Kings @ Warriors Game Thread

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Piksi accustomed to open threads early,cuz' that is usage on Delije forum,am I right Piksi? ;)
I really hope that Peja and Bibby will get some more minutes of the rest,so they can be fresh for the finish of the game when it is the most important.I hope that Tag will finally get some minutes tonight :D
About GSW,well we must pay attention at Davis,Richardson and maybe Cabarkapa who had carriere-high game two nights ago.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Peja said:
Piksi accustomed to open threads early,cuz' that is usage on Delije forum,am I right Piksi? ;)
piksi opens the thread ahead of time so people can talk about the game.



Hall of Famer
Peja said:
Piksi accustomed to open threads early,cuz' that is usage on Delije forum,am I right Piksi? ;)

No You are not. That forum is lead by people who "suck up" the all the criminals that are driving the club into a compleate disaster
I hate to admit it but this game scares the bejeezers outta me.....the last time we played GSW it was Brad who stepped up with 38 points and then it went into overtime...I'm a bit worried...GOOOO Kings! Good Luck Guys!! We need you to have a great game Skinner!
piksi said:
No You are not. That forum is lead by people who "suck up" the all the criminals that are driving the club into a compleate disaster
I am not really sure how can forum moderators lead team to disaster,but if you say so... :D
I also think that it is cool to open thread early because of pre-games discussions.


Super Moderator Emeritus
bojan_pecanac said:
That reminds me, that dude had a career night a couple of nights ago. 25 points, 5-7 three pointers.

If tradition holds, his career highs could well get higher tonight.

yeah i watched that game he was unstoppable...the announcers just kept saying his name over and over and over again...him and Pietrus had a great game


Super Moderator Emeritus
iheartBrad said:
IF we do happen to lose this expecting the Warriors fan trolls sprouting up all over the place....they're fans really want this game

I'm not worried.



Hall of Famer
piksi said:
They have fans ? :eek:
LOL One of my Bud's is a Warriors fan (goes back to child hood when that was the only CA alternative to Lakers) Anyway we hav gone to the Kings Warriors games many times, and in Oakland over half the audiance has Kings gear on. Of course last seaosn when they beat the Kings in the final meeting in Oakland some of those Warriosrs fans were prety full of them sleves as the Kings faithfull left the collisium.
yes i heard one fan say "if we are to only win one more game the rest of the year let it be this one"

::shrugs::...they're hatred for the Kings is amazing...near Kings fans hatred for the Lakers if you can believe that
Twix said:
They did Survivor last night. So they're not going to do it tonight. I think cause of March Madness. Next week, it'll also be on Wednesday. But they are doing The Apprentice tonight though.
And the game will not be on FSN Bay. Sunday's game, I think will be.;)

Every road game is tough. As long as Kings make their shots, limit their TOs, rebound and play D...things that make you win. They'll do well.

CRAP!!!!!!!! I MISSED IT!!!! now i'm PISSED.....

hmm but this does mean i can watch the whole kings game :D

opps on the blue.... ah well i didn't like those guys anyway. collins is on the miami game, so it will be kevin harlem and i have no idea who else.


Hall of Famer
Evenstar said:
CRAP!!!!!!!! I MISSED IT!!!! now i'm PISSED.....

hmm but this does mean i can watch the whole kings game :D

opps on the blue.... ah well i didn't like those guys anyway. collins is on the miami game, so it will be kevin harlem and i have no idea who else.
John Thompson perhaps
Twix said:
Don't worry, your boy Bobby Jon is still in the game! ;)
LOL yah i looked at the recap on the cbs site, and i saw that it was tied with him and angie and i was like ARGH!!!!!!!!!! kinda scary, but i do think he's gonna be a big time target when the merge comes ( assuming he;s still there.... boy does his team SUCK!!!) i'm gonna look at the another recap being posted.

GO KINGS!!!!!!!!!! HURRY UP HEAT. beat the damn lakers, lets be done with it and GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!!!!!!
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