Lakers @ Kings Game Thread

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Hall of Famer
call it coincidence but:

On March the 14th 1999 Kings beat Lakers at Arco 105 - 101 to improve to 10-12 for the season. JWill lead the Kings with 21/4/5, Webber had 19/11/4 Vlade had 7/8/5,
Abdul-wahad had 15/4. Bench mob was active - lead by Pedja who had 17/6/3. Funderburke had 10/6.

Rookie Jason Williams scored 21 points and sank three big free throws down the stretch as the Sacramento Kings held on for a 105-101 victory that snapped a 10-game winning streak for the Lakers, who lost for the first time in the Kurt Rambis-Dennis Rodman era

"I didn't even realize he (Rodman)wasn't here and I could really care less," said Sacramento coach Rick Adelman. "This was the best game of the year for us. I was really proud of how the guys responded for a full 48 minutes. We got big contributions from a number of people. That's the type of effort we're going to have to get to beat the better teams at home and tonight was a good start."

Predrag Stojakovic matched his career high with 17 points off the bench for Sacramento as Kings reserves outscored the Lakers' backups, 34-17. Lawrence Funderburke added 10 points for the Kings, who shot 48 percent (36-of-75)

"We had to come out and play and simply do what the coach asks us to do,"
added Williams. "The sky is still the limit for us. We just need to keep our heads on straight and we'll be OK."

Kings @ 31-30 for the first time over .500 and for the first time in the PO spot this season are looking for more. Kings increased the winning streak to 4 and the home winning streak to 12. Kings are also for the first time this season 8-2 in the last 10 games and 7-1 since we lost in LA. It can be argued that Kings are at least top 5 teams in the league after the ASB. Also 2-0 on this home stand with the desert left. Kings have a heuge opportunity to get into the 7th spot tomorrow, by themselves, without help of others.
It was a great Sunday in the "Kingdom." Lakers lost to Sonics which wasn't a surprise because they needed that win compared to Spurs and Pistons:rolleyes:. Then Hornets lost followed by Grizzlies. After Kings took care of business - Sunday was perfect. The irony in all this is that we helped the Spurs who really did not deserve it. Kings are at the point where they have their faith in their hands. They won't let it slip simply because it was a hard work that got us here.
When Kings lost in LA - it was the worst loss of the season because of the lack of effort and resistance. Something changed because we bounced back winning 7/8 last games. So, maybe LA did us a favor and I am just saying that we should be nice enough to return it tomorrow night.
How big is the game - tomorrow night ? It is the biggest game of the season so far. (hopefully bigger games will come). It s a game that counts double. It is a game against the team which is above us in the standings. A team which is so ripe. Kings know that. We play that way in the past couple weeks. I hope that the guys did not forget the last game. It has got to be a payback time. It won't be easy but we have the better team, we have the crowd, momentum and we are neither Spurs nor Pistons. Almost forgot - thank god the rivalry is dead. Imagine the tensions if it wasn't.;)
In the past - You might have gotten the impression that I kinda dislike Lakers - a lot. It is absolutely true;). I still have some hope that they suck themselves into the 9th spot - for many years to come (eternity). A win tomorrow would absolutely make my day and the week. Is that so wrong ? Am I obssesed with it ? Do I need therapy? Can You have too much hate for the Lakers ? So many questions but I could care less because there is that voice in my head that keeps screaming BEAT LA !!! I can't help it.
BSPN sucks which has been established on this board for a long time. I like to bring it up from time to time. All those "experts" that already "fired" Adelman at least twice and maybe even more, that pronounced us dead long time ago, that never passed on an opportunity to trash us - should be fired. Actually they should be shot but that might be illegal. Also why the hell isn't the game tomorrow on national TV. You want to promote NBA product ? How can You not show this game ? How can You pass up this opportunity ? You want to give people some taste of PO atmosphere - this is it. BSPN - sucks.
ARCO will be wild tomorrow. And it needs to. We need that support just like we needed it last night or night before. ARCO should welcome Lakers as they deserve. They earned it. Just like the old times. We had many games against LA since we were robbed in the WCF 2002. All of them were important for one reason or another. None of those had such high stakes. None of them will mean as much as this one after we win tomorrow. ARCO will be the key again. We won 12 straight there and there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to stop.
Last night we outlasted the Mavs in a close game mainly because - we wanted it more and we needed it more. KT was clutch which is good sign considering we might need it again. We defended well and had everyone contribute. No TDM awards last night which is yet another good sign. My favorite moments after watching the tape were AJ ejection and Cuban's face after the game was over.
Tomorrow night is the night. I expect Bavetta/Palmer - hopefully not both of them. Somebody needs to keep the game close. Mhim is injured which sucks but I don't really care. When it comes to injuries my sympathy goes to the player who is hurt but not to the team. It is the part of the game. Kings can't underestimate LA and we have to show intensity. Same intensity that was showed by George in the last meeting. Make a statement.
Mike - a Laker assasin should just do his job
Ron - here is another shot on Kobe and just keep taking those pills
Brad - You have to make up things from the last meeting
Bonzi - first time facing Lakers in Kings uniform. Enjoy
SAR - playing better every game and he is on a winning team now.
Kevin - just anothe home game please
Cisco - we miss You
KT - another triple double please ! say hi to Luke - will You
Corliss- maybe a career in writing could be a better choice at this poiny
Hart - playing the best ball of the season. We found a perfect role to acommodate his talents
Exchange students - best seats in the house
Price - actually kicked out Hart out of rotation
Sampson - mateen
RA - don't let hem "let up" Keep them hungry ! Don't even think about expanding rotation - please!
Lakers are in trouble. No big man left that is any good. Except Kobe - they don't have anyone any good anyways. Cook has got to be TDM awars favorite. Luke is the sleeper. We just have got to win this game.
I really wish this was on tv so I could watch Kobe + PJ squirm and cry when we kick their butt. Maybe I can hear them cry!:D
We're going to
BEAT LA!!!!!:D:D
loopymitch said:
I really wish this was on tv so I could watch Kobe + PJ squirm and cry when we kick their butt. Maybe I can hear them cry!:D
We're going to
BEAT LA!!!!!:D:D
I wish this was gonna be on tv too. It's gonna be a wild game, with the arco crowd into it. i love watching kings games and the arco crowd is already yelling out 'defense' in the first quarter when it takes other arenas to get to the third or the fourth quarter to start yelling out 'defense'.
Seriously though, this game makes me nervous. When the game really means something, they seem to step up. I think our new focus on D will change that though. Offense can be streaky, solid defense is easier to replicate.

Kobe under 30, Kings by 8
Rex, what are you doing here? Get to work!!

While I'm nervous about this game, it's not because I think the Kings will lose. I'm scared Kobe's going to kick a ball at me in a tantrum.

Seriously, I love our chances. Every streak has to end sometime, but hopefully the Kings will recognize the importance of this game and bring the endless, scrappy effort that they've brought the past 8 games. Mihm being out is a blow to the Lakers, not that he's especially talented, it's just one less big body down low. Kobe will be testy, so perhaps Ron can rattle him further.

Looking forward to's nice to have a Kings/Lakers game actually have implications!
"nice to have a Kings/Lakers game actually have implications!"

I'm wit ya Cook...and as you know, I'm already off work (not that that stops me from you also know. lol). You're the one slackin dude!
piksi said:
In the past - You might have gotten the impression that I kinda dislike Lakers - a lot. It is absolutely true;). I still have some hope that they suck themselves into the 9th spot - for many years to come (eternity). A win tomorrow would absolutely make my day and the week. Is that so wrong ? Am I obssesed with it ? Do I need therapy? Can You have too much hate for the Lakers ? So many questions but I could care less because there is that voice in my head that keeps screaming BEAT LA !!! I can't help it.
No, there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, I rather enjoy sharing your obsession. It tells me that you are indeed a TRUE KINGS FAN, and that goes a long way to your credibility, not that you aren't infamous amonst kingsfans. Great intro...Beat those LA beotches back to #9!

loopymitch said:
I really wish this was on tv so I could watch Kobe + PJ squirm and cry when we kick their butt. :D:D
Kobe I get, but I like PJ Brown. He's a great player and person. Plus, he's on the Hornets, so why would he care?

Also, why would I post a joke this stupid? I don't know.
GoGoGadget said:
I think you need to take those pancakes off your head. They're clearly having a negative effect.
That also goes for the cigarette in your mouth, Missy. :)

Smoking is not cool (though that picture looks kind of cool).


Hall of Famer
GoGoGadget said:
I'm not, unfortunately. The person I get my tickets from is going himself.
selfish bastard

does he know about Your streak ?

is he a kings fan ?

can we sabotage him somehow ?

we really need this game and I would feel much better if I knew that You are there.



Hall of Famer
piksi said:
selfish bastard

does he know about Your streak ?

is he a kings fan ?

can we sabotage him somehow ?

we really need this game and I would feel much better if I knew that You are there.

i will be eating Dominos Pizza tomorrow night we are 11-0 on days where i eat Dominos Pizza. I did push it agaisnt Memphis i had Pizz thursday night but saved 2 slices for friday morning before i went to work.
Okay, for you pseudo-scientists out there, this presents an interesting experiment.

GoGoGadget will not be at the game, but Entity will be eating Domino's.

If we WIN, then we know that our winning is due to Entity's Domino eating, but does not necessarily disprove GoGoGadget's streak.

If we LOSE, then we know that Entity's Domino eating is merely superstition and has no effect on the Kings. It also does not necessarily prove GoGoGadget's streak, and I'd encourage her to go to every game from now on now that we have disproven the Domino theory, and she's our only hope.

If we TIE, then... something's just really screwed up.
kingkung said:
Okay, for you pseudo-scientists out there, this presents an interesting experiment.

GoGoGadget will not be at the game, but Entity will be eating Domino's.

If we WIN, then we know that our winning is due to Entity's Domino eating, but does not necessarily disprove GoGoGadget's streak.

If we LOSE, then we know that Entity's Domino eating is merely superstition and has no effect on the Kings. It also does not necessarily prove GoGoGadget's streak, and I'd encourage her to go to every game from now on now that we have disproven the Domino theory, and she's our only hope.

If we TIE, then... something's just really screwed up.
LMAO........that was funny.
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