: Ray Allen
Bulls OUT: Tyrus Thomas, Brad Miller

Celtics IN: Kevin Martin, Andrès Nocioni
Celtics OUT: Ray Allen
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
There is a rumor there, and the key point is that Boston might like to make it happen. Makes obvious sense for them as a solution if they are moving Allen.

But it does not make sense or us, and as the article clearly states it would have to involve a third team. Allen to a team wanting to dump salary, that salary comes our way, Kevin goes to Boston.
Kings IN: Tyrus Thomas, Brad Miller
Kings OUT: Kevin Martin, Andrès Nocioni

Bulls IN: Ray Allen
Bulls OUT: Tyrus Thomas, Brad Miller

Celtics IN: Kevin Martin, Andrès Nocioni
Celtics OUT: Ray Allen
Why in the eff would we bring Brad Miller back in? I understand he's expiring,

I don't like going backwards, he doesn't need to be here.
I put Brad Miller in the trade to match the salaries.
The other two alternatives are Hinrich or Deng, but in that case Chicago doesn't agreed the deal.
Chicago will agree to send Heinrich/Deng before miller. They are trying to dump those contracts in order to be big players in free agency this summer.
The Bulls would never make that trade. They will let Miller walk and not take the option on Thomas. So that money is already coming of their cap. Since those players make 17 million and Allen makes 19 ... all the Bulls did was: (1) pay an extra two million dollars; (2) get rid of all their big guys for the playoffs this year; and (3) create a log jam at SG. Less than zero percent change the Bulls do that.

If you are trying Bulls trades - they want to move Henrich and Salmons in that order ... they might consider moving Deng ... but they would have to find a home for one of those two players first.
How about this then:
Celtics Out: Ray Allen
Celtics In: Martin Nocioni

Kings Out: Martin, Nocioni
Kings In: Fesenko, Kirilenko

Jazz Out: Kirilenko, Fesenko
Jazz In: Allen

Why the Celtics do this: To get younger and help their bench while getting out of the Allen situation.
Why the Celtics don't: Don't want to break up any chemistry built between the "Big 3". Also, they take on a lot of salary.

Why the Jazz do this: Get out of Kirilenko's longer contract and become major players in this year's FA with Boozer, Brewer, Korver, and Allen all expiring for 38 million. Also, they get that scoring SG, only if for the rest of the season.
Why the Jazz don't: It'll be strictly a salary dump and wonder if it's worth it just to save one year. Though this is the FA year to be in.

Why the King's do this: Kirilenko has a smaller contract compared to length over time when combining Nocioni's and Martin's deals. Plus he'll provide true versatility and some stronger inside presence. Fesenko may seem like a throw in, but he can be another young big the King's once coveted last year.
Why the King's don't: The Martin/Evans experiment is a failure. Plus Kirilenko is very expensive, even if it's less money paid out.

Just a quickly thought out trade idea.

If we can somehow trick the Jazz into giving us the NY pick, it'll negate any negatives to why the Kings wouldn't do this deal.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Does this help the Kings this year AND next year and the year after? Would Allen want to resign here near the end of his career? Wouldn't think so. There fore no benefit for Kings next year and temporary help this year but really good help. Lack of long range help makes me say NOPE!
Does this help the Kings this year AND next year and the year after? Would Allen want to resign here near the end of his career? Wouldn't think so. There fore no benefit for Kings next year and temporary help this year but really good help. Lack of long range help makes me say NOPE!
Actually it does help...Finacially... taking Martin and Nocioni long term deals off the table and finding better players to fit our system is a plus
There is a rumor there, and the key point is that Boston might like to make it happen. Makes obvious sense for them as a solution if they are moving Allen.

But it does not make sense or us, and as the article clearly states it would have to involve a third team. Allen to a team wanting to dump salary, that salary comes our way, Kevin goes to Boston.
Agree. However, one option would be to unload a bad contract along with Martin (Noc/Beno), and maybe, pry a pick from Boston (even though, it shall be late first round). Doubt if Boston would take back so much long term salary though.

While I'm not a big fan of cap space, particularly for small market teams, such a move would free up some time for the kids. Plus, as OKC has shown in recent years, cap space can be utilized nicely, to pick up cheap assets.
Kings IN: Tyrus Thomas, Brad Miller
Kings OUT: Kevin Martin, Andrès Nocioni

Bulls IN: Ray Allen
Bulls OUT: Tyrus Thomas, Brad Miller

Celtics IN: Kevin Martin, Andrès Nocioni
Celtics OUT: Ray Allen

May I ask.... ARE YOU NUTZ !@!! You know how LONG it took to get rid of the B52 BUMMER last time !! He is a Terrible Defender and all around bad influence on young bigs. I Believe he already has poisoned Spencer into thinking 7' is all you need to be in the NBA. I dont want Miller around Spencer. NOT GOOD.

And WHAT would Petrie do with 32 MIL in cap space? If he could parley that into a good center and a good power forward I think that would be nice, but would rather not take back Miller unless he is expiring this season and we can waive him. I just as soon never see Miller in a Kings uniform ever again!

On the other hand, the way the team is playing now, we may have to take on some unpleasant characters to get where we need to go. From all that I have read, Tyrus Thomas isnt exactly an angel either !
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Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
At the risk of colliding multiple conversation topics into one, maybe we can get Philly involved and end up with Igoudala? Would they be happy with that much expiring salary in return?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
At the risk of colliding multiple conversation topics into one, maybe we can get Philly involved and end up with Igoudala? Would they be happy with that much expiring salary in return?

They all do seem to collide eventually...but that's not necessarily a sign of sloppy thinking. Would not be surprised in the end if there is not a three way or something done around the league given all the teams looking to shift salary around.
At the risk of colliding multiple conversation topics into one, maybe we can get Philly involved and end up with Igoudala? Would they be happy with that much expiring salary in return?
So you're suggesting one mega trade where we wind up with Iggy, Dalembert, Okafor, Al Jefferson, Amare and Bosh? I'd be down, especially if we can get the Jazz to throw in the Knicks pick too :D


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
So you're suggesting one mega trade where we wind up with Iggy, Dalembert, Okafor, Al Jefferson, Amare and Bosh? I'd be down, especially if we can get the Jazz to throw in the Knicks pick too :D
Exactly :) And then we get to argue endlessly about whether Dally, Okafor, Big Al, 're, and Bosh should be playing power forward or center. Or point guard. :rolleyes: