[Game] Kings @ Suns, 3/11/2023 6pm Pacific 9pm Eastern

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Remember some of the doom and gloomers on this forum whining about the KINGS not making any moves while the rest of the league all got better?

I fully recall clapping back, saying that not all of the splashy headline moves that were made would work out. Lots of moves were made out of desperation and panic. Luckily, McNair wasn’t one of the GM’s that panicked and overpaid, or worse yet, broke chemistry.

I’m sure McNair would have made more than the Kessler Edwards deal had the right deal presented itself. But, clearly, it didn’t.

Regardless, how fitting is it that the team with the best record in the NBA since the break is the only contending team that didn’t make any earth shattering moves?
Doom and gloomer here.

Let’s not get crazy now, to be fair the teams that made moves all did get better. And we are still lacking a quality backup center.

That being said. I’ll never complain about being freakin 8 and 1! I’d rather be wrong 100 times with better results than be right and suck.
Let’s not get crazy now, to be fair the teams that made moves all did get better. And we are still lacking a quality backup center.
Well, looking at the Mavs (getting Kyrie) and Clippers (getting Westbrook and Plumlee) they have been losing more than winning since making their splashy moves.

Making a big move, doesn't guarantee anything. Team makeup and chemistry is way underrated.
Team makeup and chemistry is way underrated.
This. Honestly suprising that this is still the case, given the immense benefits that such chemistry/makeup can bring. The Contract thing that came out yesterday was a huge eye opener but made perfect sense based on what we're seeing. I just don't see any other teams in the league playing with the type of chemistry and togetherness that the Kings are. It's like we're playing a different game. I just have some kind of feeling that something crazy could happen in the playoffs - because other orgs are discounting this chemistry aspect. Look - we don't even have to rely on "chemistry" in the playoffs, we have our fourth quarter killer. We have great cruchtime D. But we also have the chemistry that can allow your team to adapt and react to in-game scenarios. Monte is truly creating a monster.
Very intrigued by Kessler after last night.

He is not afraid, and has the length/versatility to be a factor. Could end up developing into an important role player. These last 15 games are important for him and may play a role into what Monte decides to do with Barnes. Not that I want to get rid of HB, but Kessler may make him more expendable if we don't resign him.
Perhaps our GM is more shrewd than most gave him credit for?

As I said earlier, I get some Geoff Petrie vibes from him.
I think there will be a bit of a chemistry change now that Kessler has been molded into the team mix. He sat for a long time to get acclimated before Brown threw him in with the lions...simply good coaching. It appears that he may be becoming the defensive "leader" of the team.

In addition, Davion will be invigorated by the attention and defensive skills of Kessler. Not that there will be a competition but it is a validation that Brown highly values defense and thus elevates Davion's self-worth and motivation to perform even better.

It is possible that this little chemistry change will spur the overall team to concentrate on the defense example shown in this game. It would be like engaging a turbocharger and the Kings could become virtually unstoppable.
I'm not worried in the slightest. McNair has been extremely consistent in his intentionality with any move he makes with the Kings. It's very much the Morey tree where you're not making moves to just make moves, but only striking at the right times. Honestly, he didn't bring in a whole lot the first 2 seasons outside of retaining Holmes (good move, at the time), minor trades/FA pick-ups for back-end rotation players and making his draft picks. Then just turned on the turbo jets in the past year with the Domas trade, Monk FA signing, Huerter trade, Brown his first coach hiring, etc.

I mean, just look at the dialogue after the deadline about how pissed everyone was that he didn't make any substantial moves and that we'd fall behind in the playoff race. Maybe even fall all the way to the play-in. And the Kings have responded with an 8-1 record post-break.
This. My worry about us making some wild move went away at the deadline, as bad i actually did want us to do something. Monte showed Petrie level patience and i respect it very much. It's nice balance of patience and pulling the trigger when something makes sense, while Petrie was obviously stifled by cheap ownership after a while that clearly wanted to sabotage and move us to Vegas.
This. My worry about us making some wild move went away at the deadline, as bad i actually did want us to do something. Monte showed Petrie level patience and i respect it very much. It's nice balance of patience and pulling the trigger when something makes sense, while Petrie was obviously stifled by cheap ownership after a while that clearly wanted to sabotage and move us to Vegas.
I have to agree, while also giving a bit of props to Vivek. As much as we thought he was the Nerd Who Couldn't Basketball... he's shown himself to be a very good owner, even if one might contend it's in spite of himself. The praise should not stop at Brown and McNair. With Brown's continued display of genius, I will continue to say: Vivek Vindicated!
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I have to agree, while also giving a bit of props to Vivek. As much as we thought he was the Nerd Who Couldn't Basketball... he's shown himself to be a very good owner, even if one might contend it's in spite of himself. The praise should not stop at Brown and McNair. With Brown's continued display of genius, I will continue to say: Vivek Vindicated!
Well Vivek is under contract of Mike Brown lol

3. A signed contract by each player, each member of the coaching staff and owner Vivek Ranadivé pledging to fully commit to your individual assigned roles.
Well Vivek is under contract of Mike Brown lol

3. A signed contract by each player, each member of the coaching staff and owner Vivek Ranadivé pledging to fully commit to your individual assigned roles.
Let's just hope that Coach Brown assigned him the role of sitting at half court cheering for the team and doing the Shaka with the celebs who come to town.....and never be involved with any sort of basketball decision.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I have to agree, while also giving a bit of props to Vivek. As much as we thought he was the Nerd Who Couldn't Basketball... he's shown himself to be a very good owner, even if one might contend it's in spite of himself. The praise should not stop at Brown and McNair. With Brown's continued display of genius, I will continue to say: Vivek Vindicated!
He made two bad GM hires and said some really stupid stuff about cherry picking once and got raked over the coals for it. There are a lot of just absentee owners who don't have the futility streak but they also don't ever have more than like 1 out of 5 years in the playoffs. To me that's the kind of team you don't want to be a fan of.
He made two bad GM hires and said some really stupid stuff about cherry picking once and got raked over the coals for it. There are a lot of just absentee owners who don't have the futility streak but they also don't ever have more than like 1 out of 5 years in the playoffs. To me that's the kind of team you don't want to be a fan of.
I'd rather have an active owner who deeply cares about winning and is incompetent at first but willing to improve vs. an owner who outsources all decisions with a mandate to "be profitable". I advocate for a blaket pardon of all Vivek's past mistakes - even before any playoff success this year.

Dude was just going on his experience - who can blame him? He took his daughter's team to state finals. You're telling me you wouldn't have that type of confidence coming off of a mid-nine figure tech exit?? LOL


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I'd rather have an active owner who deeply cares about winning and is incopetent at first but willing to improve vs. an owner who outsources all decisions with a mandate to "be profitable". I advocate for a blaket pardon of all Vivek's past mistakes - even before any playoff success this year.

Dude was just going on his experience - who can blame him? He took his daughter's team to state finals. Your'e telling me you wouldn't have that type of confidence coming off of a mid-nine figure tech exit?? LOL
Honestly I think we may benefit for it vs. the Maloofs and even Cuban who got lucky on their first try. Mavs are completely floundering away their second crack at a generational talent. And I am sure Cuban thinking he knows everything because he did it with Dirk doesn't help there.
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