Kings @ Suns Game Thread

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Hall of Famer
I know it is early but I will not have the access to a computer tomorow so...

After 3 days Kings have a game again. Is that a good thing ? Could go either way at this moment. Kings 0-2 but improving or so it seams. Hard to play on the road without Your best 2 players and with no bench whatsoever. Many other teams in similar situation. At least - everyone is healthy. It will be better even if it is only because it can't get much worse.

Kings are a team that needs ti find itself which will take time. After watching games trough the first week - it is very obvious that Kings have enough talent to make PO provided they stay healthy, they find themselves and somebody provides some kind of leadership. It is going to take some time.

Pedja & Mike are 2 best players we have and this team will get as far as they can carry it which might not be far at all but at least we will know. We have many more guys that can put big numbers but that will only matter if those 2 can be solid. At the moment - they suck and there is no way around it. Still there is no reason not to believe that they will figure it out and soon. While both of them have weaknesses they also have strenghts that got them to the level they are. They just have to figure it out.

We play Suns which is a good thing. We went there as an underdog and won the game that nobody expected us to. There is not reason that history shouldn't repeat itself. We couldn't deal with Suns in the preaseason but I have a feeling that thing will change. If we defend the 3 and rebound fairly well we will be OK provided Mike and Pedja show up. They have nobody inside and we should take advantage of that. Also it is a back to back for them and while it is still early in the season - they play Jazz which will be at least physical

Mike - let's hope that the season starts tonight for Mike. Was trashed by Nash in the preseaason but Mike is due. Unfortunately, no improvement should be expected on defense. Pedja - something would be nice Brad - great last game - keep it up ! Bonzi - a King with 17 rebounds - wow. Cut down TO's please SAR - very steady

Thomas/Williamson - time to say goodbye - hopefully rest of the bench - I would trade for Bobby Jackson

RA - Obviously he wasted the preseason. Instead of trying to get starters into some rythm he was doing ??? Let me know if You can explain the preseason strategy because I have got nothing there. He needs to reconsider substitution patterns because the lineup in which Thomas is the best player - sucks. At least no Corliss as a center yet.

Suns - are suns just not nearly as good as with Amare. If You can stop the 3 and rebound - You will always have a chance. Expect Nash to have a monster game. He owns Bibby lately and it will not change tonight. Can Mike attack him as well ? Marion might have a monster hame but I am more afaraid of JJ and Eddy. I can only hope that neither one of them becomes a Jon Barry reincarnation. Barbosa and Diaw might enjoy the game too.

Go Denver !!! ps. something is wierd with this new format so if any of the moderators can fix it - I would be gratefull (Consider it done, piksi! VF21)
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Too bad that our rival in this tough moment is team which pretend to be NBA champion this year.But,no excuses,guys need to step up finally and make 1st win this season.
On the other hand,maybe Pixi was right.We went there as an underdog and maybe that could be our advantage.
There is nothing better than win against Suns before the big night in Arco on tuesday;)
Give the ball to Reef and let him work.

We'll win the game.

This team has no one inside that can stop Reef consistantly. Let's get the ball down low and let them work. Let THEIR defense collapse and we can kick it for the open 3.

My guess is that Bibby is going to try to be all world and show up Steve Nash ... thusly giving the ball away with each possession.
kings win it 125-123 , peja blocks James jones for the last shot at the rim . wait ..................... it is possible for peja to block somebody (eg dirk in the playoffs 2 yrs ago )


Hall of Famer
GoGoGadget said:
Is it now policy that every thread is going to turn into a debate about Shareef's natural position and general basketball style?
Yes, get used to it. The Web debate is over and the new banners that devide us are "Reef is the Man" and the "Reef ain't done Sh#*" camp... it is going to be a long season...


Super Moderator Emeritus
GoGoGadget said:
Is it now policy that every thread is going to turn into a debate about Shareef's natural position and general basketball style?

There is a thread titled "Shareef" that the continuing SAR worshippers-detractors can feel free to use to debate the same stuff over and over and over again.

I would greatly appreciate it - and so would the rest of the board - if that stuff didn't carry over into every thread.

Thanks ever so...


P.S. Any case anyone new to this thread is wondering, a number of repetitive posts have been deleted.

And one more thing? If you are going to debate this issue past ad nauseum, please remember to make your comments about the argument and NOT the person making it.

Thanks again.
VF21 said:

There is a thread titled "Shareef" that the continuing SAR worshippers-detractors can feel free to use to debate the same stuff over and over and over again.

I would greatly appreciate it - and so would the rest of the board - if that stuff didn't carry over into every thread.

Thanks ever so...


P.S. Any case anyone new to this thread is wondering, a number of repetitive posts have been deleted.

And one more thing? If you are going to debate this issue past ad nauseum, please remember to make your comments about the argument and NOT the person making it.

Thanks again.
I know you are a mod and all - but conversations go where conversations will go.

Going in and deleting them is stupid, just because it happened to morph into something else.

You don't like the Shareef debate - FINE. Don't participate. Change the subject. But playing the whole "it's my ball and we'll play my game" routine is pretty damn weak.

Look, it's 4 hours before gametime - at least there was a discussion. Now there's nothing.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'll move your comments to the Shareef thread and you can continue your "discussion" there.

Conversations go where they go. Unfortunately, when you get involved, they only seem to go in one direction.

The name of the board is ...
VF21 said:
I'll move your comments to the Shareef thread and you can continue your "discussion" there.

Conversations go where they go. Unfortunately, when you get involved, they only seem to go in one direction.

The name of the board is ...
I didn't start it. I just said we should get it down on the block to Shareef.

Other people chimed in at that point.

Don't blame me, man. Heck, I never started threads called "Shareef" or "Shareef should be the first option".

I'm frustrated by the play. I'll admit it. I think any team that works outside-in is going to fail. So, regardless of Reef or if we had Jesus Christ on the block ... I'd say get it inside. Then work it outside.

Anytime you rely on pure shooters to create and make their shots, you will be streaky.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Uh oh...

I should probably tell you I'm most likely old enough to be at least your mother if not your grandmother.

Let's just say I've been an NBA basketball fan for 40+ years and leave it at that.

The best part of is that people actually follow rules and we can have decent conversation without this turning into just any other message board. Props to VF21 for doing a great job making sure it stays that way!!

Also it is a great place where seniority counts, but new members are always welcomed (thanks to 6th) and respected. By the way... Alot of members who have September 2004 asJoin date have actually been around much longer, but after the big crash last year we all had to re-register :)

Go Kings!!
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Homer Fan Since 1985
Thank you for the kind words, vj9999. Only with members who respect one another can we continue to have an atypical message board. I like it and there are plenty of other places for people who like typical bashing, disrespecting, and rude boards.
good to see where getting the offensive rebouds but pejas already missed his first 3 shots... argghhhh slow it down!

bit he seeems to be rebounding pretty wellso far actually :)
i actually dont think rebounding should be that bad this year with bonzi and shareef now here :) as well as peja rebounding pretty well as seen in the rockets game

however defense is still looking etchy!!!!!! shouldve foulded kurt on that soft layup!!

nice passing by SAR!!
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