Kings Season Ticket Holders: Are You Renewing?

Season ticket holders: Are you renewing your tickets?

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After 23 years, it's time for me to call it a day. I've had season tickets since day one, but this is the end. The first season, my tickets were $15.00 per game. Now they are $140, and I can no longer justify the expense. I've gone through nine ticket partners, and the current one said, "No more". He also speculated that the over/under on renewals was about 6,500. I think that's a bit low, but I wanted to see what my fellow KingsFans are thinking. Will you renew? Why/why not?

These days, I'm closer to age 65 than I am to 30. I could have almost paid off my house with the money I have spent on the Kings. I enjoyed the experience, but enough is enough. It's a sad day, my friends.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
This is one of those seasons where the whole scheme of forcing people to choose to renew while the season is still going on is a really bad idea. I remember when they started pushing that date up and up, likely because hey, we were winning, but I don't know. In any case, last season was crash pt 1, claimed a huge swath (including myself) and the whole waiting list. This season will now be crash pt 2, and I am thinking that whoever is left after this will be the true hard core that will never give them up under any circumstances.

If they were smart, they would have pushed the renewal date back into the offseason sometime. Asking people to renew at the current prices in the middle of a second season of ick is just unrealistic.

Congrats on the 23 years ZZ -- a good run.
My day of reckoning on this was during "crash pt 1". I decided to give up my tix due to personal financial reasons, much the same as you. So, I can identify with this. I'd only held them for 7 years, not 23, but still it was a big decision.

With the economy in the shape its in, I can't imagine some downward adjustment coming in ticket prices not happening in the next year or two.
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I'm done as well. I have had them for the past 8 seasons and I am not going to renew. Last year I renewed early simply because I figured they had to do something to improve the team and the only thing they did was fire the coach.

One other thing about this. So I don't renew right now but what if the Kings make some big deals this summer and are suddenly legit again?? Seeing the number of open seats I don't think it would be too hard to pick up the phone and call my season ticket person in August or September and get my same seats.
Well, we are renewing. Will do so in the next few weeks. Only 8 years in for us as season ticket holders, but fans since the beginning. And in the beginning when the team came here, we spent 15 straight years putting children through college, all away from home.

We have great seats, exactly where we want to be. The ticket holders around us are renewing as well except for one--illness in the family. Two have secured partners for next year. We have a "family" of seatmates around us and that makes a difference.

This doesn't mean that I don't understand why other leave--how disappointing this season has been--and frankly, the kids, "Martin, Garcia, Hawes, and Beno" have been playing quite a bit and Martin and Beno a lot. Wish Doubly and Williams could get more time, but it is what it is. It is the additions to the team that they added that was annoying to us.

So, count us in as "hard core"--that is what we want to do!

I'm done as well. I have had them for the past 8 seasons and I am not going to renew. Last year I renewed early simply because I figured they had to do something to improve the team and the only thing they did was fire the coach.

One other thing about this. So I don't renew right now but what if the Kings make some big deals this summer and are suddenly legit again?? Seeing the number of open seats I don't think it would be too hard to pick up the phone and call my season ticket person in August or September and get my same seats.
I, too have been a season ticket holder for 8 years. I will not be renewing either. I lost too much money in the last 2 years. In the last 2 years, I couldn't sell approximately 16 games and that's a lot of money to lose.

I no longer have the luxury of spending thousands and thousands of dollars only to be frustrated with the team that we have now.

I agree with Ryle. If I happen to change my mind, I don't think I will have a problem with being a season ticket holder again. But I have been talking with several people and they have told me that they too will not be renewing only because their partners have backed and said enough is enough.

Its kind of sad, but it is what it is. I really don't think next season will be any different than this season.....same team, same coach, just different year.

By the way, I have decided to jump on one of my family's season tickets, who has great seat, second level, first row plus aisle seats. I will still be going to 8-10 games but at least I don't have to worry about the hassle of not being able to sell my games
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Super Moderator Emeritus
I added a poll - and made it public so people who AREN'T season ticket holders won't attempt to skew the voting.
We have great seats, exactly where we want to be. The ticket holders around us are renewing as well except for one--illness in the family. Two have secured partners for next year. We have a "family" of seatmates around us and that makes a difference.

That's one of the things that makes this so difficult. We are in Row G, lower level, on the aisle. We couldn't ask for better seats.

We have also watched our Kings seatmates' families grow up before our very eyes. One of the boys in front of us was in diapers the first season. He will be graduating law school in a few months...
I, too have been a season ticket holder for 8 years. I will not be renewing either. I lost too much money in the last 2 years. In the last 2 years, I couldn't sell approximately 16 games and that's a lot of money to lose.
How many people buy season tickets with the intent to scalp them, as opposed with the idea of actually going to the games? We might see a difference between these two types of buyers--those trying to skim off the games and those trying to watch the games.
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I used to purchase about a quarter to a half of a season from various people that had season tickets, but I cannot fork out the cost of them anymore. I didn't go to a single game this year for the first time in ages. Usually I will be at about 15-25 games a year, but the price, and the economy hit me hard.


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Staff member
How many people buy season tickets with the intent to scalp them, as opposed with the idea of actually going to the games? We might see a difference between these two types of buyers--those trying to skim off the games and those trying to watch the games.
A lot of folks use a good chunk of the tickets and sell the others (not scalping, as they typically don't charge more than face value) to help defray the cost.....especially for teams they may not be interested in or for games they will not be in town to see.....
When I was at the season opener, The guy sitting next to me was pretty bummed because he was the only one left in his section. He was telling me how he had the seats for 15-20 years or so and the people around him watched his kids grow up and vice versa. He was genuily sad that his "family" had all bailed out on him.
I'm not a season tix holder, but I have a good friend who is. He's undecided about renewing his two seats which are lower deck. Might switch to cheaper upper deck tix next season he says or forgo altogether since individual seats are now so easily available for most games.
I have had a single season ticket for 20 years, lower level center court. I will be renewing for one more season. I am thinking about maybe trying to move into the lower part of the upper deck to save money.

With the number of unsold tickets and available seats, I likely can get a cheap season ticket, and then just go down and sit in my original seat, or one of the other 3 singles available in the area, as these singles seats are always available, with the exception of the Laker games, and the occasionally sold out game.

I love my seat, but in this bad economy, with people losing their homes, and losing jobs, I really thought the Maloofs would lower the prices a little for season ticket holders, or give us break on parking, something to help us out, but they obviously don't give a darn about us and it will show in a bunch more empty seats in the arena.
we have to bail too. 2 seats, first row, upper deck. Good seats but I just can't justify the cost. My buddy with 4 seats in the lower level is done too. Next year Arco is going to be extremely empty.
Case in point as to why I am not renewing. I am trying to sell 2 seats to both the Houston and Clippers game this week as my Dad is out of town and he and I usually go to the games together.

I am charging $100(which is now down to $50) for both games and I can't sell them. The costs of these seats to me for both games(plus the parking) is $210. I am discounting the actual tickets by 100% and I still can't get rid of them. I have had about 10-12 games this year that I have sold for way under face value or have just given away so someone can use them.

I would venture to guess that my loss this year has been at least $1,000 and probably more.
Case in point as to why I am not renewing. I am trying to sell 2 seats to both the Houston and Clippers game this week as my Dad is out of town and he and I usually go to the games together.

I am charging $100(which is now down to $50) for both games and I can't sell them. The costs of these seats to me for both games(plus the parking) is $210. I am discounting the actual tickets by 100% and I still can't get rid of them. I have had about 10-12 games this year that I have sold for way under face value or have just given away so someone can use them.

I would venture to guess that my loss this year has been at least $1,000 and probably more.
That's the reality of the situation. I have been unable to give away tickets this year. When that happens, one has to question their decision to keep renewing.
I'm not a season ticket holder, nor have I ever been. Out of my reach financially, especially in the earlier years.

The Maloofs have not raised prices for 2 or 3 seasons now, correct? So the Kings are slipping down in price compared to other teams.

I just think it's unrealistic to think they can lower prices much. Sacramento has no corporate base and few and old "luxury" suites. So costs are supported by average joe ticket buyer.

I'm sure the team's expenses haven't gone down anymore than the expenses for any of us. As a matter of fact, I expect it gets more expensive to maintain Arco every year.

Yes tickets used to be much cheaper. What wasn't cheaper? But that's why the city had to bail them out with a $70 million loan (pre-Maloofs). The owners were going to have to sell, because they were broke. And the Bee verfied quite a few years of red ink for MSE, as well.

I'm not blaming anyone for giving up their season tickets. Not at all. After all, I've never had them, because of more important financial obligations. It's just that I can see how it would be very difficult for MSE to lower prices.
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I just think it's unrealistic to think they can lower prices much. Sacramento has no corporate base and few and old "luxury" suites. So costs are supported by average joe ticket buyer.
The Kings are going to Maui next season for training camp. It looks like MSE is not pushing any SAVE $ strategy since the budget for those few weeks in Hawaii dwarfs hanging out at their hometown training facility digs or even Las Vegas where Kings could be put up at The Palms.
How many people buy season tickets with the intent to scalp them, as opposed with the idea of actually going to the games? We might see a difference between these two types of buyers--those trying to skim off the games and those trying to watch the games.
In the last 2 years, I have NOT scalped any of my tickets. In fact, I have sold my tickets for face value. I was tired of losing money when people would ask me to sell 2 tickets for $10, when the face value was $40.50 a ticket and for the pair would be $81. Therefore, I would lose a significant amount of money. I'm glad I don't have to worry about this anymore.


I like turtles
This thread makes me so sad! But like everyone else, and I'm speaking for my family, who has had season tickets from the first season, prices are too expensive and no one wants to buy.

It's not just the team that's changed, it's Arco. No one stands up anymore, people arive late and leave early - the electricity is gone. I guess I should have seen it coming when during the first game of the 2003-04 regular season (Lebrons first game) George Carl said "this is the quietest I've ever seen Arco". Yikes.

We're keeping them out of love for the Kings and in hopes that one day it will back to the hottest ticket in town.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
That's the reality of the situation. I have been unable to give away tickets this year. When that happens, one has to question their decision to keep renewing.

When I bailed after last season this was one of the things that made it obviosu to me too. Since I am not local, the tickets were originally a gift to my brothers/family. When they lost interest, increasingly given away to various friends and family out there. When the friends and family increasingly began to say no thanks, even to free tickets...that just became pointless. I could not support the direction management was headed, wanted to send a message, and my family neither had a cosistent interest in the tickets themselves nor could any longer could even consistently find people who were willing to pay the price of parking and be willing to take them for free. That's not a great sign.

Here is what would worry me if I'm the Maloofs, and what really puts the lie to the "mediocrity keeps people in the seats" thing. We were 26th in attendance int he NBA this year. 26th. That's a shocking falloff. And that's announced attendance -- there have been many many nights when it hasn't looked close to what they have claimed. And that's with us being far from the worst team in the league. And that's before this current die off which is really going to cut into things further. If this is not a message to management that they need to change the way they are approaching things I do not know what would qualify. People need HOPE. (And really that qualifies inside or outside of basketball). They need hope for the future. The jump from 33 wins to 36 wins really means almost nothing in ticket sales minus hope. There is no going back to the way things were before ticket prices skyroicketed and we found out what it meant to have a winner, but for 15 years there the Kings packed the barn every night on nothing more than hope really. Every year a new young stud, a new plan, a new whatever to watch and hope. Keeping the same boring group of sub.500 veterans together year after year is beyond nutty.
We are not renewing for the same reasons as many others. For us, we have bought season tickets because we love the Kings, and love going to games and supporting our team. For financial reasons, and because we have two small kids (makes for a very expensive night when you add in babysitting, etc) we only go to about 10 games a year, and have typically sold off batches of 10 to three other parties. This year that dropped to one batch of 10 and one batch of 6. Of the remaining games, many we gave away because we were unable to sell, and even finding someone to use them was difficult. This year our one partner that has faithfully bought 10 games a year has pulled out. So, we would have responsibility for trying to sell 25 or so games.... it just doesn't seem like it's going to happen, and we honestly can't afford to give that much money away.

I'm very sad, but I know that I can buy a mini package or just several separate tickets and still go to my 8-10 games a year without the stress of trying to recover money that we've already paid out 6 or 7 months before.

On a side note, I agree with Brick that the early renewal date might backfire. It's just a long time in advance to pay out the money.
We are not renewing for the same reasons as many others. For us, we have bought season tickets because we love the Kings, and love going to games and supporting our team. For financial reasons, and because we have two small kids (makes for a very expensive night when you add in babysitting, etc) we only go to about 10 games a year, and have typically sold off batches of 10 to three other parties. This year that dropped to one batch of 10 and one batch of 6. Of the remaining games, many we gave away because we were unable to sell, and even finding someone to use them was difficult. This year our one partner that has faithfully bought 10 games a year has pulled out. So, we would have responsibility for trying to sell 25 or so games.... it just doesn't seem like it's going to happen, and we honestly can't afford to give that much money away.

I'm very sad, but I know that I can buy a mini package or just several separate tickets and still go to my 8-10 games a year without the stress of trying to recover money that we've already paid out 6 or 7 months before.

On a side note, I agree with Brick that the early renewal date might backfire. It's just a long time in advance to pay out the money.

Maybe. People probably just figure that if they want they can just get their season tickets back at a later date so it probably will I guess.
It is shocking to be 26th in home attendance. Who would ever have thought.:( Fans here sold out the arena for years with the worst team in the league.

I think the current malaise among ticketbuyers is not solely due to a mediocre team. I think it's also due to the smear campaign against the Maloofs run by the local media, which has painted them as the evil rich guys.

Also, during this down time for the Kings, I think it's hard to keep fans attached or gain new ones, when the locals don't know whether the team will be gone in a year or two to another city. Unfortunately, if ticket sales stay so close to the bottom, a new arena might be moot. They won't be able to stay, because there isn't enough paying customers.

My first game this year was horribly depressing, because I was the only one in my section (or at least it felt like it) that was standing, cheering the team on, shouting defense or anything. Most everyone around me looked like they could care less what was happening on the floor. Made me wonder why they bothered to attend at all. :confused: It was awful to see Arco like that. The video Piksi posted in the game thread just had me in tears. This year, I feel like most people don't care if the Kings leave. :(
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Gosh Kennadog, let me assure you that a lot of people care. I don't think it is ever going to be the same at Arco as it used to be--there are few things in life/sports that stay the same, but it can get better than it is now. There are so many that never can go to a game, but that does not mean they are not fans of the Kings. Most of the people we know follow the Kings and we are one of only three couples that have tickets. I feel that MSE is going to have to, and soon, bring a product to the floor that will bring fans back and so that is our hope.

Now to our experience with tickets: For the last 3 years we have had our own season tickets. 2 years prior to that we bought 1 1/2 seasons and paid 20% more than the ticket holder (there was a waiting list, remember). The prior 1 1/2 years we rarely missed a game. We bought most of our tickets on ebay and always paid above face value (as did everyone else). Some of our best providers lived out of Sacramento and a couple out-of-state. I asked the one from San Jose about same: his story was he bought seasons tickets for 3 CA teams and made a good profit, like a second job would. So, some people did have tickets just to sell. We did also use The Bee and always paid more than face--that was just the way it used to be. And no--we did not know of King websites where we could buy tickets. No one ever mentioned it either. Annie.
There is no going back to the way things were before ticket prices skyroicketed and we found out what it meant to have a winner, but for 15 years there the Kings packed the barn every night on nothing more than hope really. Every year a new young stud, a new plan, a new whatever to watch and hope. Keeping the same boring group of sub.500 veterans together year after year is beyond nutty.
I also think that Sacramento has changed quite a bit in that same time period. The population of the greater Sacramento which includes Placer, El Dorado and Yolo is over 2 million now. So, I think people have also found other ways to fill their time.

Let's be honest, people that really knew basketball would have never confused any of the Sacramento era Kings teams prior to 02' with championship quality. When I went to my first game back in the old Arco it was simply about being at an NBA game. There was an energy that came from the novelty of it all. Night in night out it certainly had little to do with the Kings talent or new "young" players.


I like turtles
I think the current malaise among ticketbuyers is not solely due to a mediocre team. I think it's also due to the smear campaign against the Maloofs run by the local media, which has painted them as the evil rich guys.

Also, during this down time for the Kings, I think it's hard to keep fans attached or gain new ones, when the locals don't know whether the team will be gone in a year or two to another city.
You're 100% right. We've lost our identity. It seems like we have these great opportunities, like a new arena or possible trades, but then comes the let Webber?? who will we get...oh, 3 ok payers from Philly. Oh cool, Ron! We're going to be great next season....ooh, wait, Maloofs fired Rick. New Arena?! SWEET....oohh, bad PR moves....New uniforms?? COOL...oh, wait, ugly gold.....

Believe me, I'm very optimistic about the Kings future, but there comes a point where it becomes hard to support an organization that keeps letting me down. And I know it's not all their fault, but still, it hurts.
It's hard times for our Kings. Maybe were still on a downer after the high of "that" team. I just hope the fans don't let the team down. It works both ways. If we can hang in there, I do believe it will get better. The mantra of fans of not-so-good teams....."There's always next year." ;)
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
It's hard times for our Kings. Maybe were still on a downer after the high og "that" team. I just hope the fans don't let the team down. It works both ways. If we can hang in there, I do believe it will get better. The mantra of fans of not-so-good teams....."There's always next year." ;)
Ther problem (well one of them) is that for season ticket holders "if we can just hang in there" = "if we can just pay $5000 a year for a product that brings us little joy rather than spend it on kids, vacations, or landscaping the backyard".

The Maloofs want the fans back, then they agitate for change. They come back with the same team AGAIN, for the 3rd/4th year in a row? Then they deserve every empty seat. Its a two way street. I'm aggravated just watching this stuff on TV. I can only imagine the joy sitting in the stands thinking "well there went a nice dinner with my girlfriend", "there went a new bike for my nephew", "there went..." get the idea. They were in a tremendous hurry to tear down and toss away every evidence of our glory years (even Bibby was finally the first piece to be moved in forever), and now thbey want to blindly cheer and grasp onto the crap that has followed? Like I say, a two way street. Wait and see is not a plan. Patience at $5000 a year is a pipedream for most of your fanbase. When your customers quit buying your product you can either act as the Maloofs have -- ineffectually trying to repackage and sell the same ole same ole as new and exciting! Woohoo! "the puruit of .500!!" Woot! :rolleyes: Or you can go out and make adjustemnts to your product. Or, of course you can just do nothing and sit there and lose a lot of money. (and of course for these purposes I am laying it at the feet of the Maloofs, when Geoff is the instrument that needs to get aggressive).
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