He's had problems before that I thought were correctable. Part of that is because he seems like such an intelligent, well-spoken guy off the court and I can't really reconcile that with the reputation he has for misbehaving. It was in that context that I thought it would be a good idea to trade for him. Cousins has a similar reputation with other teams who only see him acting out on the court and don't see the person he is off the court. And if you have a coach who can handle his personality, you're getting a terrific front-court compliment to Cousins out of it. That being said, there are so many red flags around Larry at this point, I've got to withdraw my support until something changes. I think he's a smart guy based on interviews and a hell of a defensive player when he wants to be but he obviously has personal issues which are preventing him from doing his job and a pattern of poor decision-making on top of that. I hope he works it out, but I wouldn't take the risk right now.